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  1. #1
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    low test 25yold - 273total/ 85free, considering androgel

    Hi all. I've been consistently coming up low on total test..and I am considering Androgel prescription. Well, I chose not to do it as everything has normalized.
    Last edited by mancunny; 11-16-2009 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #2
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    I am in the same boat. I just got my results back and I am low 300's and 28 yrs old. I do have issues with low energy, problems sleeping, slow to no gains, and have a lot of issues with fat gain. I know you feel when you see those low numbers at such a young age. It has really made me feel pretty down...and I don't really know what the next step is, if any. My doctor also says that is normal...well the nurse said...the doctor doesn't have time to talk unless I have an appt and wait for an 1-2 hrs in the waiting room.

  3. #3
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    After some haggling the doctor did ask "So you want me to prescribe you Androgel "? That sort of confused me because the way he said it made me feel like I was crazy for asking about it. What do you people think? At 25 and with those numbers should I be thinking about AndroGel?

  4. #4
    Slide's Avatar
    Slide is offline Associate Member
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    The doctor is there to help YOU. there is no reason to be ashamed of asking for what you feel would make you "normal". Tell him look, i am not a junkie and i am not trying to do a legal cycle. I just want to feel normal...

  5. #5
    Slide's Avatar
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    Oh and if all else fails...there is test out there to be bought

  6. #6
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    im concerned about taking androgel long term at my age, 25, but based on my blood work do you guys think it's a good idea? can't decide.

  7. #7
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mancunny View Post
    Hi all. I've been consistently coming up low on total test..and I am considering Androgel prescription. The problem is that I am only 25 years old, but have been lifting for a long time and I'm considering competing in powerlifting. I am frustrated with my situation and would like to see if there are others in my situation.

    A little background and my experience with endocrinology...... I got my test checked several years back as a part of routine physical, and they came up low. Over the last couple of years my test has been in 250-200ng/dl zone for total, and I cannot remember the free. It was recommended by my primary care doctor to see an endocrinologist. Upon seeing the endocrinologist it became evident that my prolactin was elevated which was thought to be the cause for the low test. My endo put me on Dostinex to lower my prolactin, which it did successfully, however my follow-up and latest blood work still showed fairly low test (273total/85free). My endocrinologist considers these numbers "normal", and states that it he will be doing "disservice to the patient" by prescribing me Androgel. His reasoning is largely based on my lack of low t symptoms such as ED, low sex drive, low muscle mass, etc.

    Now I dont know what the mean for a 25y old should be, but I am fairly sure that it is higher than 273/85. I do not have many symptoms of low T, so I'm not sure if Androgel is necessary, but I would like to get some opinions from your guys because the anxiety over having low test is driving me crazy. Also, I've been having a hell of a difficult time making gains on my main compound lifts at the gym, this ofcourse is difficult to explain to the doctor.

    Im 28 ran a few 3-5 cycles depends on if you count ph cycles. I have worked out a long time aswell. I started noticing that I was sleeping all the time could not keep up with my kids and could not maintain an erection. Test was 276. I had my family dr run all kinds of shit. I though it was a test or a thyroid problem . It was test.

    The dr said I was in the normal range. and this is true if I was 70. So I went to a uroligist and this is what I said

    Im sleeping all the tome
    I cannot recover from my workouts and Im getting injured in the gym easily
    I used to use high dosages of steroids
    and now I cannot keep an erection and when I can get 1 I cant complete the task in bed

    I then told him that it is efffecting my marrage. My wife thinks Im seeing someone else or that I dont love her antmore.

    ******Now Im on 400mg test cyp a week

    He said Im not going to put you on a patch or a cream because the shit sucks.

    Find a dr that will work with you

  8. #8
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks CHAP I appreciate your response. In my case I'm not experiencing erection difficulties, my energy levels are fine, and my only complaint is that I'm not getting much stronger at the gym anymore. Although there are probably a million other reasons for the strength at the gym.

    My real problem is purely psychological. it sucks walking around knowing that I have low T. It's harder to motivate myself to give it 110% on the squat knowing that my t is low. Its messing with my self esteem and confidence, that is the extent of my symptoms....

    Having said all that, is it still appropriate for someone my age to be thinking about TRT? Should I be treating my numbers or the symptoms?

    confused and ranting,,,sorry

  9. #9
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Me haveing the problems that I had I needed some help and bad. You have to make the decision for your self. TRT is pretty much a life long decision.

  10. #10
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by mancunny; 11-16-2009 at 05:05 PM.

  11. #11
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    well that i guess is my issue here. i'm afraid to subscribe to something that is "life-long". What if i lose health insurance, etc many difficult question to figure out

  12. #12
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    You very weel could have shut your system down for good and you have just adjusted to it. Deca is known to do it and your PCT sucked ass.

    My PCT wernt much better but never the less not good enough.

  13. #13
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    shutting down my T system due to one relatively "mild" cycle 4 years ago? Im not trying to be a wise guy, but I find this hard to believe.

  14. #14
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well it was a possibility. What was the reason you thought you had low t from???????????

  15. #15
    mancunny is offline Junior Member
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    i really dont know. ever since i started getting my hormone levels checked as part of my physicals i've been coming up on the low normal range of total test scale.

    I think what I'll do is give it another couple of months, straighten out my diet and remove alcohol consumption entirely, shed another 15-20lbs and get it checked again to see if that makes my total higher.

  16. #16
    Tjohn6231's Avatar
    Tjohn6231 is offline Associate Member
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    This is great stuff. I felt like I was alone having low test. I have a hard time explaing stuff to my dr also. Feeling like less of a man now that I had my test checked, so I hope to keep gaining knowledge on here, and putting it to good use.
    I think the androgel is probably the first thing that a dr will prescribe, but if you talk to them with all of your concerns, then they will most likely help find something that suits you, and your happy with.

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mancunny View Post
    well that i guess is my issue here. i'm afraid to subscribe to something that is "life-long". What if i lose health insurance, etc many difficult question to figure out
    injections are quite affordable without insurance

  18. #18
    Rockin Z28's Avatar
    Rockin Z28 is offline Associate Member
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    i would say it is highly unlikely (probably even impossible) you shut your self down permanently from one cycle that included deca years ago, it leaves your system completely (fully metabolized) at the very LONGEST 1.5 years, unless you're exaggerating i would say you were probably a low T male before you took your cycle

  19. #19
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mancunny View Post
    After some haggling the doctor did ask "So you want me to prescribe you Androgel"? That sort of confused me because the way he said it made me feel like I was crazy for asking about it.
    Doctors are *ssholes. Get used to it.


  20. #20
    Tjohn6231's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Priapism View Post
    Doctors are *ssholes. Get used to it.

    A lot of them are. I have a pretty good one, but he just started me on the androgel crap, but mentioned shots if I wasnt happy with the gel. I think that he'll help me out.
    If your not happy with that doctor, then find a good family doctor. Talk to your friends, and family, and see if they can advise you of a good one. Doctors should listen to the patients, and try to help. Good luck on your low T issues, I know that it sucks.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockin Z28 View Post
    i would say it is highly unlikely (probably even impossible) you shut your self down permanently from one cycle that included deca years ago, it leaves your system completely (fully metabolized) at the very LONGEST 1.5 years, unless you're exaggerating i would say you were probably a low T male before you took your cycle
    I have to agree with this. But anything is possible. If your having no sides except that your overthinking the situation I would say to go about life as you had.

    If your not-

    Tired all the time

    Having ed problems

    Caint stop gaining weight


    Your really someone who is able to function properly with a low T level.
    We are all differant when it comes to this area.

    Some will need a higher level some no where near as much.

    Me if I had your levels I would be a limp dick dragging ass. But your fine.

    If you knew nothing of what a Test level should be in the range of you would have no problems . I think if you can work this out youll be good but it is just going to be a decision that is going to lye with youj in the end.

    No one else can tell you how your feeling.

  22. #22
    fozy is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by fozy; 07-22-2009 at 01:06 PM.

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