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  1. #1
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Which cutting plan works best when....

    I see members doing different cutting plans IF, carb cycling, traditional 5-6 meals but how do you select what plan to use when. Is the trend to use carb cycling seems when plateau in the lower bf%? When is idea for IF? It seems that traditional approach is initially selected when need to cut significant bf. is there an ideal cut to use in certain situations????

  2. #2
    ANIMAL's Avatar
    ANIMAL is offline Associate Member
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    I think it's all preference and what you can stick to. If you stray off the path on a strict carb cycle you'll spend the next couple of days fighting to get back where you were. Especially when getting down in low BF%.

    My personal preference is carb cycling because it makes the most sense to me. Utilize carbs as energy only and nothing is stored. Focus carbs in your first/pre/post meals on moderate days, just veggies on low days and adjust accordingly on high days, I like adding an extra 100-150g complex carbs on high days, which you don't lift to restore.

    I had my gf on a strict carb cycle this past summer and it worked very well. She has been doing her own reading and wants to try IF in the spring. I personally don't think I can go a full day without eating. So in the end I think it's just preference. But carb cycling definitely works.

  3. #3
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    GGR when cutting IMO its best to start simple and adjust according to results. i am seeing small changes work well for keeping progress coming. if u throw everything at ur cut at one time it leaves little room for changes to be made.

    i would recommend a standard deficit to begin with. reducing carbs is always a good idea IMO. from there u can implement a carb cycle and also at some point include fasting.

    i am fasting EOD and having great results. there are a lot fo benefits to fasting, of which u should do some research. the biggest benefit IMO is if ur only eating in a 4hr window it will contribute significantly to caloric deficit as well as allowing for satiation once the fast is broken. i am NOT setting cals the same on fast days as i do non-fast days. this way i dont "HAVE" to eat 2000cals. i have the freedom to eat as little as 500 or as many as 2500. as a result i am staying closer to 1000cals on fast days which when combined with zero starch + 2 cardio sessions makes for an excellent fat loss formula.

  4. #4
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
    GirlyGymRat is offline Knowledgeable Elite ~ Respected Female Leader ~
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    Thank you both for replying.

    I had great success with traditional approach and will stick to this until I recover from injuries. I don't see the point in carb cycling and IF since cant workout for another 6 months.

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