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Thread: 3 days into TRT

  1. #1
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    3 days into TRT

    I just started Trt again. The first time with my Reg Doctor didn't go very well. I did respond to my first injection pretty quick though. My first time I was on top of the world for about 3 days and then crashed and my nipples were in fire. It was 100 mg injection. Now I am seeing an endocrine doc. He has me on 100 mg testosterone per week. Did my first inject 3 days ago and haven't really notice a difference yet. In fact I might be a little run down more than normal. Does that seem strange that I would respond different this go around? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    ni4ni's Avatar
    ni4ni is offline Pharmaceutically Enhanced
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    so r u doin 100mg/wk-one time dose/wk?

  3. #3
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    Never heard of anyone getting any imediate feeling (especially off such a light dose), it took me about 2-3 weeks to really start coming around. The foggyness lifted rather quick (first 4-5 days) but energy was at about 2-3 weeks.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickinit View Post
    Never heard of anyone getting any imediate feeling (especially off such a light dose), it took me about 2-3 weeks to really start coming around. The foggyness lifted rather quick (first 4-5 days) but energy was at about 2-3 weeks.
    Well that is what my endo doc said as well But i really did feel great for 3 days and then just felt like shit. I kept calling my doc and telling her the way i felt and she just said i needed to give my body time to adjust. I did 2 injections the first time through and then quit. I made her give me a referral to the endo doc that i am seeing now. He has me doing 100mg once per week. I just am a bit gun shy! I never want to feel as bad as i felt the first go through! I called my first doc and asked her what kind of testosterone that they had been injecting. All she could tell me was that it was testosterone depot. They didnt know what ester it was suspended in. Do you think they could have given me sust or prop? I would certainly hope not but who knows.

  5. #5
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    test depot= testcyp no its not sust or prop. thos are short esters. the one your on is a long acting ester.

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRT,MAN View Post
    test depot= testcyp no its not sust or prop. thos are short esters. the one your on is a long acting ester.
    Any thoughts as to why I responded so bad on the first go through?

  7. #7
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    who knows? did you ask the endo?

  8. #8
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    it takes a few weeks for test to build up in body. so try giving it a chance this go around.

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRT,MAN View Post
    who knows? did you ask the endo?
    Yeah I asked him and he seemed to think it was because the dose was to low. The only reason i quit before was because I didn't want to grow breasts. As long as my nipples are not on fire this time I should be good to go! Hopefully!

  10. #10
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    i dont know about on fire but if they get itchy or real sensitive then i would start to worry.

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