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  1. #1
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Giving natty test a second shot, need input.

    I want to attempt to try and get my natural test back to where it belongs.
    I've been on HRT for a few months and it's awesome but I'm considering going back into the Military and I can't be on test if I want to rejoin.
    The docs had no idea why my test was low or why it varied so much so I was wondering if it would be possible to restart my test production?
    I'm looking at this as if I was a laggy computer and you had to shut down and reboot it to get everything running right. I'm planning on getting my back all fixed up before I do it because they said that might be the cause of it, some nerve pinching.
    Also how long can I go on HRT before I'm past the point of no return?
    Any input welcome, thanks fellas.

  2. #2
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Well I'm an idiot, I totally bypassed this thread here.
    stopping trt need some help????

  3. #3
    natureboy's Avatar
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    What made you decide to go back into the military? So when are you getting the back fixed? Are you going under the knife? Or is there another option?

    I hope it will work out for you iron! You have only been on for a couple of months now, so I would think you could easily get your natty back to where it was. What you've done at this point is not even equivalent to a small cycle. Did you make any significant gains in the gym, size strength?

  4. #4
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Damn brother, after all the work you went through??? Ask your doc for some HCG . I used it once and it was great. Why can't you be on HRT if you are in the service?

  5. #5
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    I'm with Thorsz why can't you be on hrt in the military? Seems like if you need it how or why would they want to stop you from taking a medication your body needs?

    I would try hcg if you have to stop I tried it before I started trt but it didn't work for me. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

  6. #6
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bottom line is your going to have to run one or two, and maybe even three very agressive PCT's. However, if they think a pinched nerve is your problem, and they can't get it fixed with chiropractic and special excersises, just forget the military and stay on HRT. Its not worth them cutting you open. Can u really see urself deadlifting or shrugging with screws and pins in your back?? Id rather take test than take a chance. miltary wont want ya once they find out ya had back surgery anyway if u get it. Not that you ever said you needed it but still. They probably dont want you if you are on HRT either. they don't like people who have been "repaired" or who are dependednt on a drug to keep them functioning. properly. what if your deployed and run out of test cuz ur stuck somewhere. then u have harsh physical conditions and low test...nice. Thats why they don't like it.

  7. #7
    FuPayMe is offline Junior Member
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    bro i remember in one of your other threads, you had it pretty stressful when you got back. Why would you want that again? Arent you married? Kids? I had 2 buddies in the marine corp, and although i respect them a lot, theyre not the same.

    Anyway, im in a similar situation. My test is real low, and im real young. I dont want a lifetime of hrt, yet i dont want a lifetime of low t. On another board, i got some advice i think might be the answer:

    run hcg for a month. Run clomid a week before you stop running hcg, and run it a couple weeks. The hcg will revive your testes, and the clomid will revive your pituitary.

    You served your country man. Besides, once obamas in office we ll be out of there.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    wish you the best in whatever you decide iron...wish i knew more about pct but never ran it but i'm sure you'll get good advice in the pct forum you never tried to revive your natty test b4 going on? i didnt either.

    good luck bro

  9. #9
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Nope, and I really don't want to stop but I would like to join.
    I'm actually aiming to join the Aussie Army as a commissioned officer/helicopter pilot, I probably can't re enlist in the US Army. I would NEVER join as an enlisted soldier again in any military.
    It was rough, real rough but I miss it still. Plus Officers/Pilots are in a league of their own, not standard Enlisted BS.
    I don't want surgery on my back, the doc said they might be able to fix it with some kind of facet injections and chiropractic work.
    I don't think I will ever deadlift or squat heavy again, sucks because it was one of my favorite exercises.
    As far as gains go, yea. I've improved allot on strength, edurance and a little size. I've noticed my arms have increased in vascularity

    How long do you guys think I could stay on HRT before it's too late?
    I want to run 1 cycle of test before I end HRT.

    I could probably restart HRT after I join if I have to but they won't let you in while your on any meds.

  10. #10
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    How long do you guys think I could stay on HRT before it's too late?
    I want to run 1 cycle of test before I end HRT.[/QUOTE]

    I was listening to a medical program on Sirius radio and the doctor said there is no problem in doing HRT for 6 months if someone was unsure about it and wanted to try it out.
    Hope it works out for you.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria008 View Post
    You need to do a lot more research before you start giving out terrible advice.
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    Kontaktanzeige cowboy boots
    who are you talking to bro...have you read the board rules esp. on hijacking threads?

  12. #12
    natureboy's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=maria008;4238735]You need to do a lot more research before you start giving out terrible advice.
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    Why don't you enlighten us as to who is giving out this terrible advice, and why you believe it is so bad!

  13. #13
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria008 View Post
    You need to do a lot more research before you start giving out terrible advice.
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    I smell spam troll

  14. #14
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    I'm thinking I'll probably stay on TRT for at least another 6 months.
    You think adding HCG to my TRT would produce favorable results and help with PCT?

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    I'm thinking I'll probably stay on TRT for at least another 6 months.
    You think adding HCG to my TRT would produce favorable results and help with PCT?
    you would think that it would....u gonna get that from the va?

  16. #16
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Heh, I'll try. Wonder how I should approach it.

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Heh, I'll try. Wonder how I should approach it.
    that reminds me of when i asked my primary...i told em straight up..."i wanna bring the boys back"...LOL...he said he didnt think hcg would help and wouldnt write the script anyway...said he would refer me to an endo....little did he know i had fired 2 endos b4 seeing him....i think the hcg will be a tough sell to the va

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