I'm trying to find information on the in's and outs of cutting and recomping. The reason I ask is because the scale weight is going down pretty slowly. I don't know if I should drop calories more or not. I took a pic of my self a couple weeks ago and one recently and I've seen a little bit of tightening and I've lost 1.25 inches on my waist.

Is recomping typically something that is possible for someone who is secondary hypo and takes 40mg of test cyp twice a week. (816 total, 21.6 free) I don't consider myself a noob so I don't think anything I might be gaining is considered that.

Do people on TRT typically gain muscle when they are at a caloric deficit or are they mainly maintaining?

I have maintenance calories on non workout day's set at 2500 and on workout days 3000-3300 (depending if I do cardio or not). I have been very consistent weighing my food and taking in 2300 a day. Protein: 225-250g Carbs: 150g Fat: 78g

Age: 39 Weight: 213 Height: 6'1 Bodyfat: 14.9% (7 site calipers)

- 4 day a week upper/lower split
- 60 minutes LISS cardio on off days and 20-30 post workout twice a week while drinking BCAA's.

Responses are appreciated.