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  1. #1
    CLAVHAMMER's Avatar
    CLAVHAMMER is offline Junior Member
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    IM not gonna make fun of the person who told me this but...

    Somebody told me the other day that drinking whey protein doesent really help Why-TF would people drink it, even flavored protein tastes like dry wall. My real question is that I live close to a nice meat store up the street and they sell meat packages that start at $50 something dollars and up, should I buy an expensive package or should I be eating more vegetables than meat?

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Whey protein helps but there is no substitute for real food as a proetein source. I like a shake post workout with oats and someime supplement another before my workout. That's what they are...a supplement to the rest of your diet!

  3. #3
    auswest is offline Banned
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    I know people who go to the gym and believe slamming a shake or 2 is all they need, protein shakes are near on pointless if you are not allready calculating your intake and are using them to fill in the gaps, that's all they are just a convenient and easy way to hit your protein needs, as we don't all have the time nor sometimes the capabilities of consuming enough protein through real food.

    Construct your diet to suit your life style, protein shakes help with this a great deal.

  4. #4
    jpowell is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1;62***64
    Whey protein helps but there is no substitute for real food as a proetein source. I like a shake post workout with oats and someime supplement another before my workout. That's what they are...a supplement to the rest of your diet!

    I agree with this. myself, 1 shake a day only after workout. carbs, whey, ice, water.

    Quote Originally Posted by CLAVHAMMER;62***56
    Somebody told me the other day that drinking whey protein doesent really help Why-TF would people drink it, even flavored protein tastes like dry wall. My real question is that I live close to a nice meat store up the street and they sell meat packages that start at $50 something dollars and up, should I buy an expensive package or should I be eating more vegetables than meat?

    drinking whey is two sided. its a two-sided argument. its quick and fills in the macro gaps. like
    lunk said. however on the other side, i have saw diets (palumbo cutting) based off of shakes and people having tremendous results, but the fact of the matter is, you can get a better supp than a solid macro rich diet. always use real foods first.
    butchers/meat stores have the best deals. buy in bulk-fresh-then freeze. ino whr im at 50$ will def get a nice package. you want a variety of meats tho, not just one. look for very lean cuts. (chicken breast over thighs, london broil steaks, turkey breast etc) depending on your diet, you only want green, leafy, fibrous veggies. (broc, lettuce, and some others) shodnt eat more than pro amount, but shod def get 3-4 cups a day (its what i do) so i rec it.

  5. #5
    Lazarov's Avatar
    Lazarov is offline Associate Member
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    Whey is a fantastic source of protein. If you're taking in 1.5-2 times your body weight or lean body mass, it's hard and expensive to eat that much meat.

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    I know people who go to the gym and believe slamming a shake or 2 is all they need, protein shakes are near on pointless if you are not allready calculating your intake and are using them to fill in the gaps, that's all they are just a convenient and easy way to hit your protein needs, as we don't all have the time nor sometimes the capabilities of consuming enough protein through real food.

    Construct your diet to suit your life style, protein shakes help with this a great deal.
    Good post.

  7. #7
    CLAVHAMMER's Avatar
    CLAVHAMMER is offline Junior Member
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    So im gonna take what I think is a good guess and say 2 pounds of flavored whey for two months + meat + vegetables

  8. #8
    Mostly-fat is offline Junior Member
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    What's your goals? You look kinda thick in the pic and a good all around diet might be needed.. I'm going through the same process now.. It seems like losing the weight/fat before building good mass would be better for you..

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    whey protein shakes are a short cut for not having a proper diet. yes, they help. but not ideal. and it is cheap when compared to available protein on a gram per gram basis.

  10. #10
    CLAVHAMMER's Avatar
    CLAVHAMMER is offline Junior Member
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    I want power, size, cuts and endurance. I currently have 30 pounds of meat in the freezer.

  11. #11
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    I know people who go to the gym and believe slamming a shake or 2 is all they need, protein shakes are near on pointless if you are not allready calculating your intake and are using them to fill in the gaps, that's all they are just a convenient and easy way to hit your protein needs, as we don't all have the time nor sometimes the capabilities of consuming enough protein through real food.

    Construct your diet to suit your life style, protein shakes help with this a great deal.
    Again, good post. Used to fill where needed.

    I would start here with your TDEE requirements, then read the rest of the nutrition stickies.

  12. #12
    Mostly-fat is offline Junior Member
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    Go to the nutrition section and read all the stickies you'll be doing yourself a great favor, there's so much good info for guys like you and me.. Honestly chugging protien and eating meat all the time will probably do nothing for you my friend.. Also hitting the gym seeing how much you can bench will prolly hurt you and that's about it..

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