current stats
age 27
weight 178 lbs
height 5'11
bf ~25%

I'm counting macros, weighing food etc... Have been on keto, low fat, low carb and psmf diet.
I've only been lifting for a few months, I did some cardio type stuff before, 2 days a week, nothing crazy.

Anyway, I plan to have a good six pack outline in 2.5 months.
Diet: psmf, around day 40, dropped 25 pounds and ~10% bf. Just started caffeine each day, I feel dnp would be more effective though.
Should I drop caffeine and cardio and get on dnp? I started losing a little less weight, so I began doing cardio and caffeine.
workout: full body 3 times a week, compound lifts

I just wanna get to 15%, preferably less bf, till july 31.
How should I go about this goal?
What should I take? Keep in mind, this diet I'm on is probably worse than anything I can take.
Should I get bloodwork done?