I won't go completely into my diet or my background but trust me, food and I have been great friends for too many years and no not good foods.. The kind of foods and the kind of meals that leave me wanting to throw up after but I just sit there and say I'm never doing that again! Until next weekend rolls around...

Basically I have a real problem with dinner and with overeating the wrong foods and I need to change my habits. I want to plan my meals for the whole week, I want some sort of organized structure to my meals not just wake up and look in the fridge a few dozen times until I just go get something at the store like tacos.

The question is where do I start? Can I do this alone? What kind of help do I need if I do need help? Help!

I'm on TRT and will be for life but I'm obviously not using it wisely.. I can post my stats along with pictures although I'm embarrassed to do so because of how far I've let myself go.