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  1. #1
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Imperial Valley, CA

    Secondary Polycythemia. Anyone?

    Yo Dudes,

    Still waiting for my referral to the hematologist to be approved by my f'n insurance. I've done a little research and believe I'm experiencing secondary polycythemia. Wish I would have donated blood during my year and a half trt regiment. But my rbc (hemoglobin) test always came back normal, until this last test. It worried me, but freaked the wife out bigtime. "I told you shooting that stuff was going to f*ck you up." It's funny in a way, because my tests always came back with high cholesterol and my bp was elevated. I lost 20 lbs. and the bp is normal and so is the cholesterol...Then this sh*t happens. I can't win!!! I'll update the doc's diagnosis if I ever get to see the guy before I stroke out. Let me know if any of you have experienced this and how you restored your levels. Peace.

  2. #2
    wifor is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2008


    Hey, I'm dealing with the same issue....have you found anything new on this issue. I'm still researching.


  3. #3
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Imperial Valley, CA
    Everything I've read indicates that a blood draw pretty much fixes the problems. My doc reaffirmed this. Everyone that I've talked to says, don't stop the test...maybe go every other week until all symptoms are arrested and blood tests are normal. imho
    I'll let ya know what the hematoligist says. They took new blood sample last week and gave me a tenative appt. for 7/6/09. If tests come back high they will see me sooner. Take care.

  4. #4
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    nothing to worry about. (unless left untreated) but there is a number of treatment options. i know vitamin E helps but not sure what doses if you wanted to start something natural. but as you stated phlebotomy is usually the first treatment option.

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