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Thread: Legal Countries

  1. #121
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 07sandiegomuscle View Post
    Are you going there for vacation? Or bodybuilding? Or both? I have been to a lot of countries, but I haven't been to any fo those yet and want to badly. The prettiest girl I have ever seen was from Croatia! My brother has been to Turkey and said it was great. I heard Greece is great also. Maybe I will want to take my juice holiday over there. Got any current info on gyms and gear?
    Actually I am a photographer and I have a client that is sending me there to do some work. I though that I would check out the situation while over there.

  2. #122
    07sandiegomuscle's Avatar
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    Juice holiday

    Quote Originally Posted by CaliPhotog View Post
    Actually I am a photographer and I have a client that is sending me there to do some work. I though that I would check out the situation while over there.
    Keep us posted? I might go over there if it sounds good.

  3. #123
    07sandiegomuscle's Avatar
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    Getting bloodwork in Thailand?

    How much trouble is it getting blood work in Thailand?

  4. #124
    pedrolatino is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigsuperbig View Post
    You can find good legal injectables Test, Deca , Equipoise in all Latin America.
    Orals are a bit harder to find there, but with test you can grow a lot before you will need them.
    Hi there...interesting to hear that, as I am from Brazil and steroids are definitely not legal here without a proper perscription...

    It's easy to get them, but illegal, without prescription...

    I don't know about the Spanish-speaking Latin America though...

  5. #125
    TexSavant's Avatar
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    Talking Mars ain't the kinda place to raise your kids

    I once launched a model rocket (technically, a high-powered rocket w/17 kN-s total impulse) over a major river. It was recovered 5 minutes later with its modest payload intact, right in the field I was aiming for, by two friends stationed on the other side. The bird reached a height above ground of 750m (2,460 ft) and traveled a longitudinal distance of approx. 1700m (~1 mi)

  6. #126
    SlammerJammerMan is offline New Member
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    So Glad I came accross this thread!

    Awesome news about Beijing. I am traveling there for a month on sat.

    Does anyway know the online ordering place that was mentioned previously? Can you pm me if you cant post it. Cheers guys and dolls!

  7. #127
    TOXXXIC's Avatar
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    f***ing russia, moscow
    Greetings 2 All,
    I'll be so pleased to know how are the things with the goods in South America, in particular Argentina?
    I am going to move there next year.
    Pardon my imperfect English

  8. #128
    oogdoogan is offline New Member
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    Personal use is legal in Japan. Having about 2 weeks supply without a perscription is OK but there is no relevant law to state as to how much 2 weks supply is. You can buy in Japan with relative ease but actual use is very low.
    In Japan, testing positive to a drug test is enough for a conviction. They can even take samples of your hair to test. I've never heard of anyone being tested for steroids , or for that matter, being charged with possessing more than 2 weeks supply. But then again, I don't know EVERYONE in Japan.
    Unfortunately I can't find any proof of all of these statements in English. Japan seems to be a place where the law is not so clear. Many times if you are caught doing the wrong thing, you admit it and apologize, you will often be let off with a warning. Maybe not with murder, but it has happened before.

  9. #129
    Quo's Avatar
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    Yep, I second everything oogdoogan says about Japan. Lived there for 5 years, did a few cycles and never had a problem. As the "BIG" aesthetic isn't really the thing there, steroid use is very much a fringe activity and completely flies under the radar of law enforcement and society at large.

  10. #130
    The Chew is offline New Member
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    I'm thinking of taking a "gear-vacation" down to Mexico. I've heard it legal there if you have a prescription and it's really easy to get one, just talk to the doctor. Anybody have expereiences with a trip in mexico for gear? Quality okay? I've read that you wanna stay shy of the vets.

  11. #131
    nrg_freak is offline New Member
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    Old thread but Thailand u can get it all!!! Trust me on this prices are cheap cheap cheap!!!

  12. #132
    TheWarHammer's Avatar
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    just getting back into the world of BB and such after a long break. Feeling good and soon will be looking for gear. just really wanted to say that it is nice to come back to the same community i left. The info and help here is truly genuine

  13. #133
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  14. #134
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom_k_999 View Post
    So is it legal to purchas AAS at pharmacies in Thailand?
    Yes, absolutely legal. Most of the pharmacists don't know dick so you need to know what you want.

  15. #135
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 07sandiegomuscle View Post
    How much trouble is it getting blood work in Thailand?
    Easy, but it can be pricey (100 us dollars) some places, but readily available.

  16. #136
    WOLFnatural's Avatar
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    how about good old canada? any success stories from them?

  17. #137
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Yes, absolutely legal. Most of the pharmacists don't know dick so you need to know what you want.
    Thailand is crazy, there are some BIG boys over there. Last time I was there in April one of the guys at my hotel could have passed for the twin brother of Lou Ferrigno yes in size also at his peak.

    Maybe that's why I like Philippines better now (sort of) because no one uses over there and I am HUGE compared to 99.99% of the guys there. The girls over there really like it also, they dont see guys with decent muscles often and when you hook up and take off your shirt it's fun to watch their expression and xxxx

  18. #138
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Over here in Canada nobody gives a shit about AAS.

    Anabolic steroids are a schedule IV drug here, which means they are legal to use and posess here. Police don't care because it's not against the law to use.

  19. #139
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin View Post
    My recommendation to all is to move to China as I did some years ago. Everything is legal to order and arrives in about 3 days. Oh, vials and oil must come from overseas. Great food (international and Chinese), great gyms, great girls, cheap cost of living and the locals treat foreigners very well.
    Could someone please confirm that this is still the case in China? (since this post is 5 years old)
    I've been trying everywhere, and nobody knows anything about China's AAS laws.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 08-08-2010 at 09:01 AM.

  20. #140
    GearLoverFin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleiddyn View Post
    Hi, this is my first post here. I travel a lot and reckon the
    best way to get into steroids would be to go to a country
    where they are legal. There are strict, draconian laws in
    the US/Britain/Australia, so I figure moving to the Netherlands
    or somewhere would be an idea, where you don't have the
    police hassling you over it. Does anyone have a clue about
    legal countries? The steroid I'd particularly like to use is Deca ,
    since it doesn't shrink your jewels.
    Well i've heard it's legal to posses in UK and even order through mail and customs wont stop your shipment. But for US and Australia its like you told as what I've heard.

  21. #141
    GearLoverFin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleiddyn View Post
    Hi, this is my first post here. I travel a lot and reckon the
    best way to get into steroids would be to go to a country
    where they are legal. There are strict, draconian laws in
    the US/Britain/Australia, so I figure moving to the Netherlands
    or somewhere would be an idea, where you don't have the
    police hassling you over it. Does anyone have a clue about
    legal countries? The steroid I'd particularly like to use is Deca ,
    since it doesn't shrink your jewels.
    And Deca is by the way really supressive to your natural T as of my knowledge

  22. #142
    meat&2veg's Avatar
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    Turkey is very good and I live in Thailand...Both over the counter as much as you want no drama, happy days!
    Get a tan and some girls while your on your trip, cant go wrong!

  23. #143
    talldutch's Avatar
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    Hi guys I am heading for Maylasia, how is the situation overthere?

  24. #144
    jojomcgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Over here in Canada nobody gives a shit about AAS.

    Anabolic steroids are a schedule IV drug here, which means they are legal to use and posess here. Police don't care because it's not against the law to use.

    Thats it im moving to canada.At least they speak english A

  25. #145
    dren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jojomcgo View Post
    Thats it im moving to canada.At least they speak english A
    Maybe legal to use but depends how much you get caught with, if it's for resale or the officer hates you or the idea of juice then your stuff is gone, jail time is small, now they just built Canadas largest prison in Toronto, and laws change as of 2012 no more 1/2 time prison or no more dead time count, jail is privatize now so any small thing to lock you up

  26. #146
    neverquit is offline New Member
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    Hey brother whats the DL on Croatia? Do they sell Nolvadex there legally?

  27. #147
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neverquit View Post
    Hey brother whats the DL on Croatia? Do they sell Nolvadex there legally?
    How about not bumping or replying to OLD post like the other you you did that is 9 years old...
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-06-2013 at 11:24 PM.

  28. #148
    GeneticallySuperior is offline New Member
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    any idea where i can buy AAs legally or online in Turkey?

  29. #149
    International wolf is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    How about not bumping or replying to OLD post like the other you you did that is 9 years old...
    Or you could be helpful....

    Croatia is a no go. Since entering EU-ish territory they have really cleaned up. I tried popping into a pharmacy for somethings and there was no way.....

    However, Kosovo is a different story. There is a pharmacy in pristina up on drogodan hill that has dec and test. HCG too. I don't know if that is helpful, but if you are driving, worth your while to stop. The Test is called Test Depo made by Galenika.

    Best of luck.

  30. #150
    Rida5d's Avatar
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    Jordan , all of them are approved by the ministry of health.
    Some are cheap some are expensive.
    1ml/50 mg of organon deca is 10$..
    Testoviron is about 6 $ , 250 mg/ml
    Those can be obtained in any pharmacy, no prescription needed..
    Last edited by Rida5d; 10-14-2013 at 03:01 AM.

  31. #151
    John Andrew's Avatar
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    OK I am biased! Thailand is my home now! I love it. I love the people. I love the safety and friendliness I find everywhere. I can buy everything I want, I just need to know the people because they make a lot of money from tourists who have no idea of the prices or the products they may buy.

  32. #152
    twostepsforward's Avatar
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    Thailand here I come!
    Now just need to pay off a customs guy; lol. Just kidding... That's illegal.

  33. #153
    returnee is offline New Member
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    I'm moving to Egypt in January and in the process of looking if ON whey is available over there I've come to find that AAS are all legal there, and they get from a manufacturer in India and Thailand for the most part (the 3 guys I've chatted with). Apparently its totally legal to buy, possess, use whatever, but they really frown upon trying to smuggle out since it is for the use of the Egyptian people. But they've got all the old greats I've never seen originally Masteron , Parabolan 76mg 1-1/2ml amp, the old Halo tabs I loved, Anavar tabs etc. When I was bouncing in the 90's all of that shit was like obsolete, deca , anadrol , or winny was almost guaranteed to be fake, but then after putting in 8-9 years in a factory with my head buried I returned to the gym and my long time lil bro that I re-united with was part owner of a Canadian UGL and EVERYTHING was available again, and in most cases stronger, but still UGL. Back to Egypt, but then some others I've never seen or really heard of like Nandrolone mix (Nandrolone Decanoate 300mg+Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 50mg), Nandrolone Propionate , Tren suspension, Test Retard (Sustenon 400 basically, I think 100mg of each test). My main reason for even finding this thread was because I was looking to ask about the reputations of the labs used by my possibly new connect over there?

  34. #154
    mackbutter's Avatar
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    I'm traveling in Ecuador for 1 year and Pharmacies and hospitals have Primoteston enanthate , HCG , Letro, and Proviron and the new 1000mg test-undecanoate called Nebido . Online the pharmacies also list Primo and Deca and Clomid so I'm sure that u just need to find a pharmacy or hospital that has em in-stock.
    This list appears to be the limit and that u won't find any other gear here .
    No prescription needed .

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