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07-01-2020, 07:03 PM #1
Diet critique , 1st test cycle underway
My diet to maintain 180lbs @ 5'10'' approx 14% BF I'm on my first AAS cycle 4 1/2 weeks in of Test E @ 400mg/wk. Looking to decrease BF whilst hopefully adding size on this cycle. My Total and LDL Chelesterol is high on this diet. Although trig and HDL look good can provide BW here if reqd. So any help improving this would be helpful. I take 6000mg fish oil daily. Pic's from before i took gear or sarms .
Also want to add, I don't take supplements anymore (protein, bcaa's, pre workouts etc) except for creatine, fish oil, pro-biotic and of course coffee. Pro-biotic is the best thing I ever added, my digestion is on point. Also I elimated oatmeal, it does not agree with my body, I crash afterwards and get upset stomach. Same thing with most grains, seeds etc. My breakfast really agrees with me, never crash afterwards.
Also most of the time I am working out early morning 5:30am on an empty stomach. Hence my last meal of the day is usually carb heavy. In the morning I chug down some water and coffee and hit the gym, always have lots of energy at this time and eat breakfast afterwards.
Last edited by kiki123; 07-01-2020 at 09:49 PM.
07-03-2020, 12:07 AM #2
Diet critique , 1st test cycle underway
Ehh, I’d personally try kicking the fat down by about half [easily done by replacing the chicken with breast (chicken fats are notoriously shit anyway due to how they are fed) and the steak with sirloin] and replacing it with carbohydrate. It’s also possible that the fats in eggs aren’t agreeing with your system, but that seems a less likely culprit.
Considering that you’re barely above 3000 kcals, this shouldn’t make it any more difficult to eat what you need. You’re not too far below what I was having to take in when I was in the 180 range (same height) and I found the best bloodwork results keeping fat intake between 0.2-0.3g/lbs. when trying to gain weight.
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