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Thread: I'm Dying Here!

  1. #1
    uncle_bingo is offline New Member
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    I'm Dying Here!

    Hello all, its been awhile since I posted. I have been on HRT for about 4 months now. I am currently taking the following hormones on a daily basis:

    300mg of test (oral/sublingual tablets)
    2 IUs of HGH
    30 MG of Thyroid Armour
    75 MG of DHEA
    75 MG of Pregnenalone

    After 3 months we ran blood work and found that my HGH levels were high (390 was the number) and my body seems to be producing too much estrogen, so now my doctor has put me on 50 mg of progesterone.

    Well anyway, I have been following this HRT program for 4 months now and have seen very little results with fat loss and muscle gain. I work out religiously (weights and cardio) and I have a clean diet. What makes matters worse is that I am sore and achey all the time. I just feel "beat up". I am spending a good chunk on change on the HRT and I was hoping for better than this.

    Should I just be more patient with this? Help me out here guys, I feel like I'm dying.

  2. #2
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    What kind of clinic is this.

    HGH seems OK but Im not sure about the rest.

    Why is the test not injected.

    If your taking 300 mg of test a day your E-2 should be off the charts

    This is one of those all natural clinics isnt it.

    I think you need to go to a real HRT clinic that gives real gear

  3. #3
    uncle_bingo is offline New Member
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    Im actually going to a HRT doctor who is extremely reputable.Ironically, I was taking 200 mg of TEST and my levels were still low so now I am up to 300MG per day.

  4. #4
    thehulk01's Avatar
    thehulk01 is offline New Member
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    Wow, thats something else. Wondering 'how old are you?' if you dont mind saying. With the andriol and arimidix ive been doing good at keeping the pain away. Thats was one of my main reasons for joining these hormon therapy type clinics. As for gains, Im not going to get like the guys on the magazines, lol but im able to keep the work out pains at bay. But i have seen a good strength gain over the months. In october my bench was 345lbs max! as of this month im at 405lbs bench. Almost getting a 3 reps out of it. But its a shame your spending your hard earned cash and not getting what your seeking. Again, if you can list your stats/diet that would be great.

  5. #5
    uncle_bingo is offline New Member
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    Well, I'm 43 years old. My diet is clean, I weight 220 with 17% BF, my cardio is the treadmill 4X per week for 1 hr per workout. I lift using a 5 day split, 2 days on and 1 off.

  6. #6
    DSledder is offline New Member
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    Maybe you should try injections. Im on HRT for 6 weeks now and after I got used to the increase in heartbeat and few other things I feel like I could bend the gym in half when i work out. 200testc/200deca per week w/ HCG etc...

  7. #7
    tcw's Avatar
    tcw is offline Senior Member
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    You taking 300 mgs of test orally a day?

    Which pill are you taking?

    Sounds like you're doing the wrong medication.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i thought sublingual test was a myth

  9. #9
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
    gigabitbucket is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe its time for a second opinion. Only 43 ! dont wait

  10. #10
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncle_bingo View Post
    Well, I'm 43 years old. My diet is clean, I weight 220 with 17% BF, my cardio is the treadmill 4X per week for 1 hr per workout. I lift using a 5 day split, 2 days on and 1 off.
    Let me get this straight.. you're taking oral test? So are you on Andriol ... (IE) Testosterone undecanoate? If so, talk to your TRT doc about switching to an injectable route of treatment. 200 - 300mg of cyponiate is better IMO (even though what you're taking is an effective version of oral test)

  11. #11
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I'm 50 and I was on 5iu/ed HGH, Sustanon 250 500mg/wk, DBOL 40mg/ed. It is not HRT but I gained 12lbs in 2 weeks and I was getting as strong as a horse and chasing my wife around the kitchen. I was told by the experts on the board I was taking too much too fast. I've pulled way back and will start a new cycle of Test E only soon. I just give you this info because you're not seeing the affect in 4 months you should do something different.

  12. #12
    thehulk01's Avatar
    thehulk01 is offline New Member
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    Everyone here is given some good advise, i would go for a second opinion and get your money's worth. The best of luck to you.

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