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  1. #1
    megatricker is offline New Member
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    Help a 20 year old kid - Testosterone Supression

    I hope this is the right section to ask this:

    During the past two years I did four anabolic steroid cycles, which looked like this:

    500/750 mg Test E for 10 weeks
    30/40 mg Dbol for 4 weeks
    Proper PCT (Clomid , Nolvadex , HCG ) on the first 3, however not on the last

    I had great results and almost no side effects, at first glance. The gains I kept weren't amazing, but decent.

    However , ever since my last cycle, (7 months ago) I have been losing strength, weight, having more often depressed mood, fatigue (typical signs of low T).

    So I did some exams and it came back 2.42 total test level for me! Considering my age, good diet , rest and exercise I think these are extremely low values! I understand that me not doing the PCT last time could have delayed the recovery time, but after 7 months ...

    I am going to set an appointment with an endocrinologist, but before that I wanted some opinions on this.

    I don't really want to take prescribed testosterone / Androgel etc. , since that would only solve the problem temporarily.

    Any insightful help is very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Run a full pct, imo.

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Run a full pct, imo.
    X 2 you dont want to be on trt unless absolutely needed!

  4. #4
    svalleyg135 is offline Associate Member
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    im in the exact same boat. im 20 years old. ran a bunch of cycles of aas and prohormones. started noticing symtoms of low test 6 months after my last cycle, got tested, and test was very low at 169 on a 227-841 range. also LH and FSH were severely suppressed. saw an endo and he put me on hcg 2000 iu eod and kicked me off with 100 mg test cyp ew for 6 weeks.

  5. #5
    art's Avatar
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    Sorry for hijacking the thread but I think that there is no need for 2 threads with same titles.

    Just some things about me:
    I'm 20 y/o, never cycled. About one year ago found out (blood work) that my T levels are below normal range.
    Visited andrologist all the year and now I'm on TRT. But it's fine and I'm glad how the things are going.

    The problem is that the andrologist prescribed 250 mg sustanon or omnadren once in 28 days. May be he is a sadist, I don't know But that's fine too because i can get the stuff from the black market easyly.

    So the real problem I worry about is that this sadist in a few months wants me to do blood work on the 30st day after an injection to make sure that my T levels are below normal range. And ofcourse I don't want to stay with low T levels so long. I think it would be better to use short esters before the blood work to minimize staying with low test.

    Now i'm using T Enanthate (Schering) also i have 15 ampules of T propionate (Farmak, Ukraine) and i can get some methandrostenolon (Danabol, BalkanPharm).

    The question is how to use them to minimize staying with low test? How many days enanthate will be flowing in my blood? It's half life is about 10,5 days so my last injection befor I switch to prop must be 21 day before blood work? Or little bit longer?
    And what about prop? Last injection in 5 days before blood work is fine or it could be shorter period of time (or it need to be longer)?
    Is it a good idea to use some methandrostelon?
    I need my T levels low by the way May be the dock will prescribe some more sust.

    All help is appreciated
    Last edited by art; 08-13-2009 at 01:10 PM.

  6. #6
    art's Avatar
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    Guys I need your opinion and advices.

  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    There really isn't a point in running test e for 3 or 4 weeks only. It won't have even kicked in by then for a proper cycle. The test prop would be better, but what's your rational for running such a short cycle?

    Personally, I would just put up with it for now, and wait for the doctor's tests.

  8. #8
    art's Avatar
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    Cfiler, thanks for your answer.

    I'm on TRT about 6 months. First 4 moths I injected omnadren 250 every 28 days (how the doc said). And felt not well. The blood work showed that my endo test was lower than normal range in about 3 weeks after an injection. I felt horrible but the doc said that this dosage is enough.
    Then i switched to test prop and then to enanthate and feeling myself perfect now.
    But for some reason the doc wants to see that my endo test is low. He isn't wery qualified in HRT and there are no possibilities to change a doc.

    So I need to know when exactly I'll be clean to do a blood work. And how to stay with low test as least as possible.
    That's why I'm asking for advices.
    Last edited by art; 08-14-2009 at 01:33 AM.

  9. #9
    pepous is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by art View Post
    Cfiler, thanks for your answer.

    I'm on TRT about 6 months. First 4 moths I injected omnadren 250 every 28 days (how the doc said). And felt not well. The blood work showed that my endo test was lower than normal range in about 3 weeks after an injection. I felt horrible but the doc said that this dosage is enough.
    Then i switched to test prop and then to enanthate and feeling myself perfect now.
    But for some reason the doc wants to see that my endo test is low. He isn't wery qualified in HRT and there are no possibilities to change a doc.

    So I need to know when exactly I'll be clean to do a blood work. And how to stay with low test as least as possible.
    That's why I'm asking for advices.
    Where are you from? I have the same problem as you. Buing testosteron from the black market for rest of you life is very bad :-( I understand you. I dont know how to solve this

  10. #10
    art's Avatar
    art is offline Junior Member
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    Nevertheless, thanks for your reply

  11. #11
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    Last edited by art; 12-26-2009 at 01:45 PM.

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