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  1. #1
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Would like your opinion....

    Im 34 years old and my testosterone levels came back at 435.

    Pre-Testogel (generic international version of Androgel):

    Despite still being "within range" (300-1100) my life has turned into a complete bore. Gym training is a miserable experience. Joints hurt. Sets leave me feeling light headed. Results with zero visual change. Boyish, soft facial appearance. Impossible to rid myself of a "belly" despite eating perfectly. Disinterest when viewing women. No real sex drive. Takes 3-4 days for me to even get horny enough to want to cum. Low semen volume. Unremarkable erections that still work, but dont feel that great, and orgasms so boring that I could probably carry on a phone conversation while having one. Just overall lethargy. Disinterest in life. Music doesn't carry me like it used to. Feeling bored and blah all the time. Getting excited about circumstances or events - gone.

    Doctors told me that 435 was "in range" and just fine. Even a minimal amount of research revealed that under NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES, those levels are only normal for men in their late 60's.

    So I self-diagnosed and self-medicated. I found a source of Testogel (generic Androgel ) online without script, and ordered it.

    Post Testogel:

    Unbelievable. Truly and completely unbelievable. It's like I've gone back in time. Within 2 weeks - Immediate responses in the gym. Immediate gains. Immediate visual results. Size changes in shoulder and chest muscles. Comments from family saying I look "bulky" compared to normal. In ONE week. Workouts are envigorating, not draining. Muscles feel pumped up. Able to do more weight. Recovery time is faster. Joints do not hurt *at all*. Shoulder that was injured for months and hurt every time I worked out no longer hurt. After 3 days my libido was back to what I consider "Normal". (sorry to be explicit) but b*lls were tight and "ready" rather than "dangly and lifeless and loose. First time for THAT in at least 5 years as well. I began seeing women and finding something on them that turns me on. Even if they were mediocre looking, I began to notice body parts again. Nice breasts? Nice legs? That hasn't happened to me since I was 21. No acne. Sex is amazing. Orgasms feel great again. Recovery time is shorter. Even comments from my girlfriend that my d*ck is "so big now" (she has no idea im on testogel) out of thin air. Music makes me get worked up. I 'rock out' in the car now. I feel better. Im happier. I walk by a mirror and litearlly my stature is more powerful and masculine. I carry myself differently. This is not placebo effect at all.

    Should I stop?

    I dont "need" Hormone replacement therapy, because Im in range. Right? But maybe I do. Maybe for me - going from an 800 level in my 20's down to a 400 level - was utterly destructive for me. My body felt taxed. I was tired. I was beginning to feel old, and depressed with life. Scared that my "zest" for life was gone.

    But should I be using Testogel? Is it smart for me to be supplementing testosterone if im in the 400's? It seems to have restored so much in such a short time - and no - this is not placebo effect ....

    I hear that if you supplement - even minimally - your natural testosterone gets shut off. Seems like its not a smart idea then. But this stuff makes me feel alive again. Literally. Should I keep with it?
    Last edited by Priapism; 06-30-2009 at 10:55 PM.

  2. #2
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    Do you have kids? Do you every want to have kids? Your total test is low but not bottom end. I am in my late 20's and 100 points lower

    Do you know what your free test is? Have you cycled before...if so did you run PCT? You could try to run a PCT to see if you could stimulate your natural production.

    If you are adding test it will shut you down.

  3. #3
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Ive never cycled.

    And I find it to be erroneous information to say using something as tame as testogel will completely "shut down" my testosterone production.

    Is that accurate information?


  4. #4
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    How much are you taking? I didn't say "completely"...but your body will pick up on the fact that it has added test.

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    IMO gels are junk.

  6. #6
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    IMO gels are junk.

    That is just because you like getting poked

  7. #7
    clozto50 is offline New Member
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    Some men do just fine at low levels of test others dont. Your doing such a low dose I wouldnt be to concerned.Even 200mgs a week is not crazy but the lowest possible affective dose is best for trt.Hey your 40plus its normal,and you see the improvement thats what trt is all about.

  8. #8
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clozto50 View Post
    Some men do just fine at low levels of test others dont. Your doing such a low dose I wouldnt be to concerned.Even 200mgs a week is not crazy but the lowest possible affective dose is best for trt.Hey your 40plus its normal,and you see the improvement thats what trt is all about.
    He is 34...and I didn't see a dosage listed.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    400's are obviously low for you as everybodys optimal levels are different...glad you recovered so quickly

  10. #10
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys.

    I did read that introducing "T" can cause your testicles to stop producing. So you were right.

    I should have checked my "LH" prior to going on Testogel. Just to see if that was the cause.

    Question: Lets say i want to go back to baseline. Pre-testogel. Body doing its own thing. How long would I need to stop the Testogel? Id like to backtrack a bit and get all the hormone tests done.


    Last edited by Priapism; 07-03-2009 at 09:29 PM.

  11. #11
    Priapism is offline Junior Member
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    To answer all your question: my dosage "One sachet of 5 g contains 50 mg of testosterone " .... 1 per day.

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would be surprised if it took more than a month to get back to your normal levels as that is about how long it takes me with inject able. everyone one is different though. I would come off and judge by how you feel. One of the vets might be able to answer weather PCT would be needed but i wouldn't think it would hurt. Omly make you recover faster!
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 07-04-2009 at 12:03 PM.

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    it wouldnt even be that long but depending on how long you are taking exogeneous test your normal(natty) levels may not be the same as when started

  14. #14
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    I think it would e must cheaper to just take a weekly injection of test cyp or enth! You could be saving yourself some cash! I think that gel is pretty expensive

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