My current diet was drink 4 beers per day and eat everything I could chips fried deer anything around the greasier the better I Would say I was consuming 2500 calories per day.

My game plan

5:00am Breakfast : Wheaties,Protein Shake
7:00am Break Snack: 2 Yogurts and Cup of Peaches
10:00am Gatorade Granola Bar
12:00am Wheat Bread sandwich with pickles and Cajun-Sliced Chicken
3:00pm Work Snack possible nothing maybe a Granola bar if I got time
6:00pm Home Dinner Chicken Breast Broccoli or other green vegatable I love broccoli though
8:00 Bed time snack Cottage Cheese on Peaches and a protein Shake

5:30 am Cardio 100 Sit-ups 100 Push-ups
6:30 Pm Usual weight work out

I love to drink tea alot sweet tea im not sure if this is okay if not please tell me what I should change my drinking habits to.

If you guys have any input please let me know what you think im looking for all help im actually about 23% I will start a cycle once I get my BF% is around 7-10% thank you guys so much for taking the time out to help me.