So here I am, on cycle yet again and about 3 weeks in of a 12 weeks cycle. Usually by now id see massive improvements, and from my diet alone I should be putting on size. Im stacking 2.6ml test e/week with 2.6ml tren e/week and 1ml deca /week.

My diet consists of:
8 egg whites with 3 yolks
protein and oat shake (find it easier to eat oats this way)
1 litre water

2 rice cakes
95g can of tuna
quarter cup of oats with greek yoghurt

chicken breast
sweet potato (usually about one whole potato)
and half a broccoli

4pm pre workout meal
1 rice cake
1 cup of brown rice

7pm post workout meal
chicken breast
one whole sweet potato
half a broccoli

Before bed
4 egg whites
glass of milk or protein shake

Now in the past Ive never had any issues putting on size with a big diet, but now that Im on cycle it seems weird to me that I have actually lost 2kg's since starting (and i dont do cardio)
So any idea of what the problem could be? Im always in the gym from 1.5-2 hours. And hit every muscle to exhaustion.

thanks in advance guys