28 years old
5'7" 178lbs
10.2% BF using caliper

Stronger lower body than upper for sure. 275lbs bench and a 415lbs squat.

Would love to be 185lbs. 190lbs if possible really.

Gonna try and crank it up with 500mg of Test E a week. Maybe 750. Never used an AAS before.

Diet looks a lot like this.

Typically at 6am.

1 cup of oatmeal
1 1/2 scoops of whey protein
1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter
16.9oz water.
BLEND and drink

1 capsule of DX7 Vitamin.
Tablespoon of Carlsons Fish Oil

Usually at around 9am
2 eggs and cheese with light ketchup on plain bagel. 2 sandwiches

12pm. Most varied meal of day. I work in city and bringing in lunch to these sites is usually not a good idea. No where to store them! So it ranges from Moes/Chipotle bowls (never cheese, sour cream, or any of more unhealthy ingredients there) to toss grilled chicken salads with light, lite salad dressing.


2 pieces of grilled chicken
1 cup of oatmeal
1 capsule of DX7 Vitamin.


maybe steamed chicken/broccoli with brown rice. Or more chicken with pasta. Sometimes 2 cans of tuna with lite miracle whip and 2 or 3 pickles. Then i'll have a banana.


N2Bulk Shake. 430 calories. Sweet potato is in there and casein protein. 40g of protein and 35g of carbs (something like that anyway).
1 capsule of DX7 Vitamin.

Of course it's not perfect but this isn't terrible either. Looking for suggestions, changes, ideas!