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  1. #1
    cuban1983 is offline Junior Member
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    Thinking about TRT at age 25

    I've done ill advised cycles in the past, at the worst possible time during my youth, and i'm afraid im paying for that now. I found a cooperative doctor who himself is on TRT and he tested me and found my testosterone levels to be around 450, and while i don't have the free test number on hand, he told me that that number is absolutely low for my age. So he started me on an HCG treatment which he thinks will help substantially, and that after that treatment we will retest, and if i am not happy at that point, he will prescribe me testosterone .

    He prescribed me 250 i.u. of HCG 3 times a week for 3 weeks, and 250 i.u. 2 times a week for the following 3 weeks. I (via advise given to me on a previous thread) also included 12.5 mg of Aromasin ed and 20 mg of nolvadex ed on my own, both due to my proneness to gyno and the fact that they could help get my natural levels to where they should be. I have been feeling better so far, but the main problem (weak erections) that i was experiencing is still an issue, all though it has gotten better too. Libido hasn't gotten much better, but i attribute that to the nolva and aromasin. My question is the following:

    1-If i am not happy with where i am post HCG treatment, and decide for TRT at age 25, how would i go about ensuring that i can have a family in the future? That is of the utmost importance to me.

    2-If i, generally speaking, currently always have morning wood, and if my test levels are merely low but in normal range, does that mean that my problems are more psychological than physiological? and if so, what do i do?

    Thanks in advance for a all responses and/or critiques.....

  2. #2
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    If the HCG works than good stuff, its used to help promote natural test production. I hear for the family thing that people use LH or FSH with HCG to help stimulate happy spermies.
    Could be psychological but if your low, your low. I wasn't sure test would help me either but I tried it and so far I feel 10x better and im on my 2nd week.
    BTW, I'm 25 as well.

  3. #3
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    im 25 and on trt test injections

  4. #4
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    1-If i am not happy with where i am post HCG treatment, and decide for TRT at age 25, how would i go about ensuring that i can have a family in the future? That is of the utmost importance to me. - If you aren't happy after post HCG treatment your doc can put you on low levels of test which shouldn't shut you down completely.

    2-If i, generally speaking, currently always have morning wood, and if my test levels are merely low but in normal range, does that mean that my problems are more psychological than physiological? and if so, what do i do? - You said it, your mind is very powerful and could be causing more problems than you know. What's going on in your life? Are you under a lot of stress or were you? Are you on any medications? If so, how long? You see where I'm going?

  5. #5
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1. look at all the bodybuilders, actors and sports stars who have kids on hi amounts of gear. take hcg with test every now and again.

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