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  1. #1
    svalleyg135 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2008

    need help deciding what to do!

    so im 20 years old and i have severely low testosterone (169) due to 2 years of irresponsible steroid and prohormone use, as well as low testosterone to begin with. i am now seeing an endocronologist and am going to start treatment on in 2 days. he said i can either go on injectable test or i can go on Noverel (HCG ) and kick start that with a shot of test every 2 weeks for 6 weeks. what do you guys think i should do?

  2. #2
    svalleyg135 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2008
    i also have low LH and FSH

  3. #3
    kingerc8's Avatar
    kingerc8 is offline New Member
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    As far as I know, if you get the injectable, it won't be enough for you to make any changes hormonally,( you won't get any stronger if that's what ur looking for) I'd go with the noverel. It's a little more relied upon in my profession anyways. Keep in mind that most docs won't give u more than 2ccs a week of test. Good luck!!

  4. #4
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingerc8 View Post
    As far as I know, if you get the injectable, it won't be enough for you to make any changes hormonally,( you won't get any stronger if that's what ur looking for) I'd go with the noverel. It's a little more relied upon in my profession anyways. Keep in mind that most docs won't give u more than 2ccs a week of test. Good luck!!
    This is a crazys statment.

    My dsrt hans me on 2cc's a week. Thats 400 mg ctp a week. And Im doing great on gains and strength.

    Im 28. At 20 if you dont want to have to takje a shot every week for the rest of youjr life than you should try to use the HCG a give your self a kickstart. It will probably work.

    I could have tried this but I just didt mind being on TRT for the rest of my life.

    Its going to be a shot A week for about 50 years .

    In the end it looks like the dr has put the ball in your court..

    Good luck

  5. #5
    kingerc8's Avatar
    kingerc8 is offline New Member
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    I'm not about to start any arguements, but the doctors aren't trying to get u huge. It's called replacement therapy for a reason. It's only used to replace what ur body isn't giving u. I've personally made better gains with the noverel.When on a cycle, I was using 2cc every 3 days. I guess it's different for everyone.

  6. #6
    Testomaster's Avatar
    Testomaster is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by svalleyg135 View Post
    so im 20 years old and i have severely low testosterone (169) due to 2 years of irresponsible steroid and prohormone use, as well as low testosterone to begin with. i am now seeing an endocronologist and am going to start treatment on in 2 days. he said i can either go on injectable test or i can go on Noverel (HCG) and kick start that with a shot of test every 2 weeks for 6 weeks. what do you guys think i should do?
    Don't be insane...Go for Noverel , you don't need a replacemet therapy at 20.
    At your age it's very easy to get your OWN testosterone back....I would do like this.

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