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  1. #1
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    good bloodwork no libido?

    ok here is my pre blood work. All i was on was thyroid medicine. complained of no sex drive, foggy brain, fat gain and energy. I am 27 years old.

    t4, Free 1.27 .60-1.50
    glucose 75 70-100
    test total 283 241-827
    tsh 4.66 .34-5.00
    total free test 8.3 9.3-26.5

    here are my new results on 250 test cyp a week and 150mg deca a week. Both of those are split into half and done on mon/thurs. also 1000 iu HCG twice a week. I Am going to a HRT doctor.

    t4free 1.5 .8-1.8
    t3free 334 230-420
    tsh 1.40 .40-4.50
    fsh .7 1.6-8.0
    dhea sulfate 113 110-510
    progesterone 1.2 <1.4
    shbg 7 7-49
    igf-1 350 126-382
    estrodial 25 0-50
    ferritin 81 24-336
    prolactin 1.6 2.1-17.7
    dht 1005 155.0-553.0
    total test 1012 241-1000
    free test 50 9.3-26.5
    cortisol total 11.4 4.0-22.0

    OK so here is the problem. I have more energy, strength, fatloss, and clear mind but still no real drive. I am not depressed but I get kinda indifferent about alot of things. I have no sex drive what so ever and barely get morning wood in the morning. If i do get wood it is very week and about half the size it was. If a hot girl was next to me I would rather eat a sandwhich then **** her. haha No alpha male feeling I hear soo many talking about. NO libido at all!!!!! Strength is up but I no longer get that pumped feeling about things in life I once got. This is making life very rough for my age. I cant even get hard long enough to masterbate normally. Any ideas? thanks bros.

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    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    Bro you have problem like you type. IMHO its psychological problem, there is all good in your blood test. Even better than normal. It can be deca but I think this is psychological problem and you should start psychotherapy. Its not shame ist normal and trust no medicine or hormone will fix your problem, you can do that!

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    thanks.. anyone else want to chime in? could it be from the low dhea...?

  5. #5
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lattimershotgun View Post
    thanks.. anyone else want to chime in? could it be from the low dhea...?
    I would have guessed maybe adrenal fatigue but the fact that you have energy to work out kind of leaves me puzzled.....

    I am pretty much suffering the same symptoms as you but I do get morning wood and strong erections, I just dont have a real strong sex drive.... Im also suffering from energy problems... I had a saliva cortisol taken and my results showed that I was stage 3 adrenal failure/fatigue..(i believe there is 5 stages if im not mistaken)..

    my advice is to have some more tests ran on your thyroid levels and adrenals... dont listen to the garbage that it is psychological.. problems like these are real and they need to be addressed... I have been diagnosed with adrenal probs but unfortunately I dont have any docs that are familiar with how to treat it...

    good luck

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    everything improved except libido.....did you get a chance to ask the doc wut he thought? or just got your bloodwork?
    i believe lack of libido can be caused by hormonal and/or phsycological...and discouraging to me is that i thought addind hcg to my trt would be the end all?
    ....not official but i read a post i believe big guns stated that this can be caused from the EXCESS free test floating around and you are way high out of range?
    hope you feel better soon bro

  7. #7
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    thanks guys.. I do think it might be thyroid and adrenal as well. Mainly because the cortisol test was a one time blood test. I know people suggest getting multiple tests for that and different times of the day. I do have enough energy to workout but thats just cause i push my self but i have no motivation whatsoever. Could one take cortef daily as part of a adrenal fatigue therapy and get his energy and libido back?

  8. #8
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    I also forgot to mention that I now crave sugar and chocolate alot more then normal now. I also get a slight itch constantly.

  9. #9
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lattimershotgun View Post
    thanks guys.. I do think it might be thyroid and adrenal as well. Mainly because the cortisol test was a one time blood test. I know people suggest getting multiple tests for that and different times of the day. I do have enough energy to workout but thats just cause i push my self but i have no motivation whatsoever. Could one take cortef daily as part of a adrenal fatigue therapy and get his energy and libido back?

    ok.... your symptoms are starting to sound more like mine now... but what caught my attention in what you previously have stated is that you have no motivation... I have low energy but just enough energy to get by with a decent work out but not as hard as I use to be able to work out.. i push myself extremely hard to go the gym to workout as well and the motivation is very low as well (i use to be a work out machine)...

    my suggestion is to get a saliva coritsol test... this tests your levels 4 times throughout the day and believe it or not the saliva is more accurate than the standard blood cortisol test... whacked out cortisol levels, low dhea, low gh and igf as well as thyroid levels are indicators of adrenal function... make sure you try to see someone who actually specializes and can interpret your results or youlll be in the same boat as i am... i have all the proper tests done showing i have a problem but are unable to help or direct what next steps to take...

    ps... be very careful with cortef... it could shut your adrenals down for life so I would wait until you talk to a professional who can prescribe and direct you the right way..... there is a cortisol supplement that you can get otc in the meantime that has actual hormone in it that may help, its called isocort... just google it and read up..

    good luck

  10. #10
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    have you tried isocourt? By anychance were you a previous steroid user? I was back in the day and I think being on that for so long has caused this adrenal/thyroid issue. Afterawhile even when i was on a cycle I was having these symptoms. SO when I stopped and went clean. These symptoms continued with or without high test.

  11. #11
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    i started using steroids after i was diagnosed with the adrenal problems... it helped compensate a little for my lack of motivation and energy... my adrenal problems have stemmed from stimulant use such as ephedra/ephedrine for many years coupled with years of lack of sleep...

    yes i tried isocort but it didnt seem to help me at all, but some peeps do get relief from it...

    PS>>>>> here is a little tib bit of info for you that you may find useful.... the only time that i had gotten my libido back and running strong was when i did a cycle of oral turanibol ( I used tbol @ 60mg/ed by itself)... I had amazing size and strength gains and my libido shot through the roof (i actually felt like a nomal person again).... i have used testosterone in every cycle and even by itself and it never gave my back my libido to full strength.. tbol was the only thing that kicked my libido into high gear.. I think tbol works by lowering shbg which has something to do with libido... anyway its been next to near impossible to get my hands back on tbol again... i have every type of aas available to me but my suppliers have a very hard time getting tbol again... anyway tbol would be just a temporary solution while you figure out whats going on... good luck
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 09-02-2008 at 10:36 AM.

  12. #12
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    sorry guys I mean 200mg of cyp a week not 250

  13. #13
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    in response to you billy.. My shbg is only 7. It is soo low that I am having insulin resistance. So you dont want your shbg to be too low. Mine is alwasy low thats why i can build muscle soo easily. I have soo much free floating T but I now have insulin resistance which sucks!

  14. #14
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    by any chance did you suffer any of the hypoglycemia billytk? Do you ever feel you have a blood sugar issue because of the adrenal fatigue?

  15. #15
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lattimershotgun View Post
    by any chance did you suffer any of the hypoglycemia billytk? Do you ever feel you have a blood sugar issue because of the adrenal fatigue?
    sometimes i feel hypo, but not on a continous basis.... I did however have a few blood tests where my sugar/glucose levels were out of whack!

  16. #16
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    We're in the exact same boat brother. However I'm getting my test results back soon (testosteron). If they come back normal, I will certainly suspect Adrenal Fatigue, but the docs in my country cant check salive cortisol so I guess I will never know?

  17. #17
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    Hey guys I can definitely help you out with dealing with your Adrenal Fatigue. A couple of years ago I was formally diagnosed with stage 5 adrenal fatigue and have since recovered. Do yourself a favor and go pick up the book "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome" by Dr. James L. Wilson. My Dr. suggested this book to me and it truly changed your life. Basically you need to stop taking any stimulants including coffee, get at least 8 hours of sleep a night and take a supplement called Adrenal Rebuilder made by Future Formulations. This supplement is hard to find and generally not carried by main stream vitamin shops. This supplement is a blend of pig and cow glandulars and while it's certainly not the cheapest, I found it to work the best. If you want to get the cortisol lab test done you can order it yourself from My adrenal fatigue was so bad that it threw my thyroid off which my doc said is expected in severe adrenal fatigue cases. Sure enough, when my adrenals started to recover my thyroid came into normal ranges as well. Along with the adrenal rebuilders I took about 1gm of Vitamin C a day and Magnesium. Even though I started to feel better almost immediately it took probably about 6-8 months to really feel normal again.

  18. #18
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptide View Post
    Hey guys I can definitely help you out with dealing with your Adrenal Fatigue. A couple of years ago I was formally diagnosed with stage 5 adrenal fatigue and have since recovered. Do yourself a favor and go pick up the book "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome" by Dr. James L. Wilson. My Dr. suggested this book to me and it truly changed your life. Basically you need to stop taking any stimulants including coffee, get at least 8 hours of sleep a night and take a supplement called Adrenal Rebuilder made by Future Formulations. This supplement is hard to find and generally not carried by main stream vitamin shops. This supplement is a blend of pig and cow glandulars and while it's certainly not the cheapest, I found it to work the best. If you want to get the cortisol lab test done you can order it yourself from My adrenal fatigue was so bad that it threw my thyroid off which my doc said is expected in severe adrenal fatigue cases. Sure enough, when my adrenals started to recover my thyroid came into normal ranges as well. Along with the adrenal rebuilders I took about 1gm of Vitamin C a day and Magnesium. Even though I started to feel better almost immediately it took probably about 6-8 months to really feel normal again.
    Nice of you to give us advice like that, I would very much appreciate if you could answer questions about it in PM etc in the near future!

    I just got my hormone test results and the doc told me everything is normal. But she never gave me a new time to talk to me about it. With all these symptoms I've got, why would they just send the normal results and not asking me to come back and check other things? I'm obviously having some sort of problem and its not mental. I'd like to test my cortisol via saliva, but the price for that was kinda high on the site you provided hehe.

    If its not low testosteron nor adrenal fatigue, what else could it be?


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOneWithout View Post
    I just got my hormone test results and the doc told me everything is normal. But she never gave me a new time to talk to me about it. With all these symptoms I've got, why would they just send the normal results and not asking me to come back and check other things? I'm obviously having some sort of problem and its not mental. I'd like to test my cortisol via saliva, but the price for that was kinda high on the site you provided hehe.

    If its not low testosteron nor adrenal fatigue, what else could it be?

    Unfortunately I think the response you experienced from you Dr is the norm. Unless a Dr can definitively finger point a disease marker by testing blood, urine or xray then they send you on your way and tell you it's all in your head and that everything is normal. Adrenal fatigue is not a disease per se. A single test of cortisol levels does not tell anybody whats going on with the adrenals. The only way to properly test cortisol levels is several times over the course of a single day. For example, my cortisol test showed very low in the morning, somewhat normal late morning, rock bottom in the afternoon but in the evening they were actually high.

    There is a much less scientific test you can perform on yourself to see if you have adrenal fatigue. It's a test to see how your iris contraction behaves. For some reason the iris behaves quite sluggish in people with adrenal fatigue. Here's how to perform the test: Grab a flashlight and a stopwatch and go sit down in front of a mirror with the lights off. Take the small flashlight and shine it across (not directly into) one of your eyes. Keep the light shining steadily across the one eye and watch in the mirror with the other for 2 minutes. Your pupil should contract immediately and should stay contracted for the full 2 minutes but if you have some form of adrenal fatigue the pupil will not be able to hold the contraction and will begin to dilate and then recover again. Log the amount of time the iris dilates during the 2 minute test. The longer the iris stays dilated, the more severe your adrenal fatigue. You can also use this test to monitor your recovery. This test works in moderate to severe cases but many times doesn't present itself in mild cases.

    As for your question, what else can it be... Odds are it's endocrine related. The 3 main players in the male endocrine system is the testes, adrenals and thyroid. I've heard it said that these 3 glands are analogous to a 3 legged stool. If one of those legs is out of balance with the other 2 then the entire stool is off balance and will have a hard time supporting overall balanced feelings of well being. If one of these legs is off balance that's when we start to get undesired side effects such as a loss of libido.

    The obvious hormone to test for is obviously low testosterone or even too low of estrogen. Yes, men need estrogen. Beyond testosterone and estrogen is adrenals and thyroid and you always want to fix adrenals before trying to fix the thyroid.

    Good luck guys if I can help out in anyway let me know. I've been there and I know it's not fun.

  20. #20
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptide View Post
    Unfortunately I think the response you experienced from you Dr is the norm. Unless a Dr can definitively finger point a disease marker by testing blood, urine or xray then they send you on your way and tell you it's all in your head and that everything is normal. Adrenal fatigue is not a disease per se. A single test of cortisol levels does not tell anybody whats going on with the adrenals. The only way to properly test cortisol levels is several times over the course of a single day. For example, my cortisol test showed very low in the morning, somewhat normal late morning, rock bottom in the afternoon but in the evening they were actually high.

    There is a much less scientific test you can perform on yourself to see if you have adrenal fatigue. It's a test to see how your iris contraction behaves. For some reason the iris behaves quite sluggish in people with adrenal fatigue. Here's how to perform the test: Grab a flashlight and a stopwatch and go sit down in front of a mirror with the lights off. Take the small flashlight and shine it across (not directly into) one of your eyes. Keep the light shining steadily across the one eye and watch in the mirror with the other for 2 minutes. Your pupil should contract immediately and should stay contracted for the full 2 minutes but if you have some form of adrenal fatigue the pupil will not be able to hold the contraction and will begin to dilate and then recover again. Log the amount of time the iris dilates during the 2 minute test. The longer the iris stays dilated, the more severe your adrenal fatigue. You can also use this test to monitor your recovery. This test works in moderate to severe cases but many times doesn't present itself in mild cases.

    As for your question, what else can it be... Odds are it's endocrine related. The 3 main players in the male endocrine system is the testes, adrenals and thyroid. I've heard it said that these 3 glands are analogous to a 3 legged stool. If one of those legs is out of balance with the other 2 then the entire stool is off balance and will have a hard time supporting overall balanced feelings of well being. If one of these legs is off balance that's when we start to get undesired side effects such as a loss of libido.

    The obvious hormone to test for is obviously low testosterone or even too low of estrogen. Yes, men need estrogen. Beyond testosterone and estrogen is adrenals and thyroid and you always want to fix adrenals before trying to fix the thyroid.

    Good luck guys if I can help out in anyway let me know. I've been there and I know it's not fun.

    good post when checking thryoid on blood work, we look for T4 and T3? and for adrenal, we look at cortisol? if either of these 2 main players of the endocrine system are producing #'s out of range, how are they corrected? what are types of meds to raise or decrease levels of the thryoid and the adrenal gland?
    and wow, when i did search on what/where the adrenal gland(s) is, I found out they are on top of kidneys and produce not only cortisol but estrogen...I knew men had estro but didnt know thats where they come from.

  21. #21
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    I think you are suffering from same pu??y syndrome Try tapping something new see if that helps

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    new chocha

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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post

    good post when checking thryoid on blood work, we look for T4 and T3? and for adrenal, we look at cortisol? if either of these 2 main players of the endocrine system are producing #'s out of range, how are they corrected? what are types of meds to raise or decrease levels of the thryoid and the adrenal gland?
    and wow, when i did search on what/where the adrenal gland(s) is, I found out they are on top of kidneys and produce not only cortisol but estrogen...I knew men had estro but didnt know thats where they come from.
    That's right thyroid is measured by T3, T4 as well as TSH which stands for thyroid stimulating hormone. You can boost T3/T4 levels by taking synthetic T3 or T4 such as Synthroid or Cytomel but don't do this unless you're under a Dr's care or really know what your doing or you can shut your thyroid down for good. There is also a more natural approach called Armour thyroid (Yes, Armour the meat packing company) which is desiccated animal thyroid that contains both T3 & T4.

    For Adrenals you check cortisol 4X in a single day: Morning, noon, evening and night and Estrogen shows up on a lab test under Estradiol. Like I said earlier you really don't want to fix a low thyroid unless you know for sure it's not cause by low adrenals. The low adrenals can be fixed by taking the glandular supplement that I mentioned in the earlier post that are made out of pig and cow adrenal glands (I know that sounds crazy but it works). If you have addisons disease, which is a complete failure of the adrenals then you'd have to take synthetic cortisol aka hydrocortisone. You don't want that... There are plenty of horror stories associated with taking synthetic cortisol every day for the rest of your life.

    Something else that I think is interesting is that the adrenals are the only source for testostrone in women and T in women is what drives their libido. So if your not getting enough you may want to give her the flashlight test

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    another interesting read pep..

    dont believe i've ever heard the connection between libido/ed and thyroid/adrenal function before

    i wonder if spam would produce solid wood?

  25. #25
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    I cannot thank you enough peptide for your truly helpful information. If you're not a specialized doctor in this subject, you should become one!
    I just got my results back on paper (doc said all seemed normal). I have no clue what it all means but here's the list:
    HB-B (g/L) (134-170) 148
    B12-FP/FS (pmol) (145-650) 468
    FOLAT-S (nmol/L) (5-21) 23
    FSH-S 3.8
    LH-S 8.7
    TSH-S (mIU/L) (0.4-4) 3.7 and 2.9
    FT4-S (pmol/L) (12-22) 20
    FT3-S (pmol/L) (3.1-7) 5.1
    SHBG-S (nmol/L) (13-71) 30
    TESTOSTERON-S (6-35) 23

    I guess my thyorid and testosteron levels are fine?

    And thanks for the PM, is there another test than the flashlight test to see if I might suffer from Adrenal Fatigue? I heard you should feel pain if you press against them, but I can't really locate them.

    If I don't pass the next test, I will diagnose myself this time! I will buy Adrenal Rebuilder and take double dosage of magnesium and vitamin C just like you recommended !

    Thanks again!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOneWithout View Post
    I cannot thank you enough peptide for your truly helpful information. If you're not a specialized doctor in this subject, you should become one!
    I just got my results back on paper (doc said all seemed normal). I have no clue what it all means but here's the list:
    HB-B (g/L) (134-170) 148
    B12-FP/FS (pmol) (145-650) 468
    FOLAT-S (nmol/L) (5-21) 23
    FSH-S 3.8
    LH-S 8.7
    TSH-S (mIU/L) (0.4-4) 3.7 and 2.9
    FT4-S (pmol/L) (12-22) 20
    FT3-S (pmol/L) (3.1-7) 5.1
    SHBG-S (nmol/L) (13-71) 30
    TESTOSTERON-S (6-35) 23

    I guess my thyorid and testosteron levels are fine?

    And thanks for the PM, is there another test than the flashlight test to see if I might suffer from Adrenal Fatigue? I heard you should feel pain if you press against them, but I can't really locate them.

    If I don't pass the next test, I will diagnose myself this time! I will buy Adrenal Rebuilder and take double dosage of magnesium and vitamin C just like you recommended !

    Thanks again!
    I would argue that although the labs look normal the labs are incomplete given your symptoms. I would be curious to see what your estrogen and progesterone levels are and the ratios between them. For example you could have normal or even high testostone with no estrogen and not be able to get an erection. It's all about the ratios between the various key hormones. For example, saliva progesterone levels should be 200-300X that of estrogen and saliva testostrone levels should be 200-300X estrogen. I wouldn't get overly caught up in the numbers at this point or think that you have to go get more labs. There are litterly hundreds of different hormones created by body everyday although only a handfull of them get all the attention. Just first focus on firming up that 3 legged stool (testes, adrenals and thyroid) and the rest tends to take care of itself.

    As for other tests for adrenal fatigue... It's not really a test as much as a symptom, if you lay down and relax on the ground for about 10 min and then quickly stand and get lightheaded is an indication of adrenal fatigue (or dehydration). This drop in blood pressure when rising is called postural hypotension.
    Last edited by peptide; 09-30-2008 at 10:03 AM.

  27. #27
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptide View Post
    I would argue that although the labs look normal the labs are incomplete given your symptoms. I would be curious to see what your estrogen and progesterone levels are and the ratios between them. For example you could have normal or even high testostone with no estrogen and not be able to get an erection. It's all about the ratios between the various key hormones. For example, saliva progesterone levels should be 200-300X that of estrogen and saliva testostrone levels should be 200-300X estrogen. I wouldn't get overly caught up in the numbers at this point or think that you have to go get more labs. There are litterly hundreds of different hormones created by body everyday although only a handfull of them get all the attention. Just first focus on firming up that 3 legged stool (testes, adrenals and thyroid) and the rest tends to take care of itself.

    As for other tests for adrenal fatigue... It's not really a test as much as a symptom, if you lay down and relax on the ground for about 10 min and then quickly stand and get lightheaded is an indication of adrenal fatigue (or dehydration). This drop in blood pressure when rising is called postural hypotension.

    I thought more people would like to know so I continue our PM conversations here if you don't mind .
    My english is pretty flawed, so I didn't quite understand all the sentences you wrote in PM, so I fetched them in order below...
    1. You told me I need 600mg magnesium in the first PM but in the last one you said 400mg but citrate, all you mean is 400mg magnesium each day?
    2. "Vitamin C: 3gms is perfect but dont stop that high of dose overnight or you'll develope symptoms of scurvy". Do you mean I should start with 1g and increase it overtime and stop at 3g each day?
    3. "For example, saliva progesterone levels should be 200-300X that of estrogen and saliva testostrone levels should be 200-300X estrogen." Does that mean progesterone should be 200-300x and both estrogen and testosterone should be 200-300x together or?

    I will order saliva test to check my cortisol, estrogen and progesterone for sure. If I found out that I suffer from Adrenal Fatigue, I will instantly buy the rebuilder supplement from the US.
    So far I haven't had any problems with erections, its my sex drive that is low. The few days I got the desire, it stands like a soldier

    Since I started with the vitamins (about 1.5 weeks ago), I've been feeling a lot better already, did you feel the same way?
    Thank you so incredibly much, you've been superb help for me and I will surely pass this knowledge on to the next victims I come across!


  28. #28
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    Its now clear you are healthy person.

    Your low sex drive si just psychological problem. Thats my opinion.

    I dont know why you think that you have to think on sex and do sex X times each day and have sex on command...

    We all become older and more experienced our hormones decrease, its life its normal we have to work have family.. not just f..k all females around think all day on pu... and bo... Cure is simple accept it.

    I dont want discuse your hormones you are on HRT and your values are good. Try to check your mind

  29. #29
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    Its now clear you are healthy person.

    Your low sex drive si just psychological problem. Thats my opinion.

    I dont know why you think that you have to think on sex and do sex X times each day and have sex on command...

    We all become older and more experienced our hormones decrease, its life its normal we have to work have family.. not just f..k all females around think all day on pu... and bo... Cure is simple accept it.

    I dont want discuse your hormones you are on HRT and your values are good. Try to check your mind
    And how do you explain his loss of morning wood for example? Your concious mind doesn't decide them .

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOneWithout View Post
    And how do you explain his loss of morning wood for example? Your concious mind doesn't decide them .
    Morning wood... well healthy men had aprox. 6 ercetions during night and I swear you remenber just one in morning and some times you dont simly remember even that one.

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