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Thread: Keto

  1. #1
    enzo729 is offline New Member
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    How many of you are currently on a keto cut? How are you liking it? How did you like it if you've done it in the past?

    I'm currently 2 weeks in and have lost a total of 7 lbs. Positive atleast 4 lbs was water though. The first week was terrible though, getting adjusted to ketosis. Tons of headaches, lethargy and even nausea. Glad that's over with now.

  2. #2
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    Pretty sure Tarmy is a fan of keto

    I dipped into it some, more of a quasi-cyclic keto diet. I enjoyed it and may dip back into if/when I need a change

  3. #3
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Did it years ago... loved it at the time, got the results I was going for... same problem you had, the first week was a b|tch.... Won't do it again though, I'm just not disciplined enough anymore.... wouldn't recommend it to anyone who lacks discipline otherwise they will just get really frustrated.

    Be careful coming out of it.... you really want to be strict on slowly reintroducing carbs, like really slow.... 50g a day for a week then up it to 75g/ed for a week the next week, then 100g/ed the following week, then back to normal life.... focus on low GI carbs like sweet potato an quinoa and such.

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