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Thread: Diet Check

  1. #1
    dinogoesrawr is offline Associate Member
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    Diet Check

    Hey all!

    Just need someone to check over this diet and make sure I am taking everything I need for good quality gains. I am on a cycle which is outlined in below too.

    mastebolin drostanolone propionate and parabolin trenbolin hexahydro.
    This week I'll start pregnyl human chorionic gonadotropin .
    I'm taking a tamoxifen tablet daily too.

    I'm vegetarian - no meat/fish. Dairy is fine.

    These are the supps I have:
    HumaPro tablets -,1944.html - I take 25 a day (spread out) - 140g protein
    Egg protein -,1320.html - 100g a day scoop with whole milk- 90g protein
    Whey powder - - 2 scoops with whole milk and 4 tbsp almonds - 80g protein

    So thats about 300g from supps. There is a little protein from food sources that I cant eat but not much.

    I also have vitamins - magnesium 250mg, vitamin c-1000mg slow release, zinc - 25mg, flaxseed oil - 500mg

    As for food I eat:
    Breakfast (only on non-training days): the egg shake + 2 brown toast
    Lunch: brown pasta (150g) + 250g sauce + 50g mild cheese
    Snack: I have the egg shake now if I am training in the morning
    Dinner: whatever is made e.g. vegetable/bean curry, some sort of bread etc. Mostly carbs tbh.
    Before I sleep: whey shake (2 scoops) with whole milk (300ml)

    Overall - 2700 calories give or take 100 calories, 300g+ protein, <70g fat, <300g carbs (usually 250-270).

    3 x a week plus 20 mins cardio (walking on treadmill) after each session and 10 mins warm up cardio before.

    Is this ok?
    Last edited by dinogoesrawr; 04-05-2013 at 09:54 AM.

  2. #2
    dinogoesrawr is offline Associate Member
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    A lot of views but no comments? Am I doing something wrong?

  3. #3
    cj111's Avatar
    cj111 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well to get some feed back, who are you what are you trying to do? How old , weight, bf... Ect ect... You could be 100lbs or 400lb how can anyone give advice just based on a list of food.. Everyone's needs are different

    I'm not familiar with vegetarianism but 300g protein a day being vegan? From your list of food how does that all equal 300? Break down your macros for your food if you could

  4. #4
    dinogoesrawr is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry my bad.

    I'm 23 years old, 5'11 (well a bit over this height) and 80kg (75kg about 1.5 months ago ish). I'm not sure about BF%.

    Trying to build mass (hence the cycle above) but not gain so much fat/stay lean while doing it. I have some fat on my stomach which I am trying to get rid of but practically no fat elsewhere.

    Vegetarian = I eat/drink everything except any kind of meat (including chicken) and fish. Everything else is fine.

    Diet is included below in the pic.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Diet.png 
Views:	1557 
Size:	156.8 KB 
ID:	136816

    A few comments:
    Dinner - have to eat what is made at home but its always similar the attached pic. I have control over all food intake throughout the day except dinner. Even then I try to make sure I eat the healthy stuff.
    Got HumaPro to avoid separate BCAA's etc - this is a nice addition to my old protein lacking diet.
    I don't take creatine though and not sure if I should.
    It is very reliant on supps for protein I know but it was either that or don't get enough protein.
    Last edited by dinogoesrawr; 04-05-2013 at 10:35 AM.

  5. #5
    cj111's Avatar
    cj111 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What are these humapro tabs you have listed, that contain protein but no calories?? Also, why wouldn't you take creatine?
    As far as building some mass, you need to be in the ballpark atleast with your calories/macros.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BF%20Men.jpg 
Views:	799 
Size:	322.4 KB 
ID:	136821 Which one are you ?
    Can you atleast eat eggs/ egg whites? I don't really see any beans/kidney black your things you eat. I know if I was a vegetarian I'd be eating those for my carbs as much as possible because they also contain a fair amount of protein.
    Figure out your bf, then you can get a ball park for your calories and we can go from there.

    What made you decide to be a vegan>?

  6. #6
    dinogoesrawr is offline Associate Member
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    Yup - thats what HumaPro is apparently for. It has amino acids and also some other stuff and it and acts as a good protein substitute. I still eat eggs/take whey for example as I wasn't 100% convinced by the marketing but I've been using it for 1.5 months now and it seems to be working (recovery is amazing too).

    I don't take creatine because I wasn't sure I needed it. If I need it I am happy to buy it/take it.

    From those pics I like 16-19% although I just brought calipers so will double check. I'm changing shape quite fast with the new diet and gym routine so it may not be accurate so much.

    Yes I can eat eggs.

    Beans/lentils are in the curry (I eat at least 1 can's worth - 240g can - a day). Gungo peas was just one example. If my family are making a vegetable curry then I add the beans into the pasta for lunch. No worries there.

    I was brought up vegetarian - not vegan - and I'm sure given the right diet I can reach my goals (85kg ish fitness model look - I don't intend on being huge).

  7. #7
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Why would a vegetarian not eat vegetables?

    Your diet sucks dude. I was vegan for 2 years, there are a lot of things that you can eat that are far better than this.

    You need to eat:

    Eggs, and lots of them
    Green Beans
    Quinoa Pasta is a lot better than whole wheat pasta
    Black Beans
    Kidney Beans
    Black eyed peas
    Just to name a few. Plus you realize that there is vegan protein that is great. Made from vegetables.

    Why are you vegetarian, if you dont mind me asking?

  8. #8
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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  9. #9
    cj111's Avatar
    cj111 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What he said, I eat all that stuff and I'm not even a vegan.
    I don't understand those tabs still, how do you get actual protein value with 0 calories, what am I missing here?
    Invest in egg whites, and everything else mentioned above..and ditch those tablets man, buy some pea protein or something
    Last edited by cj111; 04-05-2013 at 04:11 PM.

  10. #10
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    I am not anymore, either, and that is still basically what I eat on a daily basis, plus chicken, and beef sometimes.

    You need to eat veggies man, everyone does.
    My wife and I eat 2-3 pounds of spinach and Kale a week.
    10-12 chicken breasts
    6-10 pieces of fish
    couple of pounds of beef
    70-90 eggs
    Lots of nuts
    Tons of Collards, broccoli, cauliflower
    Beans, usually black
    Lentils a few times a week
    A couple of loafs of Omega 3 whole wheat bread
    We eat about 96% organic

    Now our food bill runs anywhere from $1,200-$1,600 a month. But we are healthy and feel great.

    You get out what you put in.

  11. #11
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Natty Pbutter
    Vegan protein powder
    and Lots of fruit

    All organic.

  12. #12
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    By eating no Beef, chicken, or fish
    You will need to eat more eggs, and more protein shakes. If I were you I would not take whey protein shakes. There is a ton of crap in that shit.

    Vega Protein or Sunwarrior protein. All organic and no artifical sweetners

  13. #13
    dinogoesrawr is offline Associate Member
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    Vegetables and lentils are included in the lunch or dinner.

    Eggs are already included in the diet, as are nuts and beans/peas.

    Fish is NOT vegetarian – if you cut it, it bleeds. I’m NOT vegan – I’m vegetarian. Big difference!

    I tried quinoa etc but its not filling and its quite horrible therefore stuck to wholewheat pasta.

    Peppers are actually included in the pasta sauce – my bad!

    Fruit – snack on if I get hungry – didn’t include it as it varies per day.

    I tried pea protein and really hated it.

    Regarding the tablets:

    I need help checking the calories/macros are correct more then anything else ☺

  14. #14
    dinogoesrawr is offline Associate Member
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    Anyone? Need some help please

    Also I did gain weight with the above diet but once I've started the cycle (3 weeks ago) I've not gained anything. I don't get hungry on this diet outside of meal times and dont deprive myself of more food if I feel I need it but my strength hasn't improved even though I really try in the gym and have good form (I have a PT to check).

    It's been about 3 months in the new gym now and my body looks no different and I had not even cheated diet wise or anything Im still lifting weights girls lift (i dont mean this rudely) and now that im on roids and still not improving this is extremely demotivating and embarassing

    Also I never be angry or super horny on this cycle when I should.... I feel normal (that said I'm quite a patient guy lol)
    I'm starting HCH or HGH I think tomorrow and maybe that will help but ATM I feel like I'm being scammed over or there is something I'm doing wrong

    Is there something wrong with me? What do I do to make myself better?
    Last edited by dinogoesrawr; 04-08-2013 at 04:50 AM.

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