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Thread: Strength gains!

  1. #1
    wifor is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Strength gains!


    I have not lifted since I started HRT almost 1.5 years ago until last night. I could not believe the strength gains being on 100mg of test weekly. I have been focusing on running half marathons so I was completely shocked as far as weights were concerned. I could barely do 3 pushups before, I did 10 easily yesterday. I am going to start lifting again.


  2. #2
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Nov 2008
    T is like the fountain of youth! i love that feeling when you go into the gym and all the weight you use to push feels lighter...

  3. #3
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Congrats on being back to normal. I hope you have good progress with the weights.

  4. #4
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    strength gains at the gym was one of the first things i noticed after starting TRT. i thought i was just getting older so that's why i was losing strength. i could never figure out how some guys at the gym looked so good even though they were at least 10-15 years older than i have a pretty good idea.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Not only in the gym buuuuuuuuuuut

    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    T is like the fountain of youth! i love that feeling when you go into the gym and all the weight you use to push feels lighter...
    I think your overall well sense of being is improved..I couldnt figure out what the hell was up with me last nov-dec-jan..I came off in Oct,,had a weak pct then after gettin gback on here..reading around and realizing im gonna be 43 ive hit the age, low test wall...Time for a form of trt..
    Zona is right,,fountain of youth!!!

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