So I'm 36. 6' 180 and about to start my first cycle of test e and tbol. I thought I'd post my diet and get some critiques. I've been on it about two weeks and actually feel like I've lost a couple pounds and gotten a bit leaner but that's just me maybe. Looking to build my chest up a good bit on this cycle and stay lean at the same time. Tell me what you think. Times are weird cause I'm working nightshift right now

Breakfast 3:30
-2 toast and PB
-cup of fruit,2 whey scoops,skim milk
Oatmeal drink
-1 cup cottage cheese
-2 hard boiled eggs
-cream of wheat or cereal

Before work 5:30
-1/3 cup nuts
-can of tuna

First coffee 8:30
-chicken and rice
-2 rice cakes

Lunch 11:00
-2 eggs
- 1/3 cup broccoli and salad topper
-can of salmon

Second break 2:00
-bananna or fruit
-1/2 cup cottage cheese
-1/3 cup nuts

End of work 4:00
-2 rice cakes
-2 bread and PB
-2 scoop whey drink

Workout 5:00-6:30

Supper 7:00
- chicken and rice
-odd snacks till bed