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  1. #1
    wackod2's Avatar
    wackod2 is offline Associate Member
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    reason you need Hormone Replacement Therapy

    just curious what everyones reason for needing hrt are

    as far as what caused the levels to be low....

  2. #2
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Old age.

  3. #3
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    yup, most likely age with me too. my three brothers have low T also so it my be genetic.

  4. #4
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    I had low T levels. Not sure why. Doc said it could be from a vasectomy that didn't take. I suspect my levels were always on the low side though.

  5. #5
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Anti aging/quality of life benefits are enormous.

    That being said you have to pretty much have to be done with having kids and not worried about hair loss.

  6. #6
    Joxi's Avatar
    Joxi is offline New Member
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    At the age of 33 I got hit by a brutal onset of CFS, and my dick and balls gave up, but was so sick that didnt care. At the age of 42 my doc. caught it and put me on trt, since I didnt have any.

    I am better and can have more sex, but still dont know what is this all about...

    The ansewers were a little strange, people are saying old age, but I am reading the post and know you guys, and some were doing cycles... and now are on trt but for muscle gain purpose, am I wrong? Because the sex is somewhat better but its not it...

  7. #7
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    Testical infection.

  8. #8
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Symptoms of low testosterone can include:

    A lack of energy;
    Low libido (sex drive);
    Postural problems;
    Increased blood pressure;
    Loss of muscle;
    You exercise consistently but can't add any lean muscle;
    Loss of muscular strength;
    Loss of muscular endurance;
    Physical height reduction;
    Your erections are not "rock hard";
    Sleep disorders.

    That is why you do testosterone replacement therapy.

  9. #9
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Symptoms of low testosterone can include:

    A lack of energy;
    Low libido (sex drive);
    Postural problems;
    Increased blood pressure;
    Loss of muscle;
    You exercise consistently but can't add any lean muscle;
    Loss of muscular strength;
    Loss of muscular endurance;
    Physical height reduction;
    Your erections are not "rock hard";
    Sleep disorders.

    That is why you do testosterone replacement therapy.
    My test was 109 and 129 andI had most of those symptoms...

  10. #10
    StuckinFla is offline New Member
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    i'm 38. low test. was first tested at age 29 and total was around 208. have had most of the symptoms listed above and some other mental, thought process,metal fog type things lifelong . scared away from test by all the misinformation being pumped around. tried to find a way around lifelong injections.nothing worked. had allergic skin reactions to topicals. got some good info on this site and am about to start inj trt. can't wait!!

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by wackod2 View Post
    just curious what everyones reason for needing hrt are

    as far as what caused the levels to be low....
    looks like you meant to ask 2 questions

    -reason for needing - (low test) and couldnt lose body fat despite of good excercise program/diet

    -reason for low test- not sure, but did a cycle with no pct at age 20 but think i could have been low all along...i'll never know for sure but dont really care i am all fixed up with trt

  12. #12
    jnewton86's Avatar
    jnewton86 is offline Member
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    dirt bike accident

  13. #13
    wackod2's Avatar
    wackod2 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for all the input, much love

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Age, 46
    Lack of energy for 25 years due to Hepatitis B
    Low Test but libido was OK because 99% was mental but now it's even better.
    Energy level is MUCH better but I still want it higher.

  15. #15
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wackod2 View Post
    just curious what everyones reason for needing hrt are

    as far as what caused the levels to be low....
    Accident on the interstate, fractured 4 vertebrae in neck (some call this a broken neck), injury also caused a Hiatal hernia in esophagus and also bruised hypothalmus. Several months after the accident and after neck healed is when I noticed limp dick syndrome and got embarrassed a couple times when I couldnt get it hard when given the opportunity to get lucky with a lady friend. Sex drive dropped out, other low test symptoms showed up which also included reduced beard growth, reduced chest hair growth so next time I obtained employer health insurance, I had it checked out.

    The hypothalmus injury shows up on Xray and blood test show complete lack of FSH and LH and I had testosterone levels similar to that of a healthy woman. That was in 1994... here I am all this time with only short breaks due to lack of insurance coverage but still on TRT in one form or another. Some of that time I took street dealer steroids when I couldnt afford insurance coverage to get the real pharmacy stuff. I been lucky because here I am, if I tried to obtain testosterone out of Mexico or Europe, it would only be for the same reason old people order blood pressure meds from canada - because its the only way to afford the meds I needed from time to time. Wouldnt that suck to get busted trying to get roids from Poland and get treated like a roid head muscle guy?

    The tough part about HRT/TRT without insurance is not so much the cost of the prescription which is around $30 a month, its in that $400 to $600 blood work the doctor wants you to get every 3 to 6 months plus the cost of the office visit itself. Now they move you once a year blood work but then doctor retires, has stroke, moves to another town,etc and you have to start with another doctor. It sucks.. change of doctor means go OFF testosterone cyp and lets try androgel again... anotehr blood work then doctor concedes, you still qualify for HRT in spite of being on 2 androgels a day, even though last doctor found 150 mg every 2 weeks testosterone works for you, well lets try 100 mg and do another test in 3 months... so when change of doctor you have to dick around with lower doses or failed androgel prescriptions until the new doctor comes to same conclusion the last one did and put you back on higher doses. What can you do... it would be easier if testosterone wasnt Schedule 3 and you know you need it like a diabetic needs insulin , let me take care of what works for my condition.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 04-02-2009 at 11:33 PM.

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