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  1. #1
    sunandsand78 is offline New Member
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    First cycle of HGH, help!

    I have just received my first kit of somatropin 100 iu's in 10 bottles . I was told do .30 in a 1cc syringe every other day. Does this sound right? I am also stacking this with 10mg of Anavar . I'm a 31 year old woman. 5'7, 135 lbs, 21.5% body fat, 1500 calories a day, training 4 days per week.

    Right, wrong or flat out bs? Feedback?

  2. #2
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    The IU's for growth are correct...but you could start with just 1 iu per day.

    What about the Anavar ?

    How much Anavar you doing per week?

    Females needs to be extra cautious using juice.
    Last edited by tcw; 08-03-2009 at 10:06 PM.

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    I would start with 1iu/ed it will be easier on your system. Even 0.5iu/ed for a week and go up to 1iu/ed. If you're going for fat loss 1iu/ed to 1.5iu/ed should be enough. You're already pretty lean. Women seem to be more sensitive to HGH.

  4. #4
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    I would think that for you, 1 iu or 1.5 iu per day, in the morning after you first wake up would be way more effective, than doing 3 iu every other day.

    I had been doing 2 iu/ twice daily for several months, then backed down to 2 iu every day to save some money and only failed to take my shot occasionally, if I were out of town or otherwise away from my hormone. I recently quit taking HGH, after taking it for about one year continuously, and will begin again in a few weeks.

    For me, my 2 iu/day was good, but I feel that 4 iu way better. I am a 50 year old male and my natural HGH is naturally down.

    I have heard and understand that ladies need less HGH than men, but I have no first hand knowledge regarding doses for women. Also, at your age your natural production should still be significant, so I would avoid evening or nightly injections.

    You are better off, imo taking your shot in the morning, as to not interfere with your natural production, which occurs the greatest at night when you are asleep. Two smaller shots, in my opinion, would work better for the production of IGF-1 than one, every other day....

  5. #5
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    If you are adding 1cc of BAC to mix your GH then .3 would = 3iu's. Starting at 3iu's is not a good idea. The sides will likely hit you fairly hard. Start with 1iu and gradually work up over a few weeks. If you are looking to add mass then 3iu's for a female is a decent dose. If you are looking to cut bf than 1-2iu's 5/2 is plenty.

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