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  1. #1
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Dr. Dischareged me now what??

    Had a bit of an argument with the doc today.... and he says Id be better off changing my PCP ,, because ive lost faith in him,,, and he doesnt want patients who argue with him all the time...............

    I have my bottle of test,,, he gave it to me when I left.....

    I was on 200 shot of test evey other week..

    Can I just get a new Dr?? Or what ??

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why would you take pcp?

  3. #3
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    pcp= primary care physician. I would just start looking for a new doc. Right away!

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I thought he was talking about something else lol. Guess you gotta find a new doc!

  5. #5
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post
    Had a bit of an argument with the doc today.... and he says Id be better off changing my PCP ,, because ive lost faith in him,,, and he doesnt want patients who argue with him all the time...............

    I have my bottle of test,,, he gave it to me when I left.....

    I was on 200 shot of test evey other week..

    Can I just get a new Dr?? Or what ??
    Yup absolutely look for a new doc.

    These people have gone to school for 10+ years to complete their medical degrees bro; you might want to learn to treat the next one with a little more respect, and maybe he won't drop you as a patient.

    Discussing / talking to the doc about your perspective is fine. But, this particular profession houses some of the world's brightest intellectuals, I'd try and keep that in mind the next time you're arguing with your doc.

  6. #6
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    well,, I pretty much think I blew a ligament in my elbow ,, and he didnt even look at it or ask me thing,,, same old step in room for 10 seconds,,, and not look at the chart the nurse left........ so i waited 1 extra hr to get my elbow looked at,,, and with out bending or really doin anything to it ,,,,,, he said physical therapy......... no x ray ,,,, he justed poped his head in the door........and then i waited a nother 45 min ,,,, he finally came in bent it kinda backwards,,, i screamed in pain,,, he said therapy again............................................. ......... so i knda got pissed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i dont care if they went toschool for 20 years ,,, they still need to listen to thier patients.................. Its called beside manner I tried to have conversations with the dude and got the same old book speel ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    the patient desrves some fvckin respect to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

  7. #7
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Talked with a case manegement specialist at my health insurance comp.... And ya Im not to first to have a problem with this guy.... He only is getting 1 out of 5 on thier patient happiness scale and they have actually pulled him out of thier computer and dont recomend him to people at all anymore.......

  8. #8
    Imatk is offline New Member
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    Sounds like you got a shitty doctor... it's probably a blessing that he dropped you!

  9. #9
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    as everyone said, find a new doctor.

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Why would you take pcp?
    rofl...just say doctor next time less confusing

  11. #11
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    agreed need to find a doc asap

  12. #12
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    people sometimes forget that when going to a doctor you are just hiring an expert to help you with your problems. If he/she cant or wont help hire someone else..

  13. #13
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Why would you take pcp?

  14. #14
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    PcP,, Primary care Phys..... This whole HMO hting is getting on my nerves,,, I see now why people complain about it,,,, Next year its PPO and I can go strait to th ENDO...and knee DR..I se why the HMO has to exist ,, you dont want people goin for cat scans and MRI on a bruised finger... But Im not to happy with the family DOC doin exsperiments with my TEST !! would you ??

  15. #15
    skinnypunk's Avatar
    skinnypunk is offline Associate Member
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    Damn, That's frustrating

  16. #16
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    Yup absolutely look for a new doc.

    These people have gone to school for 10+ years to complete their medical degrees bro; you might want to learn to treat the next one with a little more respect, and maybe he won't drop you as a patient.

    Discussing / talking to the doc about your perspective is fine. But, this particular profession houses some of the world's brightest intellectuals, I'd try and keep that in mind the next time you're arguing with your doc.

    Ahhhh the naive viewpoint of the non-physician! Or are you a doctor yourself so you're biased? My friend, the days when doctors knew more than patients went out the door when the internet came online. This isnt 1952 anymore where the doctor had a God complex and had good reason to. This is 2009 where doctors still have God complexes and have absolutely no justification for it.

    50% of them do absolutely zero continuing education. Some have have gone to school for 10 years, but it was 20 years ago. I have yet to meet a single doctor who gives a sh*t about his job enough to actually go home every day and spend 2 hours researching his patients conditions. Searching PubMed for the latest research and studies. Correcting his own erroneous assumptions. Reading firsthand accounts from other people with the same condition on web forums. This is what I would do if I were a doctor, but none of them do it.

    Their attitudes frequently suck. They're unwilling to bother. They are financially paid off by insurance companies to NOT run diagnostic tests. They are tired and disinterested. They think all their patients are hypochondriac idiots. They think they know everything, and blatantly ignore suggestions and requests. Their knowledge is easily surpassed with a couple weeks of casual reading on reputable medical sites, pubmed, and firsthand accounts found on forums like these.

    I actually went to two urologists about my semen volume, which at age 34 had dropped to little more than a dime sized puddle of volume. My mood had soured, my libido was gone, my results in the gym had gone flat, and I knew something was really wrong with me. Still, both doctors never got within 8 feet of me. One stayed at his desk and told me im fine. He ran no tests. The other one sat across the room, talked to me, and left - telling me im fine as well. So as usual, i did the research. I self-diagnosed (gasp!). I ordered my own damn labwork. I found the problem. I self-medicated (double gasp!). And now I am all better.

    Doctors are a joke. The only value they have at this point is the ability to write prescriptions. Aside from this, I can get more firsthand, real, reliable information than any doctor can give me. They are, after all, human. No human brain can compare with the worlds entire encyclopedia at our fingertips. Doctors are obsolete. They deserve respect when they give it. And they rarely do. They dont deserve respect just because they went to school for a long time. Its time we all realize that.

    Last edited by Priapism; 07-03-2009 at 09:10 PM.

  17. #17
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post
    he didnt even look at it or ask me anything...step in room for 10 seconds... not look at the chart ...he said physical therapy......... no x ray ,,,, he justed popped his head in the door
    I rest my case.


    PS.... no ... he didnt get a shitty doctor. He got the same doctor present in 80% of doctors offices.

  18. #18
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post
    Next year its PPO and I can go strait to th ENDO...and knee DR.
    Dont worry. Theyll ignore you too. They will just charge more to ignore you. In fact, the specialized doctors do more ignoring than the Primary Care Physicians because the "God complex" problem is significantly stronger. You're going to be facing someone who thinks they are a God in the area of medicine they work with. Keep your fingers crossed, but expect to see 3-4 of them before someone acts like they give a sh*t.


  19. #19
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    Is the new government rolling out free healthcare for all in the u.s. Not from there by the way

  20. #20
    kojak_x's Avatar
    kojak_x is offline Associate Member
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    Im lucky my Dr cares, he's a professor, and a resercher too. Great Guy. A man i would give a kidney too. Im lucky.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Priapism View Post

    Ahhhh the naive viewpoint of the non-physician! Or are you a doctor yourself so you're biased? My friend, the days when doctors knew more than patients went out the door when the internet came online. This isnt 1952 anymore where the doctor had a God complex and had good reason to. This is 2009 where doctors still have God complexes and have absolutely no justification for it.

    50% of them do absolutely zero continuing education. Some have have gone to school for 10 years, but it was 20 years ago. I have yet to meet a single doctor who gives a sh*t about his job enough to actually go home every day and spend 2 hours researching his patients conditions. Searching PubMed for the latest research and studies. Correcting his own erroneous assumptions. Reading firsthand accounts from other people with the same condition on web forums. This is what I would do if I were a doctor, but none of them do it.

    Their attitudes frequently suck. They're unwilling to bother. They are financially paid off by insurance companies to NOT run diagnostic tests. They are tired and disinterested. They think all their patients are hypochondriac idiots. They think they know everything, and blatantly ignore suggestions and requests. Their knowledge is easily surpassed with a couple weeks of casual reading on reputable medical sites, pubmed, and firsthand accounts found on forums like these.

    I actually went to two urologists about my semen volume, which at age 34 had dropped to little more than a dime sized puddle of volume. My mood had soured, my libido was gone, my results in the gym had gone flat, and I knew something was really wrong with me. Still, both doctors never got within 8 feet of me. One stayed at his desk and told me im fine. He ran no tests. The other one sat across the room, talked to me, and left - telling me im fine as well. So as usual, i did the research. I self-diagnosed (gasp!). I ordered my own damn labwork. I found the problem. I self-medicated (double gasp!). And now I am all better.

    Doctors are a joke. The only value they have at this point is the ability to write prescriptions. Aside from this, I can get more firsthand, real, reliable information than any doctor can give me. They are, after all, human. No human brain can compare with the worlds entire encyclopedia at our fingertips. Doctors are obsolete. They deserve respect when they give it. And they rarely do. They dont deserve respect just because they went to school for a long time. Its time we all realize that.

    excellent post.....sad but true....there are some docs out there that will listen, help, care, read, learn(continually), etc....i've been lucky and found a few but like priapism said it took me several docs

  22. #22
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    I guess I got lucky and found one on the first try..(I think) I go back for my forth visit next month.....He s done bloodwork five times...If nothing else hes got me feeling better

  23. #23
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    any doctor should have no problem writing you the script because it is already in your records that you have been taking it! I would not worry to much about it. ust remember that when you argue with your doctor, he writes all that down and your new doctor will see everything your old doc wrote down about you

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    any doctor should have no problem writing you the script because it is already in your records that you have been taking it! I would not worry to much about it. ust remember that when you argue with your doctor, he writes all that down and your new doctor will see everything your old doc wrote down about you
    agree with the first half of your post as thats made me getting refills from different docs easier when i show them the old bottle/box with the doctors name on it...they just write the RX with the same dose....

    but i've gone to new doctors with just my old bloodwork not the whole file...kind a like having your car maintained at several diff mechanics....they dont need to know that you had a disagreement with another doctor/mechanic

    this is not to debate or argue but doctors need to be questioned and competition is in our advantage

  25. #25
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    . ust remember that when you argue with your doctor, he writes all that down and your new doctor will see everything your old doc wrote down about you
    ---actually that was half the problem... HE DIDNT write anything down and couldnt remember me from time to time,,,,,,,, and my last 2 doctors have NOT forwarded my records,,, because most charge for it now ,, and Im not paying for it....HELL if you ask for yer records they get defensive and r like ((( WuWu WU why you want them??))) thatll be $45 and we have a month to pull em..

    ---Its actually kind of GREAT my wife works at my Health Insurance company,,
    she can look up whatthe Doc charged for and ask me if that is what I got..
    Youcan see why healthcare is so high when ya have an insider looking at yer bills ,, procedure codes and such things...

    ---Lots of Dr.'s r in tit for the $$$$$$$ and get a way with chargin for many htings that they didnt do..... starting with 30 min office visit charges that you and me both know took 2 min and coulda been billed in 15 min increments..

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