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  1. #1
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Gained stoooopppeed??

    Hey guys. I'm on sust 650/week. In the begging of my cycle (I am 8 weeks in), I gained 10lbs, bringing me to 220. For the past 3 weeks I can't gain a pound. I am 6'1 32 years old. Train hard and always go heavy. For the past year I have been training with a former Mr. California. Been awesome workouts. So needless to say it must be my diet. Any critiques or suggestions would be much appreciated. I eat the same thing daily and usually have one cheat day were I make health decisions.

    Wake up have a shake consisting of 1 scoop whey, 2tbsn peanut butter, 5 g monohydrate, 1 cup raw uncooked rolled oats and a banana (or 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries)

    About an hour later ill have a couple eggs and an English muffin

    Post work out a other shake, same as above

    2-3 hrs later 3/4 cup cooked brown rice 8 oz chicken breast and veggies

    2-3 hrs later 3/4 cup brown rice 8 oz lean steak and veggies

    Dinner differers, but usually similar to the last 2 meals

    1 scoop casein protein before I close my eyes for the night

    Through out the day ill snack in almonds and I drink a gallon of water daily. Thanks dudes and please let me know what ya think

  2. #2
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Increase the content of your portions, hence you'll be increasing your daily caloric intake.

    Caloric surplus = gains.

  3. #3
    APower's Avatar
    APower is offline New Member
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    like the previous poster said, increase caloric intake. either in the fashion of added food or increased portion size.

  4. #4
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks guys. I feel like I'm six months pregnant but it has to work!

  5. #5
    losieloos's Avatar
    losieloos is offline Associate Member
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    Just eat more food dude, most people who cant gain weight say they eat so much but in reality they dont eat enough.

  6. #6
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    You probably do need to increase your food intake but it could also be a certain level of inconsistency. Do you know how many calories you eat each day?? Based on how you explain your diet maybe one day you're at 3200cal then the next you're at 2800... you don't seem to have an exact diet plan.... or maybe you do and you just gave us a brief summary.

    Think of it like planning a road trip.... if you're going to drive 300 miles and you don't know how much fuel you have, how do you know you're gonna make it.... you're not gonna guess thats for sure.

    I know a lot of guys will disagree with me on this but i believe you should cut one of the 2 whey shakes out (keep the casein) I just think no diet should have that many shakes in it, especially when trying to gain mass.

    Lets figure out how many calories you take in each day and what your maintenance level is... then we can better assist you.

    Or you can just up your food intake and wing it, if that works for you.

  7. #7
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Bertuzzi you are right dude. I will work on getting a maintenance cals number. It's actually probably right wherei am at. I am pretty consistent about eating the same things daily of course on occasions I change but keep it similar. I have been adding about 500 cals a day this last week and I am up a few pounds. My stomach is super stretched but it doesn't seem I have added any fat. You count all the calories of everything you eat? Thank you brotha it's appreciated

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