Hello, I am new to Anabolic Review and I would greatly appreciate any help to any of my questions...
The basics... I'm 18 years old, 5-10, 165, body fat below 10%, i think i have a pretty high metabolism.
I eat healthy, but I have not gained any lean body mass for quite a while. Maybe it is because i am not taking in enough calories?

my typical diet consists of:
meal 1 (6:45 AM)-3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup soy milk
meal 2 (9:55 AM)-apple
meal 3 (11:45 AM)-2 slice wheat bread, 1 slice fat free cheese, 3 slice deli turkey
meal 4 (1:00 PM)-orange
Meal 5-preworkout-(2:30 PM)-Odyssey protein bar
Workout (2:30-3:30)
Meal 6-postworkout-(3:35)-2 scoops whey, 12 oz skim milk
meal 7 (5:15)-1 cup white rice, 1.5 cups broccoli, 1 large Tyson Chicken breast
meal 8 (6:30)-orange, apple
meal 9-preworkout(8:00)-1 cup white rice, 1 large Tyson Chicken breast
workout (8:45-10:00)
meal 10-postworkout(10:00)- 1 1/2 scoops cell-tech creatine, 2 scoops whey in 12 oz skim milk

I rarely do cardio, maybe once/twice a week for 20 mins on a treadmill.
Sometimes i work out once a day and i skip meals 5 and 6.
I take a multivitamin after meal 1 (vitimin world chewable)

I have found that this diet has helped me to keep my body fat in check, but i am having an extremely difficult time in strength gains as well as lean muscle gain. I know that the fat content in my typical day is extremely low. Is it too low? Do you think that i have spread my meals out too far apart? Is my metabolism moving too fast?
How much water should i be taking in each day?

Also, i am new to the concepts of cutting and bulking. What exactly are they?

If i want to gain lean muscle mass for spring break should i bulk and then cut or just gain lean muscle slowly without the fat?

Also, are there any other supplements i should be taking? (glutamine or flaxseed oil for example?)

Thanks to anyone who spent the time to read this post.
Any help would be appreciated!