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  1. #1
    wrestless is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Question Need help with TRT

    Guys I definitely messed up! I am 54 just finished up a 12 week cycle of
    Sus 250 3/15/09 started 7 weeks cycle of winny D on 3/4/09 for a Bodybuilding contest finished winny mid april. Had my Test checked in Nov 08
    and I was at 427 out of 241-827 which was good for my age I guess. Well
    just had my Test done 6/5/09 and it was 61 which is I think SHUT DOWN !
    I dont and never did have any trouble getting it up and finishing, the trouble is I dont have the sexual drive and I also think my strength decreased. Will
    TRT help or can I try pct or is it to late ? I guess I was nervous about using PCT because I heard very bad sides to clomid and nolva, not sure if this is hearsay. And one other question what exactly is TRT do you get injected from
    your Doctor and how long does it continue forever?

  2. #2
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2003
    Two ways to look at it?
    A.) this is a perfect opportunity to become prescribed Test and not have to worry about having the test when you cycle.
    You can always get prescribed test now and run some HCG /PCT to jump start the boys.
    If you next blood-test after being put on TRT shows that you have rebounded to 427 then cool try the 100mg a day and see if it will put you closer to your cap and feeling your best I guess.
    B.) you were not that high in the first place and this is a great chance to get your everyday test levels but up around 700 or so like when you were a teen. You may not notice it now as you are used to it being at 427 but when its bumped to 600, 700 you may feel like a young buck again.

    The sust is completely out of your system and as you did no PCT you are just down. either do the PCT/HCG to jump start the boys or grasp the opportunity for some weekly Test c injections.

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