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  1. #1
    RockyX's Avatar
    RockyX is offline Senior Member
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    Dallas, Texas

    Good way to eat your tuna & diet open for suggestions

    Has anyone tried honey mustard with their tuna??? It is awsome! You can buy it anywhere you can buy regular mustard, and it still has zeros all across the board.

    And what do you guys think of this diet???

    1) Breakfast: 2 servings of oatmeal and a can of tuna w/ honey mustard (on way to school)

    2) Protein bar

    3) Lunch: Turkey and ham sandwich with honey mustard

    4) 6 egg whites, 2 yolks


    5) 5g creatine, 40 g protein w/ flax oil and 70 g dextrose

    6) Dinner: Grilled chicken and green beans

    7) Can of tuna with honey mustard

    8) Late night snack: 6 egg white, 2 yolks

    Look decent???

  2. #2
    Brian1200 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Looks pretty good, if you can swallow all of that and keep it down, your body will really be going into ketosis and you will be a lean machine by the end of summer, I can't touch tuna anymore, I ate so much of it in my younger days, my body rejects it now, one wiff and blahhhhhhhh. If you are a powerlifter, your definently going to want to up your carb and fat intake, unless your trying to drop for a competition.

  3. #3
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Looks pretty good, drop the flax post workout you dont want it there you are already getting enough cals from protein and carbs and the flax will slow protein digestion, not what you want then, add it some where else where you dont have many carbs.


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