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  1. #1
    nobber is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Need help with switching up diet...

    Hi all,

    Need help restructuring my diet. My diet goals for the past 6 months have been to lose weight. Here are my stats and my current diet:

    Average calories daily: 2100 - 2200.
    Average ratio of carbs / fats / proteins: 30% / 25% / 45%.

    Meal 1: preworkout - 2 pieces of beef lasagna
    Meal 2: postworkout - 1 scoop whey
    Meal 3: snack - 1 fruit or 90g of crackers + 1 scoop whey
    Meal 4: lunch - 1-2 fruit + 2 scoops whey
    Meal 5: snack - 1 fruit or 90g of crackers + 2 scoop whey
    Meal 6: dinner - 2 cups red kidney beans + 1 to 2 scoops whey

    Height: 6'1
    Age: 29

    Starting weight: 275lbs at unknown bodyfat (likely very high)
    Current weight: 206lbs at 21%-23% bodyfat

    Lift 5 days a week, very light cardio once per week.

    What I'd like to try at this point is to try to maintain the same weight but lower my bf% to something closer to 15%-17%.

    Here are my questions:

    1) How many calories should I be consuming a day to reach this goal? With my current diet I'm losing about 2 to 3 lbs a month.

    2) When someone is consuming 6 small meals a day, does it matter how those meals are structured? Should the heaviest meal be in the morning, pre-workout, post-workout, or the evening? What ratio of carbs / fats / proteins should I be consuming in that meal? What ratio of carbs / fats / proteins should I be consuming in the other 5 meals?

    3) Should I be ditching the crackers and fruits? I've heard people say that you should mainly be sticking to low GI foods for carbs? What about pre/post workout?

    4) Currently, my protein mainly comes from whey powder and my fats mainly come from lasagna Should I be using more meat and/or eggs for protein, or is it good enough to just consume whey?

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    too much whey, replace with food

  3. #3
    aussie made's Avatar
    aussie made is offline Associate Member
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    Mate that isnt a good diet at all. Beef lasagne is full of fat and no good calories. Stick with real food. Have eggs, egg whites, oats for breakfast. Chicken,turkey steak etc for lunch and dinner. Add veg into your meals. Rice, potatoes and oats for good carb sources. There be a start

  4. #4
    aussie made's Avatar
    aussie made is offline Associate Member
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    Also when I cut. I only had my carbs for breakfast. Preworkout and post workout only.

  5. #5
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    hey man,

    first good job so far! sounds like u got the basics down decent to drop that much weight. now is when its time to step it up a notch..

    have u read this?

    if not, read it and lets see what kiind of diet u can put together afterwards. aside from that id like to see a pic with no shirt as well as ur exact current macro totals for the day. u also need to increase cardio to at least 3 days per week for now. 45mins a pop.. doing that and clesaning up ur food choices and macro split will prob get the fat coming off agaib pretty well.

    u will more than likely plateau again and at that point some more revisions/tweaks can be made.

  6. #6
    nobber is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    I read over the article. Here's what I came up with.

    Meal 1 - wakeup/preworkout - 454 calories, 62g carb, 8 fat, 36 protein
    Rolled oats - 1 cup - 311 calories, 54g carb, 5g fat, 13 protein
    Whey - 1 scoop - 120 calories, 2g carb, 3 fat, 23 protein
    Brown sugar - 1.5 tsp - 23 calories, 6g carb, 0g fat, 0g protein

    Meal 2 - post workout - 534 calories, 22g carb, 34g fat, 59g protein
    Mixed Vegetables - 1 cup - 120 calories, 22g carb, 0g fat, 6g protein
    Olive oil - 2 tbsp - 250 calories, 0g carb, 28g fat, 0g protein
    Boneless Skinless Chicken - 6 oz - 164 calories, 0g carb, 6g fat, 53g protein

    Meal 3 - 300 calories, 26g carb, 14g fat, 27g protein
    Flaxseed oil caps - 4 caps - 40 calories, 0g carb, 4g fat, 0g protein
    Whey - 1 scoop - 120 calories, 2g carb, 3g fat, 23g protein
    Vegetable crackers - 4 crackers - 140 calories, 24g carb, 7g fat, 4g protein

    Meal 4 - 340 calories, 37g carb, 8g fat, 36g protein
    Large apple - 1 apple - 120 calories, 34g carb, 0g fat, 1g protein
    Flaxseed oil caps - 4 caps - 40 calories, 0g carb, 4g fat, 0g protein
    Whey - 1.5 scoop - 180 calories, 3g carb, 4g fat, 35g protein

    Meal 5 - 360 calories, 27g carb, 15g fat, 39g protein
    Flaxseed oil caps - 4 caps - 40 calories, 0g carb, 4g fat, 0g protein
    Whey - 1.5 scoop - 180 calories, 3g carb, 4g fat, 35g protein
    Vegetable crackers - 4 crackers - 140 calories, 24g carb, 7g fat, 4g protein

    Meal 6 - 454 calories, 22g carb, 34g fat, 59g protein
    Mixed Vegetables - 1 cup - 120 calories, 22g carb, 0g fat, 6g protein
    Olive oil - 2 tbsp - 250 calories, 0g carb, 28g fat, 0g protein
    Boneless Skinless Chicken - 6 oz - 164 calories, 0g carb, 6g fat, 53g protein

    Totals 2,522 calories, 196g carb, 113g fat, 256g protein

    My current TDEE is just under 2500. Calorie consumption for the plan above is around the same, but I should still be at a deficit if I'm going to do 3x cardio a week. It removes the lasagna, spreads fats more evenly in to each meal, and replaces some of the whey with chicken breast. Mornings/pre-workout are carb heavy. My only concerns are:

    1) if that amount of olive oil is going to be enough to bake the chicken (I don't cook very much)
    2) chicken protein vs whey protein for post workout

    As for the shirtless photos... here are a couple of quick-and-dirty bathroom shots I took this morning with my phone. The home bodyfat scale I use says I'm around 22%.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Need help with switching up diet...-20131007_082553.jpg   Need help with switching up diet...-20131007_082621.jpg  
    Last edited by nobber; 10-08-2013 at 01:30 AM.

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