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  1. #1
    bombguy is offline Associate Member
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    Anymore clinics that still take insurance

    I'm kinda running into a bit of a problem. I've got one vial of Test Cyp. left, that will last me into January @ 100mg/week. The problem is, I have moved and I have to find a new doctor...which could lead to them lowering my dose or possibly shutting off the treatment (is this even possible?). I feel decent off of the 100mg...not great like I used to though. I'm also worried that a new doc will put me on the patch or gel...can they do this if I request to stay on the shots?!

    Also, anyone recommend a good TRT clinic that takes Blue Cross. I saw a few of you are getting reimbursed, but I have great coverage, so I want it taken care of from the start. Or a good endo in the N. Denver/Ft. Collins area??

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombguy View Post
    I'm kinda running into a bit of a problem. I've got one vial of Test Cyp. left, that will last me into January @ 100mg/week. The problem is, I have moved and I have to find a new doctor...which could lead to them lowering my dose or possibly shutting off the treatment (is this even possible?). I feel decent off of the 100mg...not great like I used to though. I'm also worried that a new doc will put me on the patch or gel...can they do this if I request to stay on the shots?!

    Also, anyone recommend a good TRT clinic that takes Blue Cross. I saw a few of you are getting reimbursed, but I have great coverage, so I want it taken care of from the start. Or a good endo in the N. Denver/Ft. Collins area??
    blue cross is the only insurance that i've heard that reimburses...the clinics dont take the insurance from what i've seen..that would be too sweet

  3. #3
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    i just called the Dr's assistant who had taught me how to do the injections and she called the scrip in at my new location.....i didn't want to do the process all over again....

  4. #4
    crypticaddict is offline Junior Member
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    meh, my local "doc in the box" gave me my script.

  5. #5
    ecto9's Avatar
    ecto9 is offline Banned
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    I've been thinking I prolly have to go out of state to find a good doc and scripts. Then after all tests are said and done, he can just call it in like they do. It's hard finding a doc in my area, but they seem to be plentiful in the Florida area.

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