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  1. #1
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    First Shot of Test, But Do I Need Something Else?


    Okay, I just got back from the Dr., and she put me on Test C after being on AndroGel for more than 6 months. However, I have a few concerns that are making me consider going to a specialist, e.g, Ant-Aging Clinic or Endocrinologist.

    First of all, I am 42, 5'-11", 186lb, and workout 4-to-5 times a week. My natural testosterone count came in at 195 this past week.

    Here's my concern: She agreed to go Test C, but only 200mg for a month. She said "Maybe" 200mg every two weeks, but I'm sure if my test levels get anywhere a tad over 400, she'll keep me where I'm at. Additionally, I asked about getting some Deca or something to put along with it. I haven't had any strength increases since April!!! She didn't know what Decadurabolin was. She basically tried selling me against anything of this nature, claiming that there are a lot of side effects to contend with, including "Roid Rage ." I know all too well that this is BS, and I explained that there are clinics all over the nation that administer not only Test & Deca combo, but HGH as well ... Hint, hint. (which she said they would only do for kids with growth problems). Should I journey down the road to a specialist, or should I go with what I got? I know which way I'm leaning, but I'm curious if anyone has been through something similar.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    suggest to your doc 100 per week. Once a month shots will be horrible roller coaster at best!

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    suggest to your doc 100 per week. Once a month shots will be horrible roller coaster at best!
    Thanks Jim. I just spoke with a place out of Florida that said the same thing, they say the Test will peak long before the next shot is due. I'm leaning to go with this place, as for they offer HCG in the package too.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Hcg will only be needed if you are planning to have children or if you want to reduce testicular atrophy. Yes the half life of test cyp is about 6 days. Most any endo doc now of days will start you at 100 mg per week. As for the deca i wouldn't run that or even consider it until you start the test and get used to it. My levels were 250 total test and started at 100 per week and feel like a new man!

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    if you have the means to go to an anti aging clinic then do so by all means

  6. #6
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    I live in North Texas
    man i would go to an anti-agent cilinc, first of all im only 23 and i called one of the best cilincs in dallas, answered sum questions over the phone and the chick straight up said your a canidate for HGH and test lol and she told me the prices over the phone, which wur AWESOME!!! couldnt believe it, but the kicker was... they would have to run all these test on me before they gave me the stuff which was over 2 grand!!! soo i was like ummmm>>>> NOPE!

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SayIWont21 View Post
    man i would go to an anti-agent cilinc, first of all im only 23 and i called one of the best cilincs in dallas, answered sum questions over the phone and the chick straight up said your a canidate for HGH and test lol and she told me the prices over the phone, which wur AWESOME!!! couldnt believe it, but the kicker was... they would have to run all these test on me before they gave me the stuff which was over 2 grand!!! soo i was like ummmm>>>> NOPE!
    I'm surprised they talked with you being you're at 23. From what I have seen, they seem pretty strict about being over 30. The one I'm talking with is 35+, at least that's been their presented position. As you noted, the prices aren't cheap going this route. I just wish my medical provider was more in tune, but they're not. Maybe someday, the feds, state, media, and all of these steroid haters will embrace what this stuff can really do for people and make it just a little more mainstream throughout the medical arena. That would make it more competitive, thus driving prices down. Like I mentioned at the top, my Dr. even made some off the wall statements like "Roid Rage " and concerns of kidney failure, thyroid failure, etc. That my friend is why the clinics have a corner on this market and charge what they do.

  8. #8
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    You have a real medical condition here. Low test production. Lets focus on fixing that problem first.

    Yes 200mg a month is awful. 100mg a week would be a great place to start. Make that suggestion to your doc.

    Work on getting your blood work stable first. Could take months. Worry about future cycles later

    just mho


  9. #9
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Thanks for the great advise. You're the blue dad I never had LOL. I'm just real frustrated with the current Dr. thing and how she handled me. I'm going to see the Endocrinologist through medical provider and see what he says. However, if he stands by the Dr. and says "200mg per month," guess what, it's bye, bye for them on this subject. Also, if I hear the work "Roid Rage " again, I'm going to go through the ceiling. Hmmm, I guess that would be roid rage without the roids.

  10. #10
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    if you have the means to go to an anti aging clinic then do so by all means
    I may have to change my screen name to subaruman87 by the time I make it out of one of these clinics.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    I may have to change my screen name to subaruman87 by the time I make it out of one of these clinics.
    you'll be ripped and jacked in your japanese classic though

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