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  1. #1
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Blood tests outstanding but feeling like shit......

    Im 33, 6'0, 198lbs

    Over the past year or two I have been feeling very unenergenic and unmotivated...... I have had several blood tests done and they have all come back normal except for the saliva cortisol test which came back erratic...

    anyways, my blood test that I had last week came back outstanding...

    test 555 (250-850) normal

    free test 22% high...... which is good

    estradial 12 (0-50)

    LH, FSH, dhea, iron all normal.......

    TSH, T3, T4 all normal

    metabolic panel all normal........

    diabetes/blood sugar test..... negative/normal

    **** I have been off cycle for about 5 months now and my test levels are still outstanding... love it....

    but..... my problem is lack of energy (no stamina, shortness of breath), lack of sex drive (can still perform no problems but not strong desire).......

    I use to drink a cup of black coffee before my work outs for the energy boost and focus but now coffee or any caffiene (prewo drinks) make me extremely hypo-glycemic....

    Im going crazy I dont know what is wrong.... Im thinking adrenal fatigue but like i stated i had a cortisol test (saliva) and it came back abnormal patterns but no doctors no how to interpret the test or how to treat...

    PS.... these problems that i am dealing with have started before I had even started cycling.... so i know for a fact that it isnt from cycle use... I think my problems may stem from when i used ephedra and caffeine for many years... this is why i feel i may be adrenally fatigued or maybe developed some sort of insulin resistance...

    im desperate and looking for any help or direction.. thanks
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 01-26-2009 at 01:00 PM.

  2. #2
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Have you done the Benadryl thing?

  3. #3
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    bump this and whats the benadryl thing?

  4. #4
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Yes, the benadryl was the very first thing i tried but it didnt help at all....... I just got back from the endocronologist today and he has given me a blood sugar testing kit which I am to use for the next 10 days (testing my blood glucose before i work out and immediately after) also he ordered me a ACTH stim test to immediately follow my glucose testing.... Im keeping fingers crossed that I find some answers..... i hate feeling like this..

  5. #5
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    Im 33, 6'0, 198lbs

    Over the past year or two I have been feeling very unenergenic and unmotivated...... I have had several blood tests done and they have all come back normal except for the saliva cortisol test which came back erratic...

    anyways, my blood test that I had last week came back outstanding...

    test 555 (250-850) normal

    free test 22% high...... which is good

    estradial 12 (0-50)

    LH, FSH, dhea, iron all normal.......

    TSH, T3, T4 all normal

    metabolic panel all normal........

    diabetes/blood sugar test..... negative/normal

    **** I have been off cycle for about 5 months now and my test levels are still outstanding... love it....

    but..... my problem is lack of energy (no stamina, shortness of breath), lack of sex drive (can still perform no problems but not strong desire).......

    I use to drink a cup of black coffee before my work outs for the energy boost and focus but now coffee or any caffiene (prewo drinks) make me extremely hypo-glycemic....

    Im going crazy I dont know what is wrong.... Im thinking adrenal fatigue but like i stated i had a cortisol test (saliva) and it came back abnormal patterns but no doctors no how to interpret the test or how to treat...

    PS.... these problems that i am dealing with have started before I had even started cycling.... so i know for a fact that it isnt from cycle use... I think my problems may stem from when i used ephedra and caffeine for many years... this is why i feel i may be adrenally fatigued or maybe developed some sort of insulin resistance...

    im desperate and looking for any help or direction.. thanks
    dude you white as a ghost... get a tan-

    and have them check you vit d and c... very close friend of mine in the health industry was same age and going through the same issues... he also had minor joint pain...

    docs did every thing and finally a doc checked vit d and c - both were very very low... he could not believe it!!!! something so simple

    good luck and up date us when you done

  6. #6
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    dude you white as a ghost... get a tan-

    and have them check you vit d and c... very close friend of mine in the health industry was same age and going through the same issues... he also had minor joint pain...

    docs did every thing and finally a doc checked vit d and c - both were very very low... he could not believe it!!!! something so simple

    good luck and up date us when you done
    LOL.... Im white as ghost cuz Im white, ..... my avatar pic was taken a couple years ago in the middle of the great east coast winters i get to enjoy before i even tried AAS... but actually I tan pretty dark, even more dark now especially since I been using melanotan 2.........

    Anyway, its ironic that you brought up checking vitamin d levels... last year on one of my blood tests I did have my vitamin d level tested and it came back low... I think they tested for 2 or 3 different variations of vitamin d and they all came back low....

    Amcon- after your friend discovered low vit c and d levels.... what did he do to correct it and how long before he felt better?

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    LOL.... Im white as ghost cuz Im white, ..... my avatar pic was taken a couple years ago in the middle of the great east coast winters i get to enjoy before i even tried AAS... but actually I tan pretty dark, even more dark now especially since I been using melanotan 2.........

    Anyway, its ironic that you brought up checking vitamin d levels... last year on one of my blood tests I did have my vitamin d level tested and it came back low... I think they tested for 2 or 3 different variations of vitamin d and they all came back low....

    Amcon- after your friend discovered low vit c and d levels.... what did he do to correct it and how long before he felt better?
    doc wrote him scrips for vit d and c, told him to go tanning in a booth, it was two weeks he said now he cant believe how bad he actually felt... if you like i can get the dosage, his hight and weight.

  8. #8
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    Yes, the benadryl was the very first thing i tried but it didnt help at all....... I just got back from the endocronologist today and he has given me a blood sugar testing kit which I am to use for the next 10 days (testing my blood glucose before i work out and immediately after) also he ordered me a ACTH stim test to immediately follow my glucose testing.... Im keeping fingers crossed that I find some answers..... i hate feeling like this..
    I mean, what is the benedryl supposed to do? It just makes me sleepy.


  9. #9
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    You might want to ask your doctor about "chronic motivational deficiency disorder"..

  10. #10
    blastedlooger is offline Junior Member
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    What is this benadryl thing? Test for allergies?

  11. #11
    brio's Avatar
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    BUMP curious as to the outcome

    Quote Originally Posted by blastedlooger View Post
    What is this benadryl thing? Test for allergies?
    this is an attempt to up-regulate beta-2 receptors

  12. #12
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Look at your low E2.

  13. #13
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    can you post your adrenal test results? did you do the 4x/day saliva test?

  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    yes....someone explain the benadryl protocol completely if it can be explained without hijacking

  15. #15
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    I don't understand the science of the benadryl thing at all, but if you are using heavy stimulants like clen or ephedra they lose their effectiveness due to an overload of your receptors. You can reset them by taking a benadryl before bed for a week.

    I don't know if this works the same with caffeine, but I was drinking excessive caffeine and not getting any benefit. I went down to one cup of coffee and did the benadryl thing and I feel like I get a kick out of caffeine again. Could just be in my head though.

  16. #16
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    stimulants are hard on guys with low T because in most cases your adrenals are already overworked.

  17. #17
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    can you post your adrenal test results? did you do the 4x/day saliva test?
    Yes, I did the saliva test about a year ago and it came back all out of whack... unfortunately the doc I was seeing at the time would order any test I wanted but didnt know how to interpret most of them... go figure...

  18. #18
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    I should be going into the doc this week to finally get my ACTH stim test performed... cuz im out of answers.. my motivation is low already when working out and my energy levels are low too... right now I am powering through my workouts on pure inner strength and determination... and it sucks.. it really really sucks.... I mean c'mon, I cant even use coffee anymore for energy boost without immediately experiencing a hypoglycemic crash... this should not be happening... about 2 years ago is when ephedra stopped working for me and everything is just progressing to getting worse...
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 02-22-2009 at 10:42 PM.

  19. #19
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    Yes, I did the saliva test about a year ago and it came back all out of whack... unfortunately the doc I was seeing at the time would order any test I wanted but didnt know how to interpret most of them... go figure...
    that doesn't surprise me at all. the clues are in the details of the test results.

    i did the adrenal saliva test about 6 months ago and my numbers were really messed up...which of course means my adrenals were messed up from being low on T.

    adrenal fatique is very common, especially as a result of low T. they start out working very hard in an attempt to maintain adequate T levels and then they fatique.

  20. #20
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    I should be going into the doc this week to finally get my ACTH stim test performed... cuz im out of answers.. my motivation is low already when working out and my energy levels are low too... right now I am powering through my workouts on pure inner strength and determination... and it sucks.. it really really sucks.... I mean c'mon, I cant even use coffee anymore for energy boost without immediately experiencing a hypoglycemic crash... this should not be happening... about 2 years ago is when ephedra stopped working for me and everything is just progressing to getting worse...
    do you have the level and range for your Free T? not the percentage.

  21. #21
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    Look at your low E2.
    my E2 is exactly where it should be... that is an ideal level.. previously my E2 was at 58 and i felt the same as i do now .... E2 range is 0-50 but as a male you want your numbers on the lower side.... but to be honest I know that my problem has got to be adrenal induced....

  22. #22
    flatscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    my E2 is exactly where it should be... that is an ideal level.. previously my E2 was at 58 and i felt the same as i do now .... E2 range is 0-50 but as a male you want your numbers on the lower side.... but to be honest I know that my problem has got to be adrenal induced....
    I am the last one hear to give you advise on E2 - because I can't get my level right - And if you felt the same at 58 as you do now then I guess that isn't it. I have read a lot of info that says the optimal level is between 20-30, and if E2 is too low it can cause the same symptoms to described in your first post (lack of energy and lack of sex drive) which is why I mentioned it.

    Whatever it is I hope you get to the bottom of it, fix it and start feeling better!

  23. #23
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    my E2 is exactly where it should be... that is an ideal level.. previously my E2 was at 58 and i felt the same as i do now .... E2 range is 0-50 but as a male you want your numbers on the lower side.... but to be honest I know that my problem has got to be adrenal induced....
    billy, you're not on TRT right?

  24. #24
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    billy, you're not on TRT right?
    I am under the care of a local anti-aging doctor, but I havent been following the TRT protocol.... I use the doc to cover me with my job... my blood tests do however qualify me for TRT.. but before I start on anything indefinate I want to know whats wrong first... my bet is on adrenal fatigue/insufficiency.. I will know soon enough if it is adrenal when i have the ACTH stim test performed...

  25. #25
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    I am the last one hear to give you advise on E2 - because I can't get my level right - And if you felt the same at 58 as you do now then I guess that isn't it. I have read a lot of info that says the optimal level is between 20-30, and if E2 is too low it can cause the same symptoms to described in your first post (lack of energy and lack of sex drive) which is why I mentioned it.

    Whatever it is I hope you get to the bottom of it, fix it and start feeling better!

    I dont know what it is but... know matter if I have good blood tests/testosterone levels or bad blood test/testosterone levels or if im on gear or off gear.. I still feel like shit with all the symptoms I have stated previously in this thread and things just keep progressively getting worse...

  26. #26
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    I would say just try test even for 2 weeks. I am just saying that if test is the problem you are gonna know 3-4 days after the injection.

  27. #27
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    I would say just try test even for 2 weeks. I am just saying that if test is the problem you are gonna know 3-4 days after the injection.

    Bro, Im on test prop right now.... have been for the past 5 weeks (right now im on test p, npp, var)... I cycle regularly with test (done it with other AAS and by itself)... I can safely and positively say that low test is not my problem...

  28. #28
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    Bro, Im on test prop right now.... have been for the past 5 weeks (right now im on test p, npp, var)... I cycle regularly with test (done it with other AAS and by itself)... I can safely and positively say that low test is not my problem...
    this is one for a good doc! your symptoms are textbook low T and/or adrenal.

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