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  1. #1
    ellis7's Avatar
    ellis7 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2013

    Diet with a goal for lean bulking while on tren cycle.

    Age 26
    Height 6'1"
    Weight 170lb
    Bodyfat%: around 13-14%

    I am starting the following cycle next week
    1-8 test prop 42mg EOD -150mg week
    1-10 tren ace 100mg EOD - 350mg week
    liquid Prami on hand run for 3-4 weeks past cesation
    liquidex .25 E3D and monitor sides
    HCG 500iu per week 250x2 Tues and Fri

    PCT: started 3 days after last pin
    Nova 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    DAA 3g ED
    not in this section to worry about cycle info. Have already taken care of that on separate section.

    My workout is the following.

    # 4 sets of incline dumbbell press, 8-10 reps. Superset immediately with incline flies at a lower weight
    # 3 sets of bench press, 8-10 reps
    # 3 sets of cable crossovers, till failure
    # 3 sets of weighted chest dips until failure
    # 3 sets of barbell curls, 8-10 reps
    #3 sets of 21’s
    # 3 sets of preacher curls, 8-10 reps

    * 4 sets of squats 8-10 reps
    * 3 sets of lunges 8-10 reps
    * 3 sets of leg press 8-10 reps
    * 3 sets of leg extensions till failure
    * 3 sets of leg curls 8-10 reps

    * 3 sets of lat pulldowns8-10 reps
    * 4 sets of deadlifts 8-10 reps
    * 3 sets of bent over rows 8-10 reps
    * 3 sets of dumbell rows 8-10 reps
    * 3 sets of hyperextensions 8-10 reps

    * 4 sets of shoulder press
    * 3 sets of upright rows suppersetted with lateral raises
    * 3 sets of front raises
    *3 sets of lying rear delt raises
    # 3 sets of close-grip bench press
    # 4 sets of pulldowns
    # 3 sets of skullcrushers

    >4 sets of deadlifts till failure
    >4 sets of squats till failure
    >3 sets of clean and jerk till failure
    >3 sets of pull ups

    Okay so now that you have all that information I want some help tweaking my diet to maximize lean muscle gain to see great results on cycle. I'm a college student and live off 3 pre paid meal plans a day that can be used at a number of dinner style places to eat on campus or buffet style, that has some decent health options Ex. Grilled chicken, salad bar, pasta, sweet potatoes, bananas, milk, green tea, usually a type of steamed veggie like broccoli. Beef or shredded pork, and your greasy stuff like burgers, Chinese, fries, fried fish. And I also hate eating breakfast so I make a breakfast shake to make it a little easier for morning classes.

    Rules of diet:
    No fast food
    Drink only water and green tea
    No sugar or soft drinks

    Meal 1
    BReakfast Shake Composing of:
    1 cup 2%milk
    1 cup liquid egg whites(pasturized)
    2/3 cup of oats
    1 scoop whey protein powder 30g protein
    1 banana
    1 cup of fruit like raspberries or blueberries

    Meal 2 (meal plan 1)
    4-5oz Grilled Chicken with honey mustard
    1 pre made container of veggies ( carrots, celery, broccoli) I eat with ranch.
    cold pasta packet in olive oil

    Meal 3 post workout shake:
    45g whey potein
    90g Dextrose
    Also take:
    animal pak
    Fish oil

    Meal 4 (meal plan 2)
    Grilled chicken strips
    pasta with tomato sauce
    Green tea

    Meal 5
    Sweet potato plain
    grilled meat of some kind

    Meal 6 Before bed
    Cottage Cheese possibly might through in some tuna

    What do you guys think?
    I know for my micros my daily maintence caloric intake is around 2850 calories.
    Protein= BW x 1.5 (Idk if that needs to be 2 becasue I am on gear?)
    fat=BW x .45
    Carbs=desired calories-(calories from protein-calories from fat)
    I want to eat really clean while bulking and try to put on as little fat as possible. I heard a diet high in protein and fat is hghly anabolic need more info on that... All ideas and help are needed. thanks.
    Last edited by ellis7; 01-11-2013 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Are you 29 or 26?

    Are you 170lbs or 190lbs?

    Are you 10-12% or 13-14% bf?

    Did you read the lean bulking sticky at the top of this forum, written by GBrice?

    You really need to list propose macro's for any listed diet, thank you!

  3. #3
    auswest is offline Banned
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    This appears to have zyzz written all over it, everything you have listed is from him...
    You think training and eating and juicing like him will make you become him, find a new goal kid

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