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  1. #1
    4347true is offline New Member
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    prescription refill ?

    If my doc wrote my priscription and it has 5 refills before 10/18/09 . And I get a 10 ml vial does that mean I can go back and get a new bottle everymonth? Or will the phamacy relize it would be to much? I am to inject 200mg every two weeks. So regardless of what I am supposed to inject will they give me the refills? Its always good to have some extra laying around. And do they notife the doc if i pick up 1 amonth? Thanks

  2. #2
    ni4ni's Avatar
    ni4ni is offline Pharmaceutically Enhanced
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    u have 2000mg in the vial- u inject 200mg twice a month=400mg/month.
    short version is if your ins. covers it, it will reject the claim. u can always pay cash and bypass the ins comp.
    this is an assumtion the directions read- use as directed- if not the pharmacy might ? it.
    they prob wont call the doc but make sure you are NOT calling the office for refills unless its time and the rx is out of refills-calculated the time for the last refill and go from there.
    good luck

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    it depends on how nosey the pharmacist is etc etc.....but i had a similar script and refilled a 10 ml vial every month and was able to have a few extra that came in handy when i lost my insurance (yes insurance paid every month all but little copays) advice would be to try to use the automated system every 30 days....the less ppl u have to talk/deal with the easier it may be...its still however an unusual and controversial medicine since its a steroid

  4. #4
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    unless your lucky like me and get 1 ml vials >:|
    BTW, I would get 1 vial per month and just tell the Doc you were throwing the old stuff away because you thought it expired

  5. #5
    4347true is offline New Member
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    Thanks, i was going to wait and see if the pharmacy would just call me when it was ready to be picked up. I too am looking at a insurance gap in the near future. Thanks

  6. #6
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    I have the same script and I refill it it once a month. I am on my second 6 month script and so far so good.

  7. #7
    T20 is offline New Member
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    If you had to pay for a 10ml bottle of test cyp without insurance, about what price would it be?? ... don't mean to steal your thread, just thought it was relevant

  8. #8
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    I always fill mine early In fact as my prescription ends in june I am going to go grab another "refill" tomorrow so I have used all the allotted fills. He wrote the script I am just filling them as it says.

  9. #9
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    Doc actually may be helping you out with your insurance. Some insurance figures their payment per month usage not dosage. By over scripting the insurance will pick up the total script instead of seeing it as a mulitiple month dose.

  10. #10
    ENraged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOB89 View Post
    Doc actually may be helping you out with your insurance. Some insurance figures their payment per month usage not dosage. By over scripting the insurance will pick up the total script instead of seeing it as a mulitiple month dose.
    I think mine does it so he doesn't have to cal it in all the time lol

  11. #11
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    That is sometimes the case as well. I was way over scripted, I got 40ml for 6 months at 200 mg a month, which is way over what I need. But what was weird is the script expires right around my next appointment. Who really knows why doc do what they do

  12. #12
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    I was going to pick my first script up last night (until I found out I had to play the insurance game) and was told they where going to give me a 10ml vial every month which is 2000 units but I was only perscribed 100 units a week. They told me that I needed to get a new bottle because this stuff can get contaminated and I should be just throwing it away after a month. My question is that true and is there a way to keep it clean so I can stretch this stuff out incase my insurance goes away?

  13. #13
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oakdad View Post
    I was going to pick my first script up last night (until I found out I had to play the insurance game) and was told they where going to give me a 10ml vial every month which is 2000 units but I was only perscribed 100 units a week. They told me that I needed to get a new bottle because this stuff can get contaminated and I should be just throwing it away after a month. My question is that true and is there a way to keep it clean so I can stretch this stuff out incase my insurance goes away?
    Been using the same 10ML vial for the past 2 months with no abscesses but I guess if you where worried you you could filter it in to a new vial each month.

  14. #14
    Mikata's Avatar
    Mikata is offline New Member
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    I was refilling my script monthly until the pharmacy caught on and notified my doctor and the doctor cancelled my script. Had to meet with him before he would refill it again. Now the pharmacy figured out the time it should take based on my dosage to use the bottle and won't refill it till then, even though insurance doesn't cover it and I pay the full price.

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikata View Post
    I was refilling my script monthly until the pharmacy caught on and notified my doctor and the doctor cancelled my script. Had to meet with him before he would refill it again. Now the pharmacy figured out the time it should take based on my dosage to use the bottle and won't refill it till then, even though insurance doesn't cover it and I pay the full price.
    fire them both

  16. #16
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    fire them both
    But not until you find a better one...

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikata View Post
    I was refilling my script monthly until the pharmacy caught on and notified my doctor and the doctor cancelled my script. Had to meet with him before he would refill it again. Now the pharmacy figured out the time it should take based on my dosage to use the bottle and won't refill it till then, even though insurance doesn't cover it and I pay the full price.
    Mine almost did the same thing because I was getting it every month also but after we meet and I showed him a FULL bottle still I just told him I like to have some extra on the side in case I miss a script or if my insurance does what insurance companies do and no cover it some time and it takes me a while to get it straightened out I will have some.

    It's all good now. Luckily I had some Test E on the side non script so I didnt need to use all the other

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Mine almost did the same thing because I was getting it every month also but after we meet and I showed him a FULL bottle still I just told him I like to have some extra on the side in case I miss a script or if my insurance does what insurance companies do and no cover it some time and it takes me a while to get it straightened out I will have some.

    It's all good now. Luckily I had some Test E on the side non script so I didnt need to use all the other
    thats cool that he reasoned

  19. #19
    4347true is offline New Member
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    Good news they filled my script! Always good to have extra just incase. Now i will see how good my will power is.

  20. #20
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Right on, good to hear it worked out.
    Yeah I just did mine again and my doc office called, why you need one so soon. I just reminded them last time I showed I had an extra unopened just in case insurance screwed around since they paid for one a month.
    They are like, Ohhh yeah. I will have 2 extra after picking up this one. Almost ready to go.

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