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  1. #1
    J-F's Avatar
    J-F is offline Associate Member
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    cardio at night..?

    i can't go with cardio in the morning (i have to leave for college at 6:30 am and my gym open at 6:00) ...

    if i have to do it at night or in the afternoon, what intensity should i go with? and what about time?

    i usualy go form 65%-75% for 40 minutes, is this good?

    also, i i lift a night then do cardio after lifting on a cutting cycle, should i go with dextrose in my PWO ? ill go to bed to hours later...

    thnks guys

  2. #2
    cjp85's Avatar
    cjp85 is offline Member
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    Yeah, thats what I used to do. Timing cardio is a very debated subject, but IMO as long as your are creating the same calorie deficit you shouldnt notice much of a difference. I would go with as hi-intensity cardio that you can do for 30 minutes for a couple of weeks, and then do the same thing for 45 minutes 4 0r 5 times a week. Cardio after lifter is good because your glycogen stores are depleted and you burn fat more efficiently.

  3. #3
    J-F's Avatar
    J-F is offline Associate Member
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    that is what i tought...

    any clue for my post-workout shake?

    if i dont take dextrose after my workout, insulin will not pe spiked so i will burn fat all over the night, but im a bit scared about loosing too much mass,

    The other way im also scared to get carb before bedtime...

    what should i do??

  4. #4
    cjp85's Avatar
    cjp85 is offline Member
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    Maybe only take half the dextrose, and for the other half of the carbs have something more complex. If you watch your fat intake for this meal I dont think youll have a problem with cutting, and youll retain a good amount of mass.This is where it starts to get tricky, but keep your protein up and your cardio consitent and Im sure youll be stoked on your results

  5. #5
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Workout and do your cardio, and even though it's not ideal to do that (workouts and cardio should always be seperated for best results), your post-workout carbs are still needed in both liquid form first, the solid form a bit after. Even more-so now that you've performed additional activity to the weightlifting workout. If you skimp on your carbs here, you'll go to bed not needing what you need to recover at an optimal pace, and you'll over-train and set yourself back further. I'm not saying go assholes and elbows over-board w/carbs, but have what your cutting plan dictates you can have. (Adjust your diet so you have pwo nutrition that is adequate, losing muscle won't help your efforts) You shouldn't worry about getting fat from eating carbs at night, as if you've performed activity that demands you have those nutrients, you must give them to your body!

    Your cardio session is what burned fat, we're not going for a caloric defecit but more-so actual fat burned during the session, so make the sessions 40 mins and shoot for 65-75% MHR. As is, taking in carbs like you have to right after cardio isn't the best (as you can't ride the wave of lipolysis as you can with a.m. sessions and low/no carb meals througout the day), but your schedule has limited you to having to do this, so you have no choice. So, cardio may be more unproductive since you have to do it after weights and slam down carbs afterward, but the key is to not lose the muscle while dieting, and pwo nutrition is where you start. The cardio will just have to work "slower" for you..........but it'll work over a longer duration of time.


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