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Thread: Got my results

  1. #41
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Yup to both. I didn't feel like arguing with her about dosage intervals because I'm going to self administer anyway. She's still a bitch but lucklt I don't have to deal with her anymore, everything goes through my primary now

  2. #42
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    trt works man. i feel great

  3. #43
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Scripted 300 mg every 3 weeks. They're gonna give me my first inject and ill maintain from there. I'm gonna do once a week at 100 mg. Prolly gonna use the first 300 as a kicker for the first 2 weeks and do 100 per week after that. Hope this makes me feel better. Also I learned my last test wasn't 269 it was 260 so I was aleady below normal.
    Ironside if the doc has scripted you 300 mgs every 3 weeks and they are giving you your first injection it's going to be 100 mgs. Did they tell you that they are going to give you 300 mgs the first time? If so, what type of test is this test e or cyp? Test has an active life of approx 15 days.

  4. #44
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMoonHowlingWolf View Post
    Ironside if the doc has scripted you 300 mgs every 3 weeks and they are giving you your first injection it's going to be 100 mgs. Did they tell you that they are going to give you 300 mgs the first time? If so, what type of test is this test e or cyp? Test has an active life of approx 15 days.

  5. #45
    FuPayMe is offline Junior Member
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    do u starve yourself, drink a lot, and get shit for sleep?

  6. #46
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Nope, all natural. Don't drink or smoke, sleep can get bad sometimes but usually I get adequate amount of rest and I eat decent, not great though.
    I've had hypogonadismfor at least a few years without knowing about it. Had gyno in 05, didn't know the causes and never had my blood levels checked.
    They're gonna give me my first shot of 300mg, my uro is an idiot, I know. It's test cyp, they come in 200mg glass tubies. I'm gonna shoot 100mg a week starting the end of week 2, I'm looking for vials to pump the extra 100mgs of test into for safe keepings.
    BTW I had to push my first inject back to tomorrow due to some medical issues.

  7. #47
    FuPayMe is offline Junior Member
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    so you didnt do anything in particular to ensure lower levels? I actually like the idea of getting 300mg at once to kick things off, then lowering the dose. Im not on hrt yet, so this isnt any legit advice, but i wouldnt mind getting a nice dose like that all at once.

    Is that a cat ****ing pissing in the smilies? lmao

  8. #48
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Well they gave me the full 300 mg shot at once, I can't get the next 300 till aug 26th, so it'll be 2 weeks till I shoot again.
    Nothing really but if you read my other thread there's lots of info in there for lowering test.

  9. #49
    natureboy's Avatar
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    So you have to go into Dr to get it or pick it up at pharmacy?

  10. #50
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    They mail it to me, I could probably pick it up in the pharmacy but I hate driving over there, takes about an hr and half for me to get there than waiting for another hour to get the script filled.

  11. #51
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Well they gave me the full 300 mg shot at once, I can't get the next 300 till aug 26th, so it'll be 2 weeks till I shoot again.
    Nothing really but if you read my other thread there's lots of info in there for lowering test.
    That's great that they gave you 300 mgs the first injection and if you can get 300 mgs every two weeks then you should get nice results as far as TRT goes. What would be even better is if you can get them to agree to give you weekly shots so you keep your levels steady.

  12. #52
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Actually I get 400mg every 3 weeks but I can pick my script up 1 week prior to next inject.
    I'm gonna start giving myself the injections, 100cc a week. I'll save the extra 100mg for a rainy day.

  13. #53
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Got ya! If you didn't want to save that 100 mgs for a rainy day, you could do approx 130 mgs weekly.

  14. #54
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    I'm gonna wait to see what my shitty uro says, I'm hoping she'll boost me up to 200mg per week. Either way I have an appt for my new PCP Doc who is into sports medicine on the 2nd, hopefully he will be a little more educated and liberal.

  15. #55
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    At a loss for her thinking. Seems to me that i read the 1/2 life of cyp is 14 days. The key to HRT is to be on an even keel. Does she have a reason for letting you crash and burn the third week or does she just enjoy cutting them off men? If you self administer, keep in mind the first three months you are going to feel great. As a red blooded american, you're going to think more is better but nay nay. 100 mg once a week will be a hell of a lot better than 300 every third week in my humble opinion. But she may have her reasons. Good luck. You're going to feel great again.

  16. #56
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    Her reason verbatim "This is what's recommended by the xxx book of Urology". The Cyp I have says the half life is 8 days, probably aiming for the low end there.
    I tried to argue it but it's useless really, you can't tell a Dr anything since they're NEVER wrong.

  17. #57
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Test Cyp has an active life of 15-16 days, after 5 days blood levels will begin to drop. 8 days for half-life sounds correct.

    Yeah docs are never wrong, LOL!

  18. #58
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    **** yea boy!
    I went in for blood test again the other day and I got my results today, 214.
    So now that snooty bitch can give me what I need.
    BTW, does anyone know why the lab results varied so much from my first results at a private clinic to the other ones at a hospital?
    They're on two different scales but it still doesnt make sense to me.
    I think part of the problem is, looking at your avatar, you are quite big muscular wise... thats always a problem trying to convince doctors to put you on HRT.

    There is another dynamic to it all. Working out and growing muscles consumes some of the teststerone in your body and they know it. The more your testosterone levels are down the more your body will call up natural stores to be made.

    Also another big hint is, before your blood tests... jack off. No seriously, an orgasm can consume up large quantities of testosterone so especially if you are going for morning tests... jack off before going to the doctor. Helps you test as much as 30% lower. Dont do it the night before because plenty of time to replenish... the low testosterone levels after an orgasm only lasts a few hours and your best natural production is while you are asleep so do it just a couple hours or less before your tests.

  19. #59
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude View Post
    I think part of the problem is, looking at your avatar, you are quite big muscular wise... thats always a problem trying to convince doctors to put you on HRT.

    There is another dynamic to it all. Working out and growing muscles consumes some of the teststerone in your body and they know it. The more your testosterone levels are down the more your body will call up natural stores to be made.

    Also another big hint is, before your blood tests... jack off. No seriously, an orgasm can consume up large quantities of testosterone so especially if you are going for morning tests... jack off before going to the doctor. Helps you test as much as 30% lower. Dont do it the night before because plenty of time to replenish... the low testosterone levels after an orgasm only lasts a few hours and your best natural production is while you are asleep so do it just a couple hours or less before your tests.
    yeh...and tell the old lady that she can watch

  20. #60
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    you know what you call a student who graduates from medical school with a C average?


  21. #61
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    Na the pic is camera magic, I'm actually really lean but I do have some big lats. But your right, I'm larger than the average male that's my height.
    You know what you call a student that fails 3x in a row than barely graduates, a government Dr.

  22. #62
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    yeh...and tell the old lady that she can watch
    I was assuming maybe its a single dude because having an old lady around sometimes has a way of helping your testosterone levels increase. The bio-feedback thing.

    I read about a lab that tested single college aged guys, during week days when there were no dates, its all homework and no sex, the guys tested lower on testosterone , but on friday and saturday nights when the guys had dates and expected to have sex, their testerone levels doubled on those days. Also sperm production kicked in and increased, meaning, sometimes poor testosterone tests can mean you either arent getting laid too often or you are in a boring relationship/marriage, but these same guys can have much higher testerone levels consistently as they start exciting and fulfilling relationships with a hot chick or whatever they desire. (You know when you start a love affair and the bitch is so hot you want to hump her everyday.)

    Hell if you got an old lady handy... why jack off when you get request a morning blowie? Only catch there is expecting and anticipating that morning blowie could have you temporarily near the upper end of your testosterone tests so maybe its just better to have a plain old boring jackoff in the shower before the tests and keep the excitement about it to a minimum.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 08-24-2008 at 02:47 AM.

  23. #63
    binder's Avatar
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    260 in the evening is actually not a low level. It is not uncommon for testosterone levels to be reduced by as much as half after 8 hours of the first blood draw (usually in the morning). If the lowest point in your day (evening) is still in normal range then you have normal testosterone levels. That doesn't mean you don't have hypogonadism, but your testosterone levels are still normal. The most accurate way of checking a testosterone level is through saliva. It is tested at 3 intervals throughout the day and gives an accurate graph of the levels for a 24 hour period which more accurately reflects what your body is doing verses the levels at one point in time that can be effected by many factors.

    i'm 25 and my last lab results (i do labs post competition to check lipids and kidney function after that strict and hard diet) showed i had a testosterone level of 253 in the morning. Not a candidate for hrt. I still get the testosterone, but not because of those levels...haha

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude View Post

    Also another big hint is, before your blood tests... jack off. No seriously, an orgasm can consume up large quantities of testosterone so especially if you are going for morning tests... jack off before going to the doctor. Helps you test as much as 30% lower. Dont do it the night before because plenty of time to replenish... the low testosterone levels after an orgasm only lasts a few hours and your best natural production is while you are asleep so do it just a couple hours or less before your tests.
    you're wrong. you have no evidence so stop spreading this rumor. Research is against this at all times. You are making up numbers and posting them like you have evidence to back it. Show me where you get your numbers. Here's one of the MANY research experiments that goes against what you are saying. Also, you excrete SEMEN, not TESTOSTERONE during ejaculation. They are not the same. Your body doesn't ejaculate a hormone.

    Plasma levels of testosterone (T), luteinizing hormone (LH), and cortisol were measured in 10 adult male rhesus monkeys before and shortly after coitus. Mean levels of T and LH did not increase significantly after coitus or in control (no ejaculation) tests, but cortisol levels did in both cases. In 10 different males, no significant change was found in the plasma levels of T after electroejaculation; but in control tests (electric current withheld), the mean level of T was significantly lower at 80 and 140 min, but not at 50 min, after the test. According to present evidence, the effect of ejaculation on T levels differs in primate and nonprimate species. The effects on T levels produced by living with sexually receptive female rhesus monkeys may differ from those produced by intimate but brief contact with them.
    Ref: Effects of ejaculation on levels of testosterone , cortisol, and luteinizing hormone in peripheral plasma of rhesus monkeys.

  25. #65
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Hey Binder that's really good info, thanks!
    I know I'm not super low but after starting injections I feel soo much better so I'm just gonna go with it.

  26. #66
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Hey Binder that's really good info, thanks!
    I know I'm not super low but after starting injections I feel soo much better so I'm just gonna go with it.
    hey if it works then go with it. just be careful about being on hrt forever. it will shut off natural production. she'll probably put you on some hcg occasionally to stimulate the LH.

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