i am 25years old 200lbs..16%bf...i carry fat in the very lowpart of the stomach just above the growing..i gym train every chance i can anywhere from 5-7 days a week 1.5hrs-2hrs so i know for sure its my diet that needs work....

i am looking for a little help as i cant come up with a good diet plan as my life is not normal as most....what i mean by that is i am a coductor on the rail road i have a very light work load all i do is ride a train fom point a to point b....also i do not have a schedule i live by my phone on call 24/7...

soo i have no diet plan in affect now...... looking for some advice thanks in advance...

keep in mind i can be on a train from 4hrs to 12+hrs....and there is no microwave

soo im looking for some ideas on things i take with me to work,and some type of eating schedule... just wanting to get around 10%bf

any help is greatly appreciated!!!!!