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Thread: TRT or Contest

  1. #1
    kjcmjc is offline New Member
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    TRT or Contest

    I used to body build in my 20's and 30's. In my 40's got fat and lazy. Turned 50 late last year and decided to start working out again. Started to get in decent shape and started to have thoughts of going into a natural bodybuilding show (50 and older) towards end of this year. ( Competed in the early 90;s) Have been training hard 5 days a week, watching my diet etc. Last week went to my Dr for routine blood work and asked him to run a testosterone level test sex drive has been real low the last few years. He said he is open to TRT if my numbers were low. He said he would either give me gel, patch or a shot once a month. When I called for my results he said my test level was low at 177ng. I have an appointment next week to discuss avenues. Now I do not know if I should take the TRT and forget the contest? My feeling is when I diet down with such a low test level will I have any muscle left to show? Or should I take the TRT and even if my levels come up to the middle range of normal will I add more muscle and decrease body fat? I have insurance and they will cover the meds. I know my Dr is conservative and will start me on a low dose and then go from there, but its a start. Thanks for a suggestions.

  2. #2
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Hey man! And welcome to AR! Please ckeck out the 40 forum too.. thats were some of us old farts hangout.

    If you test is low, fix the problem! The show will be there. Get yourself healthy first!

  3. #3
    AllPumpedUp's Avatar
    AllPumpedUp is offline Junior Member
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    I do not think a 100mg eow will disqualif you from a natural show! I would check the rules. It would be like being denied a job because of a doctor prescribe medication

  4. #4
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    trt should not change the idea that your natural... that would be like saying your dehydrated and not taking water... your body needs test as a male if you dont have enough chances are you will die of heart attack... maybe a little extream but true

    btw dont do the patch - get injected

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Check the rules for the contest very well. If ANY test suppliment will disqualify you it sounds like even though you are at the low end you may be good enough with strict diet and maybe adding some DEHA to boost the natural Test to get through the contest and then start your HRT.
    Also, if it was my Id start getting the script now just to have a little extra around just in case but not take it until needed
    Good luck with your decision.

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