Hey hey fellows
Ok so always researching and trying to find the perfect plan but no luck yet.
My info
17% bf on a electric device u can barley see the top 2 abs
Just ran a test e cycle for 500 for 10 and 250 for the first 2 weeks with hcg and nolvadex for pct
During that went from 199 to 230 and when I finished I sat around 226 most days. had wisdom teeth out and dropped to 216 most days current

Diet on cycle was consistent at 3000 cal 200 pro 100g carbs sometimes none except veggys morning and post workout and the fat I didn't keep up with as good but it was high probably around 35 40% of diet

Before the cycle I had shoulder surgery so as soon as I was plateauing naturally I started the cycle and my body seemed to drop bf by the way i looked

My ? Now is would carb cycling or I just watched a set of six videos by a guy that was pretty nice and he kept it simple but his diet was more lots of protein and Same or less g of carbs with low fat (hope someone knows the set of videos I'm talking about) which would be the best to drop down to about 12% and about how long should this take if done properly.

From the best of my knowledge I'm and endo-mesomorph
Always been very stocky and strong but never skinny