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  1. #1
    stogie1969 is offline New Member
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    not what I wanted to hear from the Uro

    I was diagnosed 1.5 months ago with low test 297. There was 2 test run by my primary. He prescribed me a patch but didnt want to run any other tests to determine why I was low. I took advise from people on this board and saw a uro I had my appointment last week and they took blood again. My results came back all normal.

    Test =494 ng/dL
    free test 10.3 Pg/mL
    LH =4.1
    FSH = 5.2
    Estradiol =24

    This lab uses different scale than my previous. My doctor was very nice, but told me I am in normal range and that is as far as he could treat me. He did refer me to psychologist . He knows i have a script for test patches, and told me he would want to monitor me if I chose to fill the script.
    I really thought this was going to be the begin to me feeling better but I guess not. I wonder how accurate these test are, why 1 lab is low, and another says normal. How much can stress of life, like fluctuating sleep schedule, and travel affect the test levels? I guess I will just try the patches and see what happens.

  2. #2
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Stress, sleep, travel can have an impact on your levels. I would get an appointment with a nother uro or see if that guy will retest you. The last week before your blood test you can put a bit of a stain on your system by working out real hard with a lot of cardio. The last couple days before your test dont get too much sleep, like just enough to function, and dont have sex. There was a reason your numbers came in low the first time. Remember you still have symptoms, screw the Psych crap. Remember, the primary took 2 test that came back low. Dont let them base your well being on one test (that could be mistaken) contradicting 2 previous tests.


  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i'd go to a life extension, or doc specializing in treating AIDS patients, they will be well versed.. or a men's clinc, they will be more apt to meet your needs, not a general practitioner.
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  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree with more test in test looks pretty low...not sure how to free up the test...i thought i read in a post there was a compound that did such

  5. #5
    stogie1969 is offline New Member
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    A month ago my free test was 50 pg/mL, last week it was 10.3. Total test was higher. I dont get it. I was pretty ragged when they took the blood. I was just getting over the Flu, I was transitioning to night shift so my sleep was crap. I had slept 2 hours and got up to go to the doctors appointment. I need to take a break from seeing doctors for a while. In your opinions will taking the patch bring my levels high enough for me to see a difference? will wearing the patch for 1 month let me know for sure my problems are test related. Thanks

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by stogie1969 View Post
    A month ago my free test was 50 pg/mL, last week it was 10.3. Total test was higher. I dont get it. I was pretty ragged when they took the blood. I was just getting over the Flu, I was transitioning to night shift so my sleep was crap. I had slept 2 hours and got up to go to the doctors appointment. I need to take a break from seeing doctors for a while. In your opinions will taking the patch bring my levels high enough for me to see a difference? will wearing the patch for 1 month let me know for sure my problems are test related. Thanks
    if you are not low-T I dont believe small doses of test is your answer, no...i know its a bitch going to doctors but finding the right one is of luck

  7. #7
    JASA is offline Junior Member
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    how many times I have to say it. take 200mg of deca before blood work
    & if dosen't work I'll pay for you test.

  8. #8
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JASA View Post
    how many times I have to say it. take 200mg of deca before blood work
    & if dosen't work I'll pay for you test.
    seriously bro? maybe he doesnt have access to deca. Or maybe he doesnt want to shell out a minimum $$ for a bunch of gear he wont use just to get the 200 mg of deca. Also, if he does that, you're right, it will shut him down but he will test way lower than his original test of 297. They could suspect him of screing around. I think the best and HEALTHIEST option is getting retested then see what happens, then if he has to he can look for a doc who will get to the bottom of it.
    just my .02


  9. #9
    DeputyLoneWolf's Avatar
    DeputyLoneWolf is offline Associate Member
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    just look up anti aging clinics online and forget about jumping through al the hoops to lower your test. If you are healthy they will prescribe.

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