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  1. #1
    Mikebrah is offline New Member
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    Jan 2014

    Critique my diet / Exercise regime

    Atm I am training 11 times a week (yes 11).

    My split is: (Session typically last about 1 hour except for calves and abs which last 30 mins)

    Day 1: Back, Biceps and forearms / Calves and abs
    Day 2: Chest and triceps / No calves and abs
    Day 3: Legs and Shoulders / Calves and abs
    Day 1: And so on / No calves and abs

    Also burning 500 calories worth of cardio at 63% of max HR every day.

    19 years old
    15% bf (well into a bulk atm)

    A typical day goes like this.

    Wake up and eat the 50g of nutri grain next to my bed.
    Make apple cinnamon oats and whey shake both with almond milk
    Main gym session 1 hour later
    Post work out shake with cinnamon 50g whey protein, 30g carbs (milk) and 1g fat. (also 10g of glucose jelly beans).
    30 mins later 400g sweet potato and 150g brown rice + 130g tuna
    3 hours later 6 scrambled eggs + 2 slices wholegrain toast and 250g lean mince + (5-20g peanut butter if I need more fat)
    3 hours later 1 banana and 130g tuna
    1 hour later cardio for one hour
    Finish cardio and eat 1 wholegrain tortia with 250g chicken breast and 2 eggs
    1 hour before bed eat 500g carrots and 50g tuna
    Casein shake right before bed.

    4500 calories: 450g protein, 450g carbs, 100g fat.

    On a day where I train Calves and abs, the session will be straight after the tuna and banana and will be followed by the chicken wrap with cardio later in the evening.

    Thanks all.

    As a side note, thanks to everyone who discouraged me from using steroids too young.

  2. #2
    tarmyg's Avatar
    tarmyg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I do not understand your training regimen at all but I'll let the guys in the Workout Section dig into that one.

    So, let's look at your diet as you apparently have stalled and not making progress at this time.

    NutriGrain, why not a TBSP of sugar instead? Just about the same damn thing.

    No idea how much of this Apple/Cinnamon, oats, whey, and almond milk shake contains so please detail this. Are these raw apples or applesauce?

    10g of glucose jelly beans? Is this one serious or?

    400g sweet potato and 150g brown rice + 130g tuna - So you decided to combine to different carb sources but no fat?

    6 scrambled eggs + 2 slices wholegrain toast and 250g lean mince - This one looks decent!

    1 banana and 130g tuna - Ok! Sounds disgusting but whatever works.

    1 wholegrain tortia with 250g chicken breast and 2 eggs - Sound delicious and good!

    500g carrots and 50g tuna - Ok, why not mix up the vegetables or are you trying to pee Orange? Broccoli is your friend, IMO

    It's a bit confusing but too much sugar (for my taste) and 450g or Protein?


  3. #3
    NaturalUN's Avatar
    NaturalUN is offline Junior Member
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    A lot of protein there dude, far too much IMO and most will agree with me. It's just excessive. 11 sessions a week again is rather excessive? What's wrong with 5 sessions a week maybe? Pretty sure you'd see same results. Surely you can't eat 500g carrots lmao?!? Trolling...?

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