So, as some of you know, I've been doing a cut for the last month and a half. Doing well with it. The biggest thing I did with all of this is started to eat clean--better foods, less crap in the foods, etc. Not only have I dropped 38lbs so far but I've also transformed my body through my training.

I've also noticed some very good health benefits now that I've been doing this for a while. I was having a little problem with my eyesight and that seems to have worked itself out. My skin is looking better--not that it was bad to begin with but it's better. Also a few other things were bothering me which are no longer bothering me.

I can't say enough about cleaning up your diet and what it can do for you. Many of you guys around here are younger (in your 20s). I'm 44 and never thought twice about my diet. Now that I'm older--and I HAVE to think about it--I'm wishing I'd have started thinking about these things much earlier.

Anyway, I know this is just a general post but just trying to give some advice out there.