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  1. #1
    desmay is offline New Member
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    Jun 2009

    New and Young - Went to the doctor, I have low Testosterone - Questions/Concerns

    Hey guys, first let me give you some basic information on me and my situation.

    I am 20 years old, and I'm an idiot. I weigh around 145 lbs, and I'm about 6 feet. I played football and lacrosse all through high school, and I've remained active since then (gym 3-5 times a week). A couple months ago, I purchased pro-hormones from a local sports nutrition store and completed one cycle. Immediately after that, I purchased "Testagen" (to get my levels back up) and Arremadext XT (Anti-Aromatase, Anti-Estrogen). I used these products as directed (6 caps a day for the Testagen, 2 caps a night for the Arremadext) for about 3 weeks.

    I noticed a huge decrease in my sexual libido as well as my actual ability to grow and maintain erections. Concerned, I went to my doctor to get my testosterone levels measured.

    Today I went in, and my results came back - 336 ng/dL. My doctor said that ~827 is what they should be at. He went on to prescribe me a cream that I just picked up from the pharmacy.

    It reads "Testosterone 5MG/GM VANPEN"

    I was wondering what you guys think about this? I'm not sure if I should go to another doctor and get a second opinion (on what I should medicate with) or not.

    Thanks for any information you guys can provide!

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Welcome to AR. Good luck with all of your medical stuff.

  3. #3
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
    TRT,MAN is offline Member
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    dont take that shit yet. wait for a while to see if hormones improve. get tested again in a month. than take it from there.

  4. #4
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    Surprised he put you on trt at 20. Did he say anything about it being a lifelong thing or about the possibilities of being sterile? I thought he would have tried you on something to attempt to kickstart your natural production. Did you tell him about the prohormones?

  5. #5
    desmay is offline New Member
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    Jun 2009
    Welcome to AR. Good luck with all of your medical stuff.
    Thank you!

    dont take that shit yet. wait for a while to see if hormones improve. get tested again in a month. than take it from there.
    It's been months since my cycle. I've had these symptoms for quite some time.

    Surprised he put you on trt at 20. Did he say anything about it being a lifelong thing or about the possibilities of being sterile? I thought he would have tried you on something to attempt to kickstart your natural production. Did you tell him about the prohormones?
    I definitely told him about the prohormones. He didn't say anything about me being sterile, but when I came to him I told him my most concerning symptom was my decrease in libido. When I asked him if this would naturally increase my levels, he said "well yes and no, but this will 'kick start' you and give you the push you need. We'll see how it goes over the next 6 months"

  6. #6
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude, u can recover from 336. I recovered from 324. I know it sucks but ur just gonna need a few months of being off.
    What you should do is some nolvadex and arimdex for a month then stay off everything after that. If you can get HCG and know how to use it i would do it. use 500iu/dayfor 3 weeks if available. could just recover all natural. It may take 5 months but u should note improvements as time goes on. My dick felt practically numb 2 and a half months ago. Now i just jerked off for the third time today.
    Ur doctor is dumb for not telling you to wait for your own hormones to come back. save the gel for a rainy day.
    From now on stick to real steroids and not that OTC crap. Theres a few of those that people dont recover well from. "Real" steroids, are tried and true and predictable.

  7. #7
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    Taking test will make you feel better, should increase your libido, energy, etc...but it will lower your natural production. Did the Dr do any bloodwork other than the total test?

  8. #8
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by desmay View Post
    Hey guys, first let me give you some basic information on me and my situation.

    I am 20 years old, and I'm an idiot. I weigh around 145 lbs, and I'm about 6 feet. I played football and lacrosse all through high school, and I've remained active since then (gym 3-5 times a week). A couple months ago, I purchased pro-hormones from a local sports nutrition store and completed one cycle. Immediately after that, I purchased "Testagen" (to get my levels back up) and Arremadext XT (Anti-Aromatase, Anti-Estrogen). I used these products as directed (6 caps a day for the Testagen, 2 caps a night for the Arremadext) for about 3 weeks.

    I noticed a huge decrease in my sexual libido as well as my actual ability to grow and maintain erections. Concerned, I went to my doctor to get my testosterone levels measured.

    Today I went in, and my results came back - 336 ng/dL. My doctor said that ~827 is what they should be at. He went on to prescribe me a cream that I just picked up from the pharmacy.

    It reads "Testosterone 5MG/GM VANPEN"

    I was wondering what you guys think about this? I'm not sure if I should go to another doctor and get a second opinion (on what I should medicate with) or not.

    Thanks for any information you guys can provide!
    Did you tell you doctor you took some pro hormones prior to him prescribing the test?

  9. #9
    desmay is offline New Member
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    For the record, I would much rather go on a perscription nolvadex and a perscription "natural test booster" than what I'm on right now. I talked to him about this, and he told me that "I needed a kick start, and we'll see how this works out". After all of your advice, and advice from other forums, I'm definitely going to go to another doctor and get a second opinion.

    Can anyone recommend a good doctor in the Los Angeles/South Bay area?

  10. #10
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    If he wanted to kick start it why didn't he suggest something like HCG ?

  11. #11
    NEMESIS RR is offline Associate Member
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    You need another doc. He should have gone HCG route. Cream is only going to shut your natural production.

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