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  1. #1
    Sub Zero is offline New Member
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    A few questions regarding HRT and cycles

    Would appreciate some feedback:

    Past - in the past 7 years I have completed 3 cycles, with the last cycle completed 3 years ago. Post that my wife and I began to start to have a child and subsequently went through that process. After 2 yrs of futility and vast amount of practice, my endo put me on HCG @ 1mg 3 x week. Great news is we are now pregnant.

    Sidenote - the HCG was put into place as part of HRT instead of regular gear to get pregnant.

    Now - now that we are pregnant, my endo is looking to put me on regular HRT gear. Not sure what that is as of yet, as that appt is coming up next month, however I would love some feedback as to what I can and cannot do.

    From what I see 1 cc of Test e 1 x week appears to be standard. Now here is where I do have a number of questions:

    Is it possible to do a full cycle while on HRT and then return to normal HRT.

    Pre Cycle: 3 months of
    Testosterone Enanthate /100 mg/week for 12 weeks

    Cycle: 12 weeks
    Testosterone Enanthate /400 - 500 mg/week for 12 weeks
    Testosterone Propionate 50 - 75mg/ED for 4 weeks
    Deca /200 - 400 mg/week for 10 weeks
    Nolvadex /10 - 20 mg/Day for 12 weeks
    Vitamin B-6/ 200 mg/Day for 12 weeks

    Post Cycle:
    Testosterone Enanthate/100 mg/week for 12 weeks

    I am assuming that PCT is not required since this is HRT anyway and there is no need for normal test to get back to normal. Is my assumption correct?

    Now is Nolvadex required for this cycle?

    Would HGH work in HRT?

    Finally, if by chance that my wife is looking to get pregnant after this one, would I need to do a full PCT with possibly HCG to get my test levels somewhat back to normal?

    Any and all feedback would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    looks like youre pretty educated

    yes hcg is wut is needed to better enable you and your wife to get pregnant

    hgh would work QUITE well with hrt

    no you dont need nolva after your cycle as you will be going back on your trt doses of test

    a couple of things:
    i'm sure you'll catch this on but you mentioned one cc of test the norm for trt (most test is usually dosed at 200mg per ml so 1 cc would be 200mg) this is generally considered a high dose for trt maybe even unecessary/overkill as 125-150 mg usually puts patients in high normal test ranges or even a bit over

    second, keeping an eye on your estrogen levels and/or having an AI on hand like arimidex is always a good idea.

    p.s. love your cycle

    good luck

  3. #3
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    "Hormone Replacement Therapy, Longevity, Wellness, Anti-Aging, Alternative Medicine"

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