^^^ updates...
^^^ updates...
BUT who the hell is allergic to OATS >< bahhhhhhhhhOriginally Posted by Narkissos
i have heard that before just never gave it any head... welp thanks again both of ya
The Anabolic Rock Star Keith Richards speaks.... and the masses listen....Was just about to send U a PM and see if U were still alive....
very very educational bro,,the last post or words of widom really hit home for me and i bet everyone else who reads this,thanks for the info..but did u say something about disipline..jk
No, I actually believe he said: DISCIPLINEOriginally Posted by lil herc
Fantastic post bro. I cut cheese and sugar from my diet completly and haven't looked back.
GR8 idea for pre and pwo supplementing
People always ask me "how do i get big/ lose weight" and all of them are just to lazy and in love with shitty food to make the change that will transform there lives.
u really don't think fruit can make you fat..whats moderate to you, PINN?
Great thread pinn, you echo my beliefs
Last edited by marcus300; 05-26-2006 at 07:28 AM.
Again i like to express my respect to Mr. Pinn.
Great motivation, Mr. Pinn!
Wow someone actually knows the true ideal definition of bulking? Key words in that are underlined. I won't elaborate as there is no need. As always Pinn covered it all. Anything further comments will simply piggyback his.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
An unaccustomed stimulus will always reap better benefits. Wether in cutting or bulking. Training or straight cardio, you're completely right Pinn. I too agree with this method. Have been learning more and more about it in school and really makes more sense.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
I see the benefit of Pro/Fat meals, but I also see the reasoning behind your statements. Total agreement once again.
I was almost done commenting on this thread when I finally reached the bottom : - ). Once again the keywords in that phrase in underlined.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
We all have certain goals in mind. In stating that Pinn is a BBer, he uses certain comopunds to reach his goals. Compounds that are my niche (or others reading this thread) may render useless in his cycles.
The lottery is a far cry from the truth Pinn. Maybe like hitting the play 3![]()
Good to see you posting Pinn![]()
Anabolic and Cutting by Mean Mr. Pinnacle
I've edited this thread due to certain reasons I'd rather not comment on at this time.Here's the shortened/edited version...
Although clen is effective.I don't care for the drug.I despise T3.Personally I don't know why anyone would want to fool around with a gland that is functioning normally.It's not your thyroids fault you ate potato chips,pizza,Mc Donald's for the last 6 mos and turned into a dough boy.So why take it out on your thyroid?What's the matter,you T3 advocates afraid of a little hard work?Do tread mills frighten you?I think the use of T3 shows alot about the individual using it.The lack of discipline,utter laziness,and more so the lack of knowledge in regards to proper nutrition.Now I'm talking in general here.Some people do have slow metabolisms due to a sluggish thyroid.So a drug like T3 is advantageous for them.I'm beating up the healthy adult male here,not the latter group.
Winny only cycles.Another of my favorites."How much winny should I take and for how long so I can get ripped up?"Arghhh..why do people think winny is some magical drug you take and a few weeks later you get ripped like Branch Warren? This is mind boggling to me.Come on people I'll say this again.Steroids do not get you cut up,ripped.Proper nutrition and cardio does that.You cab take all the drugs you want but without those two elements your results will be minimal at best.
80 % of the time most members don't even need anabolics to reach their desired goals.If you are 12 % BF looking to get down to 8 % BF.You don't need drugs.you do however need to learn about nutrition.Again,I'm talking in general here.The board does have quite a few members that are athletes from various types of sports.I can see those type members using anabolics while cutting.That makes total sense to me.Not to help them cut really,more so to help retain size and strength.I'm all for that.It's the fat,pudgy college kid that wants to get "ripped up" for spring break whom I'm blasting here.That's right.I'm talking to you Mr. lazy college boy.The one that sits on his ass all year long doing nothing,but come spring break feels the need to get off his lazy,fat ass and loose some weight.Then you come to a board like this and ask what drugs to use to get :shredded" for the babes.These are the people that have no business using anabolic steroids.
On to the guys that actually benefit from using anabolics while in a cutting phase.I see some of your cycles and I think you're running far to many drugs,and far to high of doses.At least for testosterone anyway.In the case of athletes like football/soccer players,you're mainly looking to shed some body fat while retaining size/strength.Not looking to possibly grow on a cutting cycle like experienced BBers do with precise nutrition.With that said you can easily get away with cycles like this :
Low dose Test/anadrol
Low dose Test/winny
Low dose Test/anavar( I can't believe I added this)
Low dose Test/masteron
Low dose Test/Halo
Test = Test prop/or Test enanthate.Either is fine.You'll most likely hold less water off prop.Enanthate you'll drop the water once cycle is complete.Your choice really.
By low dose Testosterone,I mean in the range of 250-400 mgs weekly.No more is needed.Testosterone in that dose range will certainly retain muscle mass while on a restricted diet.Also,you'll notice I didn't mention Prop/Fina cycles.Reason being,tren is notorious for winding(for lack of a better word) individuals.It makes cardiovascular activity extremely difficult and it's a poor choice for active athletes.Not to mention it's extremely harsh on your system.I always have gotten sick toward the end of tren/fina cycles.There are 2 other drugs that work really well when applied correctly to a cutting phase/cycle.
HGH and LR3 IGF-1...I'll get to those shortly.I need a break from typing.I'll return and finish up my thoughts on cutting and anabolics later on...
Stay tuned ...much more to come......
Yes I do the same.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
As far as PWO goes I prefer Whey for quick utilization. Of course adding a Carb buffer for absorption and on your way you go. Did cavemen have Whey back then PInn? Didnt remember seeing that on the Paleo diet.
Ahhh milk does a body good.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Shit this stuff made me laugh out loud.. glad I work by myself..![]()
always entertaining to read pins views... some REALLY good points about shredding and gear use.. u see that so often here.. (how much winstrol to get shredded etc..)
ah the lazy college kid.. lol.. its the best when all of a sudden 3 weeks before spring break the gym is PACKED with all these "spring break workout people".. its the worst.. great read once again pinn.. looking foward to more.
Continued from previous post
Anabolics and cutting......
Like I said earlier,there are two other drugs that are effective while in a cutting phase.
HGH is one of the two.
A low dose of 2-4 iu's 5 days on/2 days off is more than sufficient.Here's the catch.HGH is pricey,and secondly it takes several months to kick in.So lets say you want to run a cycle of Test/winny,but wanted to add HGH to your arsenal for its fat burning qualities,muscle retention,and assistance in recovery.You'd have to start the HGH 3 months prior to commencing with the actual anabolic cycle.Yes,HGH is a wonderful drug,but like I said,it comes with a steep price tag.
Another drug that is far less expensive,and very effective, is LR3 IGF-1.You only need to run this for the last 30 days of your cutting cycle at a reasonable dose of 60-80 mcgs ED.This might be a much better alternative than HGH.LR3 IGF-1 starts to yield results with in a few days usually.Also with LR3 IGF-1 you'll be able to eat more carbohydrates than you normally would while in a cutting phase.Having that "full" look about you all the time is something your don't normally have while running a normal anabolic cutting cycle since you sometimes carb deplete in order to break through diet plateau's,if your using a pro/fat type diet anyway.
I personally think using Testosterone at a low dose coupled with either of these two hormones,or better yet all three stacked together,is the best combination for a cutting phase.You won't be stressing your system hardly at all.Think about it for a moment.Testosterone,Growth Hormone and IGF-1 are all natural occurring hormones with in our male bodies.All you are doing is elevating the amount of each hormone to get the maximum effects.In most cases,side effects will be non existent,or minimal at best.Furthermore,recovery will be a breeze.I highly doubt you'll get testicular atrophy running a cycle such as this.I know I never have,and I speak from vast experience running these drugs..Also,by excluding oral anabolics from your cycle,you'll be sparing your liver the stress and won't have any worries about lipid profiles gone awry.Cycles like this won't do anything for strength,so if you really feel the need to add an oral androgen for strength,physiological edge,then by all means go for it.These type cycles are much milder than that of Test/tren/Eq/masteron/winny all stacked together.
Now allow me to reiterate.Neither of the two above mentioned drugs will be effective if proper nutrition and cardio aren't in place.They too,like anabolic steroids,aren't some miracle hormone you take and get shredded,cut up,or what ever terminology you prefer.
In summary guys,you really don't need all that much in terms of drugs to assist you in your goals while in a cutting phase.There is no need to increase additional stress to your body when you are dieting and already stressing your system somewhat.Save the heavier doses for when you are in a mass phase.That's when they're needed.....
This thread keeps getting better and better.
Thanks Pinn!
NO...Thank you...I'm glad you're enjoying it thus far.I'm sure I'll have some other things to comment on once my pea brian recovers from exhaustion..lol...Originally Posted by TADOLFI
No I don't,and tere is plenty of science out there that shows fruits aren't fattening like once though.Originally Posted by rise2gr8ness
Moderate to me is,maybe an apple or two a day along with either an orange,or better yet..grapefruit.Several new studies have been posted about grapefruit and its mild ability to help released fat deposits to be utilized as enegy.Once somewhat of a myth back in the day of thje grapefruit diet fad.But science has revealed that grapefruit does in fact have a chemical that aids in fat loss.Is it ground breaking? Not by any means,but when looking to control BF every little bit helps,right?
Glad to hear from you Pinn to know all is well.
Very interesting on the whey protein part. If I had to guess, I would agree with those thoughts. I just dont seem to feel whey works well for me. I like muscle milk and caseins the best.
Correct. Fruits are primarily fructose, which actually has a low-moderate GI rating.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Originally Posted by TADOLFI
Absolutely true..
Mr. Pinn would mind say about the subsidiaries during the cycle - what do you recommend(Nolva or letro)..
Also i have read a PCT by you from Antony Roberts..Do you think its better than other PCT protocols?
Very true. Grapefruits are the only fruit that comes to mind that contain cellulose. That alone will aid in burning more calories as the body can not digest it and will work harder to break it down when it can not be.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Doesnt surprise me when I dont see you on a lot Pinn. You talk a lot about studies and I"m sure you're spending most of your spare time researching rather then posting. I've been concentrating more on the same lately.
Great advice
Understatement of the yearOriginally Posted by Cornholio
i just wanted to say that pinns advice is invaluable and i hope he keeps up w/ his pimp ass thread even with the unfortunate events
Originally Posted by Pinnacle
fundamental word for results.
monastic discipline this is what is needed.
i agree a lot with the presented but i disagree some points.
first, i am a pro pro/fat diet,but others also serve ....lol............
to the protein fact i agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yes !
protein are a waste ! (although as something complementary is no bad).
i am a pro leucine addict.
10 gr before train and 10 gr after train.
10 gr first thing in the morning and 10 gr at bed time.
creatine is no bad 5 gr before train and 5 gr after train.
and a lot of aas,combined well,slow aas with slow aas,fast aas with fast aas,bulk roids with bulk roids,cut roids with cut roids.
great pinn.
concise and precise.
Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 05-28-2006 at 03:06 PM.
Wow! That was a big read.
But i Learnt alot.
Thank you
I looked into the whey protein statement. Turns out its damn accurate. Whey protein is so rapidly absorbed that a large influx of amino acids make it into the bloodstream, too many in fact. This prompts the body to divert the majority to the liver where it is then oxidized, ie used for energy. Also, unlike casein and other proteins, whey protein has been shown to have zero anti-catabolic activity, not just a little--but zero. It only has anabolic activity. It is essential to have a protein with both anabolic and anti-catabolic activity. And finally, whey protein processing destroys some amino acids that are listed on the labels and in textbooks.
Also, I wanted to warn you guys about the carb supplements currently available. Ive been doing some reading and talking to my doctor about them. Pretty much 100% of the carb supps on the market, including weight gainers, contain maltodextrin. All over the label the supplement company writes "complex carbohydrate", which technically is true. However, you must understand a little chemistry to find out why its no good.
A complex carb is basically multiple simple carbs strung together with hydrogen bonds. Maltodextrin turns out to have one of the weakest hydrogen bonds of just about anything. This means your body quickly breaks it down into simple carbs. The resultant simple carbs are dextrose/glucose which are pretty much the highest GI carbs known to man. So, dont be fooled: Maltodextrin is a complex carb, but has an extremely have GI rating.
I look forward to more educational and inspirational response from Pinn too![]()
Greate thread!!
Whey is the only Protein I have used, guess ive been cheating myselves of some gains, b/c of it.
I like what I have read here.I have upped my thyroid med and switched to armour which is a natural thyroid going against what my doctor has prescribed for me.She kept lowering my dose and I kept feeling worse and worse.Sorry off topic but had to include since I feel that I can now handle more carbs thruout day.Where before I would get so tired after a meal I now get energy.
I do feel that the pro/fat meals help me out with my hypoglycemia,yet I dont feel really good eating like that.Actually I feel like crap![]()
So now that I am on an increased thyroid dosage I want to start eating back this way.I have some questions though.
First one is the sweet potato comment.I wont eat yams 6 times a day!!!I read that rice,pasta and bread bloats.....yet is bloat all that bad.When bloated are you gonna burn less fat?Or is this just a cosmetic thing?I can deal with a bit of bloat if I can eat sandwiches and beans and small amounts of pasta/rice.
Another thing I would like to know is if eating 6 meals a day of 300 calories/each is a good approach.I am trying to cut right now and want to do 150 calories of lean protein and 150 calories of carbs per meal.I just wanna lose my gut and right now dont care about getting ripped.
That comes out to 1800 calories a day and may be too low so I will do weekly weigh-ins.
Jeez, am I even allowed to comment here..?? WOW is really all I can say. I am reading some of this and going, "okay, uh-huh, sure, I get it", and sometimes I'm like, "what does he mean when he says.....??? What does that word mean, that abbreviation, that term.?"
What I have learned is that I need to take this slow and somehow get my brain to process all of this information.
I am completely new, don't know much of anything (esp. after reading some of this)
But I wish to extend my gratitude to someone who definitely spent alot of time putting his thougths to paper (PINN).......
I apologize.I'm not ignoring your questions.It's been a rather busy week end for me.I'll respond tomorrow if you don't mind?Originally Posted by ianchov
Mike,thanks for the additional input in regards to whey protein.I appreciate that.
To all the rest of you that want me to continue on with my ramblings/views/thoughts...I CERTAINLY WILL.My time is quite limited,but throughout the week I'll make posts in this thread.Any comments or additional info is ALWAYS welcome.Like I initially stated,the intent of thread isn't to fire debate.I totally expect many to not share my views on certain topics.I respect guys(like my good friend Ossie) to not agree entirely,but to at least look at things objectively.So thanks to all for that ...
MORE to come......
Originally Posted by powerliftmike
I agree with this. Which is exatly why I employ a two-pronged approach to PWO. I drink a whey shake and follow up with cottage cheese.
The benefit of the whey is that it is so quickly digested. The rapid influx of amino's you get, primarily elevated leucine levels, will stimulate protein synthesis.
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
I always show this abstract to the Casein haters:
Ingestion of casein and whey proteins result in muscle anabolism after resistance exercise.
Tipton KD, Elliott TA, Cree MG, Wolf SE, Sanford AP, Wolfe RR.
Metabolism Unit, Shriners Hospitals for Children and Department of Surgery, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 77550, USA. [email protected]
PURPOSE: Determination of the anabolic response to exercise and nutrition is important for individuals who may benefit from increased muscle mass. Intake of free amino acids after resistance exercise stimulates net muscle protein synthesis. The response of muscle protein balance to intact protein ingestion after exercise has not been studied. This study was designed to examine the acute response of muscle protein balance to ingestion of two different intact proteins after resistance exercise. METHODS: Healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to one of three groups. Each group consumed one of three drinks: placebo (PL; N = 7), 20 g of casein (CS; N = 7), or whey proteins (WH; N = 9). Volunteers consumed the drink 1 h after the conclusion of a leg extension exercise bout. Leucine and phenylalanine concentrations were measured in femoral arteriovenous samples to determine balance across the leg. RESULTS: Arterial amino acid concentrations were elevated by protein ingestion, but the pattern of appearance was different for CS and WH. Net amino acid balance switched from negative to positive after ingestion of both proteins. Peak leucine net balance over time was greater for WH (347 +/- 50 nmol.min(-1).100 mL(-1) leg) than CS (133 +/- 45 nmol.min(-1).100 mL(-1) leg), but peak phenylalanine balance was similar for CS and WH. Ingestion of both CS and WH stimulated a significantly larger net phenylalanine uptake after resistance exercise, compared with the PL (PL -5 +/- 15 mg, CS 84 +/- 10 mg, WH 62 +/- 18 mg). Amino acid uptake relative to amount ingested was similar for both CS and WH (approximately 10-15%). CONCLUSIONS: Acute ingestion of both WH and CS after exercise resulted in similar increases in muscle protein net balance, resulting in net muscle protein synthesis despite different patterns of blood amino acid responses
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
Just wanted to comment on this. A few things I have found in research dealing with fruits and fructose. Apples and pears for example may only have about 5-10g of fructose per 100g of product, not as high as some people think, berry sources are even lower in fructose levels. As well you must take into consideration that although fruits/fructose may have a lower GI rating, fructose dose not require insulin to be shuttled into cells and stored as fat. Having too much fructose can definitely lead to EASY storage as fat. Like Pinn said moderation is key with all things. Just wanted to put that info out there.Originally Posted by powerliftmike
OK,here's my thoughts on the use of Nolv/letro/adex or whatever your choice combination may be.Don't take what I'm about to sat as advice.I'm simply sharing my personal experience and views in regards to the question you asked.When I first started using anabolics I held water on every cycle.No matter what drugs I was using in the cycle.Nolv/adex was usually the combo I used to fight estrrogen related sides.It helped to a certain extent,but what was really causing the excess water retention was the amount ofBf I was holding.As a beginner,I started cycles at around 12-13 % BF and said "fvk it",I'll cut the fat off later.Big mistake on my part.Not only was my diet off by putting on excessive BF,the more BF I put on,the more water I retained.(This is why I went into proper nutritiopn more so than anything else in this thread).Nutrition,more so than drugs,is the key eliment to a successful cycle.Originally Posted by ianchov
Now,the more experineced I've become in regards to proper nutrition/diet along witrh anabolic drugs,the less estrogenm related side effects I had.I'm at the point now I hardly get any sides what so ever on cycle.I hold very little water,but nothing alarming by any means.Nowadays since I don't come off cycle(I cruise in between) I don't use any anti's til near cycles end,usually about two weeks out and 4 weeks proceeding as well.Just to shake off any excess water and also for the estrogen rebound I get running high Testosterone cycles.I prefer aromasin at 15 mgs EOD.I've used letro in the past but have had estrogen rebound effects.IMO,Nolv/letro...Nolv/aromasin are great for cuting cycles when you want to remain relatively dry so you can gauge how much BF you are actually holding.On a mass cycle,I'd go with Nolv/adex.Adex s much milder than letro/aromasin.You'll hold some water while using adex.But that's fine since you are in a mass phase and estrogen(to some extent) is anabolic.So you do want some estrogen,but not too much as it will suppress bio-available testosterone.You really need to find your own personal "sweet spot" so to speak.That comes with time,and more so experience.I hope this answers the above question.
As for the second part.It's going t9o sound like I'm "copping out" from answering your question.But the fact is,you'll need to experiment with different PCT protocols to find what works bet for you,and you alone.I've ran several different types of PCT drugs/combination to see what worked best for me.On average "Nolvadex only" brought my test levels back to par the quickest without any adverse side effects.Nolv/clomid didn't work well for me.After every cycle I ran,I always had BW done a few times throughout the peroid to see and document which PCT protocol worked bet for me.I suggest you( and everyone for that matter) do the same.Keep a log of yoyr cycle.Drugs you used,doese,duration and what type PCT you ran.Attach your BW to that.Over time you'll be able to determine through your own personal medical documentation,what works best for you.
My man,I want to acknowledge I saw your questions.I'm going to be brief as I don't want/nor have the time to give free advice in regards to nutrition.I have clients in the real world that pay for this.So out of respect for them,I'll be brief.I also don't want this to snowball into countless Pm's from ppl asking for diet /nutritional advice.I hope you can understand and respect that.Originally Posted by wolfstriked
You don't have to eat yams/potatoes 6 x ED.I never said that..I did say they should be the foundation of your carbohydrate sources throughout the day.Keeping your insulin levels even keel throughout the day is the safest way to ward off any poossible unwanted BF.Pay attention to the foods you eat.Take notes on what bloats you ect.
Good luck......
I've had many requests for my thoughts on training....so I'll honor those requests with a post tomorrow.
Stay tuned ...........
Have a great evening guys.
hey pinn why didnt u like clomid/nolva....
hey Pinn. you mentioned earlier on your sample diet that you're in growth phase. If you have time could you share with us what your cutting phase meals would look like or is it pretty similar?
I wish I would have had this info available before my first bulker. Talk about a lot of work getting rid of the excess fat I gained.
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