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  1. #1
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Just Started Hrt

    I recently started Hrt first dose was 100 mg of test last Friday. The doc wanted me on 100 mg every other week for 6 weeks and then recheck my levels. After talking with folks on here i talked to the doc and we adjusted my dose to 50 mg per week and run blood tests again in 4 to 6 weeks and adjust. I had my second shot today 50 mg of test 7 days from the initial 100 mg shot. I really am not feeling very good Symptoms slight sensitivity in my nipples but not bad. I feel pretty good first thing in the morning then tend to get more run down and a general feeling of being tired. I have been experiencing slight headaches to. Also not sleeping real well. Is this normal while my body is adjusting? I really didnt think i would be experiencing sides or if i did this quick? I have Arimidex , Letro and Nolva on hand!
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 04-30-2009 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds more like your dose is too low. Your numbers will likely come back low on your re-test.

  3. #3
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    So do you think i should just ride it out? Or take an AI?

  4. #4
    Bender45's Avatar
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    Man, 50mgs/week. There's a good chance your body was already producing that much on its own. I would highly doubt you need an AI with that dose.

    I would ride it out until the retest. Since your doctor said retest in 4-6 weeks, I'd call him at teh two week mark and tell him you're not feeling well. That might prompt him to retest at four weeks instead of six. As Silber-Bolt said, you'll probably come back real low. Probably lower than before HRT.

  5. #5
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    sounds good, Today is day number 7 had my shot yesterday I feel run down and my nipples are getting more sensitive! They dont hurt but have kind of a cold sensation behind them. Bye the way my initial test levels before hrt were 235 total test and 44 free test. I would think 50 mg per week would at least be close to that and after only 7 days i find it hard to believe i would be shut down yet? I started arimidex at .25 just for the nipple sensitivity. Would the standard protocol for arimidex or liquidex is what i am using be .25 every other day? It is dosed at 1 mg per ml. Thanks
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-01-2009 at 02:08 PM.

  6. #6
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    yes agreed, sounds low, but then again i like to say everyone is different. for example.. i being 265 and my wife 105 soaking wet. i can take 12.5mg of benadryl and sleep like a baby, where as my wife will take 100 ... nothing..?

  7. #7
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1 View Post
    yes agreed, sounds low, but then again i like to say everyone is different. for example.. i being 265 and my wife 105 soaking wet. i can take 12.5mg of benadryl and sleep like a baby, where as my wife will take 100 ... nothing..?
    265 is a big lad! what's your b/f at right now?

  8. #8
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    sounds good, Today is day number 7 had my shot yesterday I feel run down and my nipples are getting more sensitive! They dont hurt but have kind of a cold sensation behind them. Bye the way my initial test levels before hrt were 235 total test and 44 free test. I would think 50 mg per week would at least be close to that and after only 7 days i find it hard to believe i would be shut down yet? I started arimidex at .25 just for the nipple sensitivity. Would the standard protocol for arimidex or liquidex is what i am using be .25 every other day? It is dosed at 1 mg per ml. Thanks
    you should have stayed at what the doc orderd. by introducing arimedex it can boost testosterone quite a bit. when doc checks levels it may show your in range and she will tell you looks like 50mg a week is good then your srewed. unless you dont care. she will not get exact reading.

  9. #9
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    I may just have to tell the doc that I introduced the arimedex because I was miserable! I don't want to be stuck at 50 mg per week for sure but i don't want to grow man boobs either! Do you have any other options? doc wont be checking my level for about 4 weeks. I used the arimedex and it worked really fast that tells me that the testosterone even at that low dose is converting to Estrogen. So there is no way I could make it 4 weeks in that shape.
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-01-2009 at 06:16 PM.

  10. #10
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    Went to the gym this morning. liquidex seems to be working. Sensitivity in my nipples is almost gone. When i woke up this morning it was the first full night sleep i had gotten since starting hrt. I was a bit tired but i drank a red line Which i usually do once a week to give me a boost on chest day. Energy was good at the gym. Gained a couple reps on bench since last week. My next injection of 50 mg testosterone isn't scheduled till Thursday. Looking for some opinions of what to do now? I don't want to end up stuck at 50 mg per week when i get blood work done again! I do not think i can think i can make it 4 weeks without some sort of an AI either. Seems to me that my options are - To continue the liquidex at .25 every other day and just see what happens or risk it and just call my doctor and Tell her that i am tired run down and my nipples are on fire? I could call my doctor and just tell her that i had no choice but to take the liquidex because i was so uncomfortable? Any thoughts would be appreciated! oh yeah and the doc obviously didn't prescribe the liquidex. It is something i kept on hand just in case i needed it!
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-02-2009 at 01:07 PM.

  11. #11
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post

    Went to the gym this morning. liquidex seems to be working. Sensitivity in my nipples is almost gone. When i woke up this morning it was the first full night sleep i had gotten since starting hrt. I was a bit tired but i drank a red line Which i usually do once a week to give me a boost on chest day. Energy was good at the gym. Gained a couple reps on bench since last week. My next injection of 50 mg testosterone isn't scheduled till Thursday. Looking for some opinions of what to do now? I don't want to end up stuck at 50 mg per week when i get blood work done again! I do not think i can think i can make it 4 weeks without some sort of an AI either. Seems to me that my options are - To continue the liquidex at .25 every other day and just see what happens or risk it and just call my doctor and Tell her that i am tired run down and my nipples are on fire? I could call my doctor and just tell her that i had no choice but to take the liquidex because i was so uncomfortable? Any thoughts would be appreciated! oh yeah and the doc obviously didn't prescribe the liquidex. It is something i kept on hand just in case i needed it!
    50mg/week is most likely going to be too low for anyone.

    why do you feel you have to tell your doc about the liquidex?

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Because it may elevate my testosterone levels and then i could get an inaccurate reading when blood is drawn again and i certainly don't want to be stuck at 50 mg per week. I really didn't think i would get these side effects at all from such a low dose! With being in the beginning stages seems like it would be important for the doc to now exactly whats going on with me? Any other thoughts?

  13. #13
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    OK so after really thinking this through. I think the best thing to do is call my doc on Monday. Tell her that i am feeling miserable and my nipples are on fire. I think i should demand that we have blood work drawn up before we do any more injections. I am thinking by Monday my testosterone levels would be real low! The doc might feel like she is in over her head and refer me to an endo doc. That would be a bummer but i just don't think my health is worth the risk! Really i have only had a couple of injections so if i had to come off between meeting with an endo doc my recovery between shouldn't be too bad! What you guys think?

  14. #14
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    50 is too low, 100 should be minimum. I had a female doc as well and she had no idea how to deal with TRT even though she was a urologist. She had me at all kinds of crazy doses, like 200mg every 3 weeks. Finally I just started doing my own thing running 100mg a week and was all better.
    My dad is dosed at 100mg a month by his female doc, I told him to find another doc and I told her she needs to learn about TRT before prescribing a dose that will do more harm than good.
    Never go to a female doc for TRT, one in 100 are decent the rest are clueless.

  15. #15
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    Any idea why the side effects would be so bad on such a low dose? I mean really one would think i wouldn't really even notice a difference since in all reality my body should still be producing test with only 2 injections? Nipples being that sensitive would have to be because of the testosterone converting to Estrogen? I could understand being lethargic if my testosterone was low but like I said I do not think I have been on long enough to shut me down much at all? If I am forced to come of in between Doctors should I PCT?
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-02-2009 at 07:36 PM.

  16. #16
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    I'd just pick up an AI to be safe.
    People all respond differently, I responded horribly to low doses while others respond better. My nips got sensitive in the initial 3 weeks of TRT than it stopped once my injection schedule was better. If anything go to a life extension clinic, I would even shoot for 200mg a week like Fallen takes.

  17. #17
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    So you think I should call the doc and tell how I am feeling Or just ride it out?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    So you think I should call the doc and tell how I am feeling Or just ride it out?
    I spoke with my Doc today. She said that I could continue with my current treatment or she could write me a referral to have a consultation with an Endo doc. What to do hmmmmmmmmmmm.

  19. #19
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    tell her you want to stay with you current treatment until you have the consultation and then you will decide...See if the endo has a better program but in the meantime you are getting some treatment...

  20. #20
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    How about you ask her to test your levels now instead of later so she can see your numbers and adjust.

  21. #21
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    So hears the deal. After talking with the doc again by the time i was to go see an endo doc it would be time for blood work again. So i am stuck riding this out regardless. So the real question is now I think I am going to have to use the liquidex for the nipple sensitivity. What would the real negatives be about using it? Would the liquidex really throw my blood tests off by that much? If so maybe it would be a good idea to discontinue treatment early in the game and go and see the endo doc after my levels have cleaned up? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

  22. #22
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    How old are you and how much do you weigh? Do you know why your natural level was so low? Are you coming off a cycle?

  23. #23
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    37 Haven't cycled in years weight and body fat judge from the pic. diet is dialed in. Testosterone level's have been checked 3 times in the last year and all 3 times came back low. This last time free test was 44 range is 46-240 and total test was 235 range would be 240-1000.

  24. #24
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    At age 46 and bodyweight 270 lbs my testost. level was at 210. Dr. prescribed cypionate 1.25 ml (200 mg/ml) per week. Three weeks in I was to start the tamoxifen . The testosterone helped a lot. I was able to get the Dr. to prescribe more because I was using it also to treat depression. Now I'm getting 2.5 ml per week with great results.

  25. #25
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    Sounds like your doc is really on the ball. Mine is much more conservative! She is not comfortable yet prescribing drugs to fight the sides! She believes my body will adjust. Though it may or may not. I really don't want to risk getting gyno! I no my doc will up the dose when i get blood work done again if i am not in normal range. So back to my question if i take the liquidex to fight the sides. Anyone think it would throw my next blood test off?

  26. #26
    uphjlyy is offline New Member
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    Something doesn't add up. If you feel like your nipples are starting to show signs of gyno doesn't that mean that your estrogen levels are to high? On 50m/g shot per 7 days it really wouldn't make since that estrogen was increasing from this low dose and from your picture you don't have a high percentage of body fat. I would get your estrogen tested as well as your test. From your comments you have cycled before, did you have gyno then?As far as taking a estrogen blocker I guess it does stop test from converting to estrogen so it would raise test slightly but for what I've read not a great amount the bigger plus is keeping estrogen in check. Good luck.

  27. #27
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by uphjlyy View Post
    Something doesn't add up. If you feel like your nipples are starting to show signs of gyno doesn't that mean that your estrogen levels are to high? On 50m/g shot per 7 days it really wouldn't make since that estrogen was increasing from this low dose and from your picture you don't have a high percentage of body fat. I would get your estrogen tested as well as your test. From your comments you have cycled before, did you have gyno then?As far as taking a estrogen blocker I guess it does stop test from converting to estrogen so it would raise test slightly but for what I've read not a great amount the bigger plus is keeping estrogen in check. Good luck.
    I agree with this. The Liquidex can cause a spike in your test numbers. If you really want to show low numbers stop everything 2 weeks out from your next blood test. If you are looking to truly trying to get dialed in to come clean with your Doc or Endo.

  28. #28
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    does 50 mg per week seem like more or less then the test levels of someone with total test 235 and free test of 44?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by uphjlyy View Post
    Something doesn't add up. If you feel like your nipples are starting to show signs of gyno doesn't that mean that your estrogen levels are to high? On 50m/g shot per 7 days it really wouldn't make since that estrogen was increasing from this low dose and from your picture you don't have a high percentage of body fat. I would get your estrogen tested as well as your test. From your comments you have cycled before, did you have gyno then?As far as taking a estrogen blocker I guess it does stop test from converting to estrogen so it would raise test slightly but for what I've read not a great amount the bigger plus is keeping estrogen in check. Good luck.

    Agree with this. Don't see your estrogen spiking in such a short period from such a small dose dose. Would be looking there.
    How is your libido? With low test and high Estrogen, I would think that drive would be in the toilet. Not an absolute indication, but a symptom.
    I've been on HRT for approx. two years. I'm 51, 6'3" ,245lbs and 11/12% bf.. Many cycles finally took their toll. Test was 105. 200mg a week keeps me at 800.

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    Sex drive is the same as before i started. I wake up 2 or three times a night with an erection. As i did before. the drive for sex in the evening runs down because of being tired though.

  31. #31
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    That's what happened to me, my Doctor wouldn't prescribe A-dex and I went out and got it on my own and when Blood test day came around and my levels were in the 1500's, my doctor cut back my dosage. I was doing 200mgs every 2 weeks and he cut me down to 150mgs every 2 weeks. I felt fvcking great, but doc thought my levels were WAY too high.

    Quote Originally Posted by TRT,MAN View Post
    you should have stayed at what the doc orderd. by introducing arimedex it can boost testosterone quite a bit. when doc checks levels it may show your in range and she will tell you looks like 50mg a week is good then your srewed. unless you dont care. she will not get exact reading.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    That's what happened to me, my Doctor wouldn't prescribe A-dex and I went out and got it on my own and when Blood test day came around and my levels were in the 1500's, my doctor cut back my dosage. I was doing 200mgs every 2 weeks and he cut me down to 150mgs every 2 weeks. I felt fvcking great, but doc thought my levels were WAY too high.
    how much adex you taken???

  33. #33
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    .50 to 1mg twice a week. I'm not using it at all right now, not having any issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    how much adex you taken???

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    .50 to 1mg twice a week. I'm not using it at all right now, not having any issues.
    cool, i have lowered my trt dose from 200mgs weekly to 100mgs weekly and im gonna start adex as soon as it comes and see what happens? any thoughts???

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