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Thread: EstoFest

  1. #1
    OneAB's Avatar
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    Hey Fellas,

    I decided to find a new Endo because my previous one was a jerkoff.
    I was experiencing typical low test symptoms so my new Endo ran some tests and my levels came back at a 231 and said my estradiol was in the upper range. She referred me to a Uro and he put me on Androgel 5g a day. I have been researching on here about other members experiences on the gel and have found that not many have had luck with it. I have been on it for 4 weeks now and still feel the same. I'm starting to get discouraged with this product as I feel it's not helping. He's does not approve of his patients self-administering shots and he only does monthly shots. I get my levels tested again in 2 weeks so we'll see what happens. Among the other symptoms the worst part of this is the emotional rollercoaster I have been going through. I start crying for no reason. My wife said it's like having a sister. She has given me a few nicknames such as Esty, Midol, Maxy. I have to laugh along because I know she is just trying to bring my spirits up until I get regulated. So lets hear it guys, I'm sure a few members on here are experiencing or have experienced what I'm going through right now. Let the tears fall fellas.

  2. #2
    tboney's Avatar
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    Hey! Sorry to hear you are having to go thru all that. How old are you?

  3. #3
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    I'm 32. I have been trying to find a Doc to help me for the past year.

  4. #4
    tboney's Avatar
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    Have you cycled before? Have you ever been diagnosed with low test before. I feel ya about finding the right doc. I had to go to a anti aging/longevity center to find one that would prescibe the injectable version.

  5. #5
    OneAB's Avatar
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    When I was young and dumb at 19 I did a 10 week test cycle. I also had a testicular infection when I was an infant. I have had my levels tested 4 times in the last year and every time it drops lower. The first one I had came in at a 345 I believe.

  6. #6
    tboney's Avatar
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    I see. Well it sounds like you are going to be be a trt lifer.. Dont fret though, there are many of us who are. Now you just need to find a good doc. Look into some of the trt clinics in your area. In your case a doc is going to be critical because the periodic blood tests need to be run.

  7. #7
    OneAB's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the insight tboney. If a pin a week will make me feel better and stop this crying sh1t I'm all for it. Through my research on this site I have read that many members are trt lifers. What better place to come to then here where others understand how your feeling because most of the Doctors I have delt with don't. How long have you been on trt?

  8. #8
    tboney's Avatar
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    For about 2 yrs now. Most of your endos still want to use the gels. The anti aging docs, trt docs are much more up to date on this issue.

  9. #9
    OneAB's Avatar
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    I hope it's helping you. My Uro wasn't opposed to the shots if my levels come back low again but he only administers monthly shots. I would like to keep my levels stable with weekly smaller doses. I'll just have to wait and see what he recommends after my next test. Thanks again.

  10. #10
    tboney's Avatar
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    No prob bro! Hope you have some sucess!

  11. #11
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Im 28 and had almost the same levels as you. When I saw my Uro he told me that he would not put me on a cream because it was trash and it would not keep my bloodlevels stable.

    He said I would be on a rollercoaster.

    Now I was very honest with him letting him know of all cycles I had run and showed him all blood work I had always had.

    I said look man Im not here to get drugs from you but I cant keep living like this. I told him Id do whatever he said for me to do .

    And I walked out with my test.

    You have to be completly honest with the dr . And you have to pray you get one that truly understands TRT

  12. #12
    OneAB's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply Chap. The rollercoaster effect is what I want to avoid as I have read that many men can experience this. I have been honest with my Doctor as I have nothing to hide from him. I brought him all my previous bloodwork and he can see that my levels have been dropping over the past year but have had low t symptoms for several years. He wanted me to try the gel first before moving onto shots if my levels stay the same but I would like to convince him on weekly shots and not monthly. I nevered imagined it would be this hard to find a Doc that really understands TRT. I found this site a couple of years ago when I was doing my own research on my symptoms. I didn't even know andropause exsisted. Every Doc I saw told me it was depression or stress. I appreciate all the replies fellas. It's nice to have a place where someone understands what your going through.

  13. #13
    flatscat's Avatar
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    Most doc's retest in 4 weeks when on gel. And most times they double the dose because you are lower than you were before you started.

    Aslo if he knew you upper range in E2 and was adding t, then he should have had an idea that your E2 would increase as well and given you a rx for an A.I.

    If your BF is higher than it should be this will probably magnify the E2 problem.

    When is your next blood work and did he say anything about controlling your E2?

  14. #14
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    Hey flatscat. I did speak with him regarding my Estradiol level but he told me since I am still in range not to worry and we will check the levels on my next blood work which is next Friday. He didn't seem to be concerned about it.

  15. #15
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    The one thing I've learned in the short time that I've been on TRT is that much of it is a feeling out process. From the diagnoses to the treatment. I had slipping T scores for several years before my doc started replacement therapy, we started at only 200mg a month and after a feeling out process he has increased that to a more reasonable 300mg every 10days, if you follow his directions and try some of the options he is putting out there and they don't work he may have another treatment pattern that will.

  16. #16
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    get a new doc my brother

    welcome to posts new and'll learn a lot....most importantly YOUR GONNA GET BETTER SOON!


  17. #17
    OneAB's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the replies fellas. I will see what he recommends when I go back to him. I had such a hard time finding a doc that would help me so I don't want to jump the gun. If it doesn't work out with him hopefully it won't be as difficult finding a doc to work with me being that I'm already on trt. It will be nice to find a regimen that works for my body and to start feeling better.

  18. #18
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    Hey fellas, I have an update. I went back to my Doc last Friday to have my bloodwork done and proceeded to explain to him how I haven't felt any different since I started using the Gel. I also expressed my concern that this type of administration was not for me that I would prefer injections. We talked about it and he agreed to the injections. He gave me a script, told me to pick it up and come back in a few hours.I picked up my script which is 200mg/ml of cyp and returned to his office. I asked him if he would consider allowing me to self administer the shots weekly. He was completely against it at first because I would be the first patient he would allow to do this. As we talked more he advised that when he feels comfortable that my levels are stable he would let me self administer. To make a long story short he never pulled blood because he said the numbers would be useless if he moved me to injections. He loaded up 1ml and gives me the shot, hands me back my script and said come back in 30 days for bloodwork. I guess I have to wait another four weeks to see where my levels are at and if I feel any better. Won't my levels be in the dumps in 30 days from a 200mg shot?

  19. #19
    flatscat's Avatar
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    Run as fast as you can away from that Doc Bro - I think we have all been trying to tell you that. Now you should have no doubts as to why.

  20. #20
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneAB View Post
    Hey fellas, I have an update. I went back to my Doc last Friday to have my bloodwork done and proceeded to explain to him how I haven't felt any different since I started using the Gel. I also expressed my concern that this type of administration was not for me that I would prefer injections. We talked about it and he agreed to the injections. He gave me a script, told me to pick it up and come back in a few hours.I picked up my script which is 200mg/ml of cyp and returned to his office. I asked him if he would consider allowing me to self administer the shots weekly. He was completely against it at first because I would be the first patient he would allow to do this. As we talked more he advised that when he feels comfortable that my levels are stable he would let me self administer. To make a long story short he never pulled blood because he said the numbers would be useless if he moved me to injections. He loaded up 1ml and gives me the shot, hands me back my script and said come back in 30 days for bloodwork. I guess I have to wait another four weeks to see where my levels are at and if I feel any better. Won't my levels be in the dumps in 30 days from a 200mg shot?
    seems off even to me, but if you can ride the month, your levels will be nil. then doc can work up a better plan. Maybe use the month to look around for another doc though.

    Thats what my doc did to start. I called him and let him know I was crashing hard on day 12, Switched to 100mg every 14 days. Then we did the bloodwork and it was 173(low norm 260ish). We just switched to 300mg every 10 days, It was a tough time working it out though.
    Last edited by BOB89; 08-11-2009 at 08:23 PM.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    if the script was for a 10ml vial, i would have "had a car accident" on the way back from getting that script ....

    and then proceeded to look for another doctor in the meantime doctoring myself @ the same dose he prescribed of course as it is enough for trt but 100mg ew would be how i would inject not every month?????....

    my fiance and i did a similar thing recently when filling her depot provera...she has the script in her name at a local pharmacy and used to pick it up and then go pay the fvcking nurse 60 dollars to inject her.....NOT ANYMORE....I'M HER NEW NURSE!!!!!!!

  22. #22
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    You need a doctor that does TRT himself. No doctor would be satisfied with their own quality of life, taking a monthly shot of 200mgs. What a horrible rollercoaster ride!

    This is why injections have a bad reputation in the medical community.

    Pony up and pay out of pocket for an anti aging doc.

  23. #23
    OneAB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    if the script was for a 10ml vial, i would have "had a car accident" on the way back from getting that script ....

    and then proceeded to look for another doctor in the meantime doctoring myself @ the same dose he prescribed of course as it is enough for trt but 100mg ew would be how i would inject not every month?????....

    my fiance and i did a similar thing recently when filling her depot provera...she has the script in her name at a local pharmacy and used to pick it up and then go pay the fvcking nurse 60 dollars to inject her.....NOT ANYMORE....I'M HER NEW NURSE!!!!!!!
    Not only was it a 10ml vial but he gave me 3 refills on it. The bottle says to inject 1ml every 4 weeks. How much time do you believe I would have to wait before the pharmacy would refill? If I follow the dosage protocol that would be 10 months.

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneAB View Post
    Not only was it a 10ml vial but he gave me 3 refills on it. The bottle says to inject 1ml every 4 weeks. How much time do you believe I would have to wait before the pharmacy would refill? If I follow the dosage protocol that would be 10 months.
    i also have a very small doseage on my actual prescript and the vial should last 4 months...but since i take 150mg ew i refill in about 9 weeks without problem...using the automated system by phone is usually a good way to avoid the nosey extra questions asked by bored pharmacists

  25. #25
    OneAB's Avatar
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    I appreciate all the feedback guys. I have been to several different Doctors over the past year and finally found this d1ckhead to help me but it appears that I may have to move on "or run" as I don't believe he is up to date on trt, plus I don't want to feel any worse because of up's and down's. The insurance company gave me a ton of sh1t as well because of moving from Doc to Doc. I may have to go the route that Fallen suggested. I would rather not because I have insurance, but I may not have a choice and just want to feel better. Thanks again fellas.

  26. #26
    OneAB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i also have a very small doseage on my actual prescript and the vial should last 4 months...but since i take 150mg ew i refill in about 9 weeks without problem...using the automated system by phone is usually a good way to avoid the nosey extra questions asked by bored pharmacists
    Thanks for the advice.

  27. #27
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneAB View Post
    Thanks for the advice.
    no probs

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